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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. ...but if you are a nerd, you'll know that even a blunt sphere will puncture 4-dimensional truck tires!
  2. When you read your school supplies list, ignore it, and buy a few notebooks because you already know you never use half the stuff they write on there.
  3. Try moving away from massive objects such as neutron stars or black holes, then restart your star system. If the problem persists, contact universe support.
  4. HHO is actually dihydrogen monoxide. Don't be fooled, this stuff is way too dangerous to even consider using as fuel for anything but rockets. /joke Hydrogen/oxygen cars might actually make for an interesting concept, albeit a bit difficult considering the...ahem...behavior of liquid hydrogen at human-friendly temperatures. What I'm talking about doesn't violate thermodynamics like "put water in, get water and energy out", it means pumping hydrogen into your car at the gas station. Would hydrogen from a fuel tank be able to combust with oxygen in the air, or would there have to be an oxidizer tank on the car as well? Is it easier to harvest hydrogen than fossil fuels? (It's obviously going to take something more complex than a plastic jerry can to hold.) Which would be a safer, more economic, or more fuel-efficient option to fuel a car with (assuming an abundance of hydrogen fueling stations): liquid hydrogen, which must be cooled to extreme temperatures or it will boil off, or pressurized hydrogen gas, which doesn't require cooling but can give you a very bad time if ruptured? I'm going to look into this a little bit. Edit: apparently such vehicles do exist, using hydrogen gas as fuel and combusting it with oxygen from the air to produce energy for a motor.
  5. Make a giant ball-shaped base with a hole through it so you can skewer it right on top of the steep hexagonal pyramid at the north pole.
  6. I'd also recommend this guide for learning to use Kopernicus. It's really helpful!
  7. Will do! Thanks for the advice! I shall hopefully reward you and all the rest to come with a better, more awesome Death Star!
  8. I set minLevel to 2 and maxLevel to 3 and it was much smoother, but still not perfect. I'll try setting them both to 2 and see whether it fixes it and/or breaks everything else. I still don't know if there's anything special I need to do for the two heightmaps...From what you've said it seems I should place both maps in deathstar/textures (with different names) and specify both of them in the config by having two VertexHeightMaps in PQS.
  9. Stickied? Always glad to see I'm appreciated!
  10. Yes, it'd be wise to use Imperial when baking cupcakes for the Emperor...
  11. Inches? In these forums we use metric!
  12. Thanks, I'll try this. Ike is the template right now. Ok, and I could just have two heightmap links in the config file? One for the crater and one for the trenches? I'm making all my textures from scratch, so it'll be a while before it starts looking really detailed. Yeah, I know, but if I gave it realistic gravity it would take waaay too long to fall to the surface when I wanted to inspect something. And the gravity generators on the Death Star point not "normal" down, but "movie" down, which means objects on the southern hemisphere would fall off, and there's no way to make that happen in a realistic-style space sim. I'll just assume those don't have influence outside the hull. I'm also thinking of adding an invisible atmosphere just for effect, because in the movie ships fly like they're in the atmosphere even though they're in space. The engines are running full blast all the time even though if you did that in space you'd escape pretty quickly, and ships turn like the force acting on them is aerodynamic, not just the push of the engines.
  13. I think I can smooth it out with PQS mods. I didn't know that was possible! The small trench I tried to make was V-shaped instead of square, and although it was one pixel wide it might have been a little too big still so I think making the "body" heightmap higher resolution would be beneficial. Please elaborate, I've got much to learn still! Thanks! I've always wanted a proper set of Star Wars ships, including the gigantic starships like the Star Destroyers and maybe even Executor. If you put one of those at the height of the ISS, it'd be quite distinct and really give a sense of scale in both directions; You'd think "Whoa, that thing is huge" but you'd also think "Huh, it's in space but space isn't too far away that I can't see it". I'm honestly surprised no one's done it already, given the bunch of space nerds we are. But, I don't know how to do parts so I can't do all that. I do know enough about Kopernicus to clobber this thing together, though, in what may well be the most ironic small moon ever made in Kopernicus.
  14. Granted, it doesn't rain or snow at all for two years. I wish for twenty speedcubes so I can give them to kids.
  15. Welcome! The Challenges section is a good place to look for new things to do and to hone your skills. I joined because I wanted to be the first person to complete the Jool-5 ISRU challenge.
  16. When you have three different NASA shirts and zero band shirts.
  17. Soon you'll be zipping all around the Jool system and flying through Eve's treacherous skies!
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