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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I know the Earth has lots of salty water, but it also has water that is drinkable, and it has enough of it that it can support billions of us. Thus, we could disregard the presence of salty water if we also find fresh water.
  2. I would like to see rovers become more important, last time I used one was a looong time ago. Now I just use my mad skills to do a precise landing on places I want to visit. Driving rovers is also currently boring and time-consuming. I think it all comes down to how much science we can do on the surface. Right now, you just land, Observe Mystery GooTM, Materials Bay, Seismometer, Negative Gravioli Detector, etc. and you're done. Drive a hundred kilometers to the next biome if you want and do the same thing again. I think this could be fixed with different science areas closer together. This could be done with something like the "Interesting Rocks" thing mentioned above. I would love to experience getting out of my space capsule, planting a flag, and looking over the hill and seeing some strange formations or anything that makes me want to say "Ooh, let me go check that out!" Something worth walking a few kilometers other than a great view of Kerbin or a fun crater to slide down. Something worth driving 20km over rough terrain to gather rock samples from. I realize that all this might be too much to ask, and I can wait until I go to Mars myself if that's the case. But it'd sure be nice to get a little taste of what's to come.
  3. What kind of a name is "Numb rave?"
  4. For an exoplanet to be habitable to humans, it must have: -About 1atm of pressure -Almost exactly the same atmospheric components* (73%nitrogen or something that doesn't mess up our cells, 20ish% oxygen (O2 of course), a bit of the other stuff) -It must be habitable to all the other (essential) little critters that live on/in us -It must have water that is not full of salt and stuff -It must have a good magnetosphere -It must not have some kind of alien bacteria that is impossible for our carbon-based bodies to fight off -It must be just the right temperature so we don't freeze/boil -Other stuff I forgot but is still important So for an exoplanet to be habitable, there are a lot of factors that will get us killed when we take off our space helmets. I'm sure we will find planets with some of the right conditions, and even some with life of their own, but I doubt we will find one with all the right conditions for us. I'm sure we'll find a Laythe sooner or later, but we won't find a Kerbin for a long time. Also, shouldn't this be in Science and Spaceflight?
  5. One-twelfth more than the sum of all positive integers, aka 0. (-)
  6. Gets an explosion from the reaction with the liquid hydrogen. Inserts juice from space
  7. Nilokeras Scopulus, at around 31.72°N 304.15°E. This location would allow for pretty good study of many geologic levels of a river's life. Besides, that cliff would be awesome to see every day. Edit: What if we used planes instead of rovers to go back and forth across the steep, sandy hills?!?! Or we could invent the superconducting EM drive and have speeder races. Anyone want to help me invent the superconducting EM drive?
  8. On the second day of Kristmas my dear kerbal gave to me: Two SRBs and a copy of KSP!
  9. Granted. It weighs a ten a hundred thousand metric tons, and can lift up to 1 cubesat to orbit. Then it doesn't have enough fuel to deorbit. I wish Earth had rings.
  10. 2e1ca51cabd1cece000000a8029ea0e6 Must be from the Find The Secret thread.
  11. Granted. The earth abruptly stops spinning, sending everything not bolted down, including people, flying eastward at jetliner velocities except what is very close to the poles. I wish for moar booster
  12. Banned because juice boils off in space.
  13. 1309: A notice saying the pool on floor 1307 is closed due to contamination.
  14. the square root of the number from my last post. (-)
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