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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Yup. That is totally from KSP. See how flat Kerbin is? Wake up, sheeple! The Kluminati are trying to trick you into believing Kerbin is round so that they can profit and take over the world!
  2. It was more fun with rendezvous and docking with no navball back before 1.0.5. I've done it on Gilly and Minmus, but I don't think I've done it on Bop or Pol.
  3. Let the people be ignorant. Be patient, and work towards whatever goal you pursue, and you will eventually rise above those who have already chosen to stay behind. Space exploration is extremely important to modern life. Take away all our GPS devices, satellite TV, weather predictions, and countless other technologies and suddenly people would come crying to NASA and others begging that all these technologies that they have become so dependent on be brought back. Those who don't realize the importance of space travel on the way we live our lives today are just as ignorant as the flat-earthers or the moon landing denialists. Unfortunately, there will still be people like that towards space exploration until they see an economic opportunity in it. This will likely come with the creation of affordable asteroid mining. That technology will come from those of us who take time and effort today to make it possible. Until the day when the truth is so close to their faces that they have to shut up, we must ignore them and keep on going. Don't let the present keep you from the future.
  4. Banned for hitting my city with *not quite* enough force to cancel school.
  5. Was it by any chance a small loan of a million dollars? It's ok if it isn't though. Maybe it'll still be enough to build a superconducting EmDrive! I give to the next person a small meteorite.
  6. Ideal: <everyone in power> "Why the heck are we still sitting on this tiny spot of dust when we could be in spaaace? Let's put lots of money into it and land on everything! We can even make space tourism so we can make more money to invest in more space exploration!" Optimistic: SLS gets those asteroid samples and the Mars 2020 rover lands, we get some satellites around the Moon, people land on the Moon again. Probable: We won't have people on the moon until the '30s.
  7. I'll probably play 100% stock for a while, as 1.1's more-than-insignificant overhauling is sure to break a lot of existing mods. I don't mind it, in fact I'm looking forward to it. Once things get up to date again, I'll try RO/RSS/RVE on a separate install, which I probably won't play as much. My usual mods are:
  8. satn fy (Saturn V) Do we have to use all the characters given, @michaelsteele3? oaoidsur
  9. Anyone else here like to play Space Engine? Want to share interesting places you've found? This is the place! I haven't seen a thread like this, so I thought I'd post one. Here are a few nice places I found today: This stuff is so nice I set my desktop to shuffle my Space Engine screenshot directory. Anyway, what are your favorite planets you've found?
  10. Full not with water, but with pool balls. The building is a launch tower...
  11. I'm pretty punthetic at this, I don't have any good ideas.
  12. You're *refresh* doing *refresh* that *refresh* *refresh* too? *refresh* I *refresh* can't wait *refresh* for Devnote *refresh* Tuesday!
  13. Step 1: Look for other people. Step 2: After determining that I am, in fact, the only human on the planet, feel a huge wave of sorrow at being the end of all humanity, then wonder about what evolution will do with us all gone. Step 2.5: Wander. Step 3: Construct a monument of human culture and science that will hopefully last until some other intelligent species develops/arrives so that they can learn about us. Step 4: Wander some more, maybe adding to the monument or putting down pointers toward it's location. Throughout: Wander around, looking at cool stuff, reading books, making things, finding food (probably involving learning to make weapons and hunt) By the time the monument is finished, I will probably have done everything interesting. I'll try to make a superconducting EmDrive to see if it works, and if it does I'll make a spaceship and go to the Moon.
  14. It always impresses me when I look at pictures of Mars and they look just like pictures of Earth deserts. You would hardly know which planet it's of if not for the different colored sky (although sometimes it's pretty similar too). I wish it still had oceans, that would be so cool to visit.
  15. When you make this thread... Also when you're walking in the snow (or anywhere, for that matter ) and all you can think of is the footprints you'll make in the Martian regolith someday.
  16. Don't worry, I won't MACH 1 monolith pun!
  17. Saturn's rings are made not from ice, but from gold. Saturn is also made of gold. Uranus is swampy water and Neptune is clear water. Neptune is home to lots of talking dolphins. Jupiter is made of different kinds of juice that have different colors making the bands. Pluto is made of ice cream. The white spot on Ceres is a flashlight. All comets are actually giant sprinkles. Earth is a space turtle that curled up in it's shell to form a round shape 100 million years ago, causing Pangaea to break up. It's impossible to land on Venus because it's secretly just Jool with a different color. Mercury is where dragons come from. If you try to land on Uranus, the crocodiles try to convince you to come closer, but they just want to distract you from the dragon that tries to eat you. The K-PG impactor was actually a spaceship that came to save the dinosaurs from the actual extinction event, which was the turtle sneezing. The dinosaurs were taken to Titan, where they still live and are plotting to take over the world. Wow, that just went waaaay farther than I thought it would. I'd better stop now, before I give away classified military information.
  18. ...where dogs are put under heat lamps and made to stand on their hind legs. The building is a dam...
  19. With the telescope I'm using, it should be visible as a small disk, a little smaller than Saturn. I'll have to go out in November-December, when Uranus is rising the evening to avoid the city lights in the west. Hopefully I can find a day that's not so cold my fingers freeze after fifteen minutes of searching...
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