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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. moar boosters I got you @CliftonM
  2. Next year... ...and I'll do it with a rocket too.
  3. We don't. What made us able to achieve civilization is that we are not only really smart, but we have hands that can make things. Without our hands, we would not have been able to create fire, tools for farming, monumental structures, books, etc. I think it was a combination of our rising intelligence and our ability to put it to good use by making things like spears, shelters, and other sophisticated tools that allowed us to get to what we have today. As for our intelligence, it was just as good as big teeth because we could outsmart the animals that might eat us, or make weapons to protect ourselves.
  4. I'm not sure Kerbin has plate tectonics that create continents in the ways we do...come to think of it, there are no volcanoes anywhere in the Kerbol system. On topic: Kerbal Maps is the best source of...well, Kerbal Maps.
  5. Gets JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHN CEEEEEEEEEEEENAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inserts shard of glass.
  6. Awesome! It's amazing how far this game has come over the years!
  7. I've actually looked for that ship by doing close flybys of the Mun's north pole region, because that's the region where Kerbin would look closest to what we see in the main menu. However, I didn't find anything, and besides, you can't see Kerbin's south pole like that from anywhere on the Mun as far as I know, so I would say that ship does not exist in-game with that view of the sky. It's not a documented easter egg either, so I am pretty confident it doesn't exist in the game.
  8. Uh oh... We were told it wasn't the same black hat guy in the contract... Your shuttle, on a mission to deploy a record-breaking space telescope, goes to orbit and opens it's cargo bay, but instead of the most important payload of the decade the only thing that comes out is a massive cloud of confetti.
  9. I covered some 70 km in my Mun Elcano Run...
  10. CHAPTER III: THAT WAS EASY...BUT NOT FOR LONG Now that I'm out of the hole I was in, it was time to make my way towards the next hole I was to endure, and a much bigger one at that: The Farside Crater. Until then it was smooth driving, with one huge hill to climb and descend, and gentle slopes the rest of the way there. I was travelling at 20 m/s for the most part, sometimes getting up to 30 downhill. That means I was going 3 times the speed of the Mun's rotation, so the sun got low in the sky fast. I turned on the lights for more, well, light. After a calm period of straight driving, going between two craters, and driving a little more, I had reached the nemesis of the day. The slope into the Farside Crater was intimidating in height and steepness, but I had to press on. Furthermore, the sun had almost set here so visibility was poor. I slowly, carefully guided the rover into the massive depression. After a while, I had cleared the worst of the crater wall and could continue carefully. There were more, smaller craters ahead which I had to maneuver around. I ended my day at ~90 km from my original flag, and planted a new one for measuring my progress once the old one is out of range. Overall I went much faster than last time I drove, mostly because the rover wasn't giving me trouble. I'll probably try not to exceed 15 m/s next time, because I'll be driving in all-out night. The screenshots probably won't be as interesting for a while, so I'll mostly post map view ones showing my distance from the second flag.
  11. Before this happens, a lot of people will die off. A small percentage will survive, and will probably decide "Let's never do that again." My point is, it would be extremely rare that every single one of us dies due to human-caused events. There might be small, isolated populations that come out of the woods in a thousand years completely oblivious to the civilizations that once existed there.
  12. I think that's an engine in the back for horizontal propulsion. The lower six are all staged together.
  13. I doubt humans will go extinct in such a short time. What event could cause it to happen in these next centuries? Climate change will not render the planet completely barren, it would only cause many species to need to adapt to different climates, including humans which I believe we are capable of. A global nuclear war would put us back in the Stone Age before we can completely kill ourselves with it. An asteroid apocalypse is unlikely, and the sun won't run out of hydrogen for a looooong time. I think humans will be around for, at worst, something on the order of millions of years. At best, we'll spread across the whole galaxy and live on long after our tiny, humble origin is stardust.
  14. The problem when I become self-aware during dreams is I usually get a little too aware and wake up. I have done this a fair amount of times though. Recently, I've noticed that I've had the ability to force-wake myself when a dream is about to go bad. I've also never had any really good space dreams. I've had semi-weightless dreams, but they always quickly turn into something else. I'll have to wait for the real feeling...
  15. All good points. However, even though we recognize chimps, dolphins, etc. to be intelligent, they are not intelligent enough that we decided to integrate then into our "intelligent" customs like education, economics, and politics. (Dolphins might get here sometime on the next hundred million years, but we'll all be too busy flying on Titan to notice.) The point is, we can't speculate about what intelligent aliens would think of us because we have only ourselves to compare, and you can't compare one thing to itself and get an idea of what a totally different thing is like.
  16. Agreed. Human culture is incredibly diverse (at least to us). We have no idea what another intelligent species would think of us. I once saw a video where Neil DeGrasse Tyson mentioned that humans and chimps have 98% identical DNA. Imagine a species with an extra 2% difference to us in the same way we are different from chimpanzees. Would they consider us "intelligent?" We can barely even leave the atmosphere because we're so caught up in our made-up economics, politics, and selfishness. They would see us in the same way we see chimps in terms of intelligence. Yes, they're very smart compared to other creatures, but they're nothing compared to us.
  17. Gets a chunk of snow (hey, you asked for something cool, and dry ice is downright cold). Inserts a bottle of soda
  18. How could I read it in any other voice? Sagan says it the best.
  19. @TrainEngie posted 3 Illuminati symbols on this thread. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
  20. Gets ferret shaped like a lithium polymer battery. Inserts different vending machine.
  21. Nope. I wish I could spend a full hour in sub-0 °C operating a telescope without my hands getting cold.
  22. The commercial was good, but who has enough money to buy an expensive Audi moon rocket?
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