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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Q u e t z a c o a t l u s For the eventual atom bomb engine assembled in the Asteroid Belt.
  2. 5300 m/s minimum. For launching off Kerbin and landing on Minmus. This value could be higher for a spaceplane.
  3. I think it would have to expend parts of the rocket. Here is a diagram of the orbits of the probe:
  4. I think Mars can be made to support plants, an ocean, and humans without spacesuits. However, I think it would require some effort to keep it that way for millions of years, i.e. a giant magnet at Mars-Sun L1, constant atmosphere replenishing, or a combination of the two.
  5. 36. A manual override for the pod bay doors, in case of rogue AI. 37. A list of paradoxes, in case of rogue AI.
  6. I wonder if having an internal dialogue is helped by having two more or less separated halves of a brain.
  7. The rover they've been driving around their sand pit seems like it could be made for assembling Ikea style on Mars.
  8. The money shot, the most significant thing to ever be posted on this forum, will be a photo, by someone who as a kid was influenced by KSP, of a Jeb Kerman plushie floating in a spaceship, looking out the window at Earth.
  9. Hey, don't look so bleak. For all of you causing apocalypses with your evil profile pictures, I'll be selling a huge supply of nearly indestructible metal plates! Build a bunker with half the plates on a single cube! This is the KSP forum, you know what these panels are capable of.
  10. Last night I was trying to see Vesta and comet 21P something-something the mag 8.5 one near Cassiopeia right now, but the sky was extremely hazy, it was uncomfortably hot and humid, but not for the mosquitoes, and I decided it wasn't worth my time. The smoke from huge wildfires in the west is obscuring anything dim. I think I could smell it at one point...smelled like a different kind of wood than local.
  11. Apparently we humans went through a lot of trouble fiddling over copyright law after a monkey took an award-winning photograph, so I bet "the authorities" would deal with it incredibly inefficiently and the aliens would start to get impatient.
  12. cubinator


    Houston to Apollo 13. We copy you.
  13. A huge amount of our level of technological advancement is due to our ability to retain information over multiple generations: we teach our kids. And, living in a tribe, we can teach other people's kids too. I think that a species with a solitary lifestyle would develop much more slowly even if it had similar brainpower to humans.
  14. Genetically compatible is a big maybe. Apparently there are other chemicals that can work similarly to RNA and DNA, which are made of things like silicon. So I wouldn't bet on it if we're talking about the whole universe. But similarities as far as structure, sure. A creature which is intelligent has a brain of some sort, which should probably be protected somehow. It would probably need structural parts, and appendages to manipulate objects. We have walking legs because we had evolutionary pressures to become nomadic.
  15. Return of the Jedi, but just the part on Tatooine?
  16. That's quite true. Probably only a Type 3 civ would be able to last more than a few billion years, and that is a very difficult level to achieve.
  17. I wonder what the likelihood is of a civilization in Andromeda. If we are alone in our galaxy, we still may encounter them during or after the galactic merger in 4-5 billion years. That would only be likely if the likelihood of advanced life is 1 per galaxy.
  18. Not when life first came about, but Earth has been a very ideal place for large, complex multicellular life to develop for 3 billion years after that, barring a few hiccups. We may have been very lucky compared to other planets regarding stability.
  19. Then we go find them, and tell them how we did.
  20. That's not in this universe then. Martian life today is probably similar to sub-Antarctic microbes, I think we are unlikely to mess it up until we decide to heat up the planet again.
  21. I played the KSP theme on a church organ.
  22. Was the ship shining a light at the asteroid to see it better, or is that lighting just an artifact of the camera optics?
  23. 22. Salt. That stuff in the ice is NOT OK to put on your potatoes... 23. A piano. On a ship with several hundred tons of payload mass, you can probably spare 300 kg for an upright.
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