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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Well, when I go to Mars I'll become a WCA Delegate and have a competition hosted there, so that they can rename themselves the "Interplanetary Cubing Association". Anyways, I'm happy to see a Martian moon mission bring seriously planned as opposed to just another rough concept.
  2. Where can I find an upright Saturn V?
  3. Peggy Whitson, Jack Fischer, and Fyodor Yurchikhin are returning home today!
  4. Just for lols, here's a half-finished drawing so you guys get to see what one of my half finished drawings looks like: I have at least at least five drawings like this.
  5. It's caused by Scatterer. The ocean level appears to be random when coming back to KSC from some other scene. Sometimes you can look out and see it's actually far below the actual sea level.
  6. Jupiter backlit: Do you recognize that blue dot?
  7. The power to play music in sync with Earth's 26000-year precession period.
  8. This would not only be healthy for the city, but it would also make it a lot prettier. I would love to see this happen on a wide scale.
  9. No, the second stage is pushed by a spring that goes into the engine bell.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised that with each passing year it gets worse and worse, with rising ocean temperatures as they are.
  11. What's that directly underneath the engines? Also, couldn't the interstage area fill up with water if it rained? It looks a little wet on the barge, so I would hope there's some kind of drainage in there.
  12. Oh, ok. I'll try to keep it safe then!
  13. I look at the actual pixel dimensions, given as numbers in the editor, and double them manually. Sometimes for Bandcamp covers I have to upscale them by 8x or even 16x.
  14. My moth cocoon has detached from the strap and fallen onto the ground, and when I picked it up it felt like whatever was inside was rattling about the interior as it it was dry. I suspect I won't be seeing a moth come out of it.
  15. That's a tough one! I'll find a way though! I figured out how to make decent-looking rings at an angle, now all I need to do is shade them. I mean, I suppose I already shaded the Sun's whole atmosphere over about an hour and a half the other day, while on a volcano, so I'll probably do fine. I decided to do it for you!
  16. And this picture will appear in an actual conspiracy video in 10...9...
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