2+2 = 3+1 = sqrt(16) = 641/3 = eπi+5
Well, it's not wrong...
How many permutations does a 7x7x7 Rubik's cube have?
Edit: Question @quasarrgames: What happens if one does get ninja'd? Would they lose a point?
1/10 everyone is an outlaw. Even you are an outlaw. All the police are outlaws. What are they to do? They can't enforce the law if they are dead, and if they are alive they are breaking this law. This levels the playing field, and nothing really happens because everyone is ok with being alive and decides not to care about that law.
I move all lions to the arctic, and all polar bears to Africa.
The vending machine shoots the bullets back at you, with an embedded gun. It then makes a snarky remark about "This machine does not accept $5 bullets" as you fall to the floor, covered in blood.
Man, that was morbid. Uh...
Inserts children's book.
Banned for giving up instead of using the opportunity provided by your previous lack of clarity to go and find an example of me being hypocritical so that you can post it here as proof.
So...I can not only go back four and a half billion years, but I can also visit Mars and it's ocean while I'm at it? Either I'm not interpreting this right, or that wish just got way more awesome.
Eww...FINE. But each increase of e grams in the weight of the people you make in total will PERMANENTLY quadruple the amount of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere instantly.
I wish I could communicate with me from the past.
89 (+) I'm back, but don't count on me. This game gets real stressful if you take it too seriously. If I want to take a break from it, nothing can stop me. Well, maybe there's a few things that can. I find it unlikely, though.