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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. If they are truly critical of you and their insults are not just in jest, you are right to let them go. However, always remember that what others think of you doesn't need to affect who you believe you are. Your abilities, virtues, and the fact you like watching Scott Manley are never invalidated by others' opinions.
  2. I have comet 67P emitting gas on my desktop. I could scavenge Rosetta and Philae for scrap, and there's water, but I'd have to assemble food from its base components without some kind of station already set up for me there. Zombies are the least of my worries. Or, I could pick a particularly nice planet around one of the stars in the background and be there instead. Far from any zombies. On my phone it's two astronauts at the entrance of a lunar cavern. Meaning there's a base or lander nearby. I'm golden!
  3. Here's a bunch of things I've doodled in the margins of my notes and haven't got around to posting yet: https://imgur.com/a/pHI2x3t You can pick your favorites if you'd like. The one with the squirrel is of note.
  4. When you're a small team made up of college students, you think of these things... Oh I know all about it. Crickets and grasshoppers have a nutty flavor, and of course the exoskeletons are quite crunchy. I'll be measuring precisely the mass of fodder required! People have done nutritional analyses to no end about how crickets and beetle grubs and cockroaches are a staple of Martian nutrition, but no one's done the actual culinary experiment. I'm willing to take that path, especially since no one else seems to be doing it. And I'll be very generous with snacks for all of my friends!
  5. And it's only $20000/L! Yeah we'll stick to kerosene. In other news, I applied to do some research on bringing bugs to Mars to eat. I'll know if my idea is accepted and I'm cleared to do the experiment in a couple months.
  6. Ok but seriously it can't be worse on the pipes than kerosene and I'm building a rocket engine...
  7. Now I unironically want to see the details on this...and whether it's possible to buy it in the gallons...
  8. STAAHP! DARGH! nO! UECH! WHOOA! Do you know who ate all the donuts? MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
  9. No, it's the other way around: Indiana Jones is the fever dream Han Solo has while he's frozen in carbonite.
  10. Technical drawing of an earwig I did for class: Doodle of an astronaut for some pen shading practice:
  11. Many moth and butterfly species have distinct patterns on their wings resembling images. One of the most striking of these is the moth who has a picture of a fly eating poop on its wing: This picture is quite distinct, and selective breeding of insects can allow us to change just about anything. It would probably be possible, over time, to selectively breed moths to change the picture into anything we want, with the help of image recognition software. When I first learned about this moth, the first idea I had was that it would be possible to create a moth who has a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi on its wings.
  12. Every time I see one of those rentable boom arms, it's a spaceship builder to me. On another note, I saw many, many satellites tonight which could only be Starlink by my judgement. They were spaced evenly, in a neat row, and can't have been part of the latest batch. By the time one had gone by I knew exactly when and where to expect the next one. I probably saw about twenty of them, and might have seen more if I'd been out a minute or two earlier. This is the first time I've seen any Starlinks, which is exciting, but considering these were satellites apparently already in position, I really hope they manage to make them a lot darker. They were as easy to spot as the belt stars of Orion. Maybe this is some sort of Iridium flare situation where the angle was just right, otherwise the satellites are just that visible for the moment.
  13. Earth would be instantaneously destroyed, the fallout from the explosion would do the same to the moon one second later.
  14. Try this? https://www.pbs.org/video/we-believe-in-dinosaurs-hnhjlz/ Of course, it'll say it's unavailable until the premiere time, but after that it should be there.
  15. I think it got pushed away by the thruster after a burst, so it seems to be on the grid fin side.
  16. That's it. It kind of bent and twisted a bit, definitely not ice...
  17. We are never gonna see that deployment moment, are we?
  18. Could it be because of that thing that popped off during coast? It looked more important than ice...
  19. yes But only when cut along the symmetric axis
  20. Yup. I try to keep that in mind, and when I get too stressed from it I know it's time to take a break, look outside, and make some tea or something.
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