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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I press for eternal life The button appears to be mounted to a squirt gun which is pointed at your face.
  2. Did you know that when dihydrogen monoxide is exposed to water, it can never be separated?
  3. 1282: A diagram of the building. Several hundred floors below you are labeled "UNEXPLORED." Above this is a note: "Estimated Height: 4394582[SIZE=1]E[SIZE=2]98 floors"[/SIZE][/SIZE]
  4. SpaceplaneAddict has 17 letters, 2 of which are capitalized. This is obviously a sign, because 17-2=15. SpaceplaneAddict's join date is August 2015. It's all coming together now. You see, August is the 8th month of the year. August also has 6 letters. 8-6=2. 2015+2=2017. 2017 is the year when Exploration Mission 1 is expected to launch. EM1 will launch on the SLS rocket. SLS has 4 liquid engines and 2 SRBs. The SRBs will decouple, leaving just the 4 engines. After the main stage decouples, there will be 1 engine. 6-2-4=0, but there is still one engine. There were 3 decouplers involved. 3 decouplers + 1 engine = 4 spaceship parts. Spaceship parts has 14 letters. SpaceplaneAddict is an advocate for the Rocket Builders. 'Rocket Builders' also has 14 letters. This is not a coincidence. You see, the truth is cleverly hidden in the very word 'coincidence.' 'Coincidence' has 11 letters. 14-11=3. A triangle has 3 sides. Also, 'coincidence' has 3 'c's. C is the third letter in the alphabet. We have found 3 sets of 3. 3 is the number of the illuminati because their symbol is a triangle with 3 sides. SpaceplaneAddict is illuminati confirmed.
  5. I land an E-class asteroid on your machine gun, then plant a flag on the hill. My hill.
  6. Last two posts are exactly an hour apart. Obviously cheating because coincidences [I]never[/I] happen in real life.
  7. Nope. TUBM has been to at least 2 of the 6 continents on Earth.
  8. Floor 1278: The leg ends in a smooth, flat circle on the floor, which contains a giant, working compass. The compass needle is slowly rotating.
  9. 10/10 how did you get to a place that doesn't exist?
  10. [quote name='Penguinhero']No, no snow at all press the button for a newly colored button[/QUOTE] YES! Press the button and it will say "EIGHT."
  11. [quote name='Just Jim']Makes me wonder if someone in the Boeing Ad department plays KSP.... lol.[/QUOTE] Someone? I think everyone in the entire aerospace industry plays it.
  12. [quote name='xiej']Retrograde orbit around Kerbol? It'll take way too much Delta V, but It'll give you a huge reentry speed.[/QUOTE] No...Not retrograde orbit. [I]High elliptical[/I] retrograde orbit.
  13. This mod is perfect when paired with Thunderous Echo's The Mun (Pocket Edition).
  14. Yes, it seems this challenge has reached it's ceiling. Sorry for accidentally making a near-perfect design on the first try. I'm sure it's possible to get a little lower delta-V, but not much. Nobody made a turtle yet though...I might make that into a separate challenge.
  15. I think the only engine that would give a significant advantage is one with super high TWR, and an Isp that is super high in atmo, but goes way down to normal in vac, because I measure delta-V in vacuum so your atmospheric efficiency wouldn't matter.
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