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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Soon™ I finished this semester of school last Thursday and I'm on a mini holiday/family reunion with my daughter but will be returning home this evening and can focus on getting an update out sometime in the next few weeks. Dependencies are still updating unfortunately. I'm partial to updating the mod only when all dependencies are up to date and working as intended to avoid receiving a ton of bug reports about dependencies not working correctly. If it becomes obvious that those dependencies won't update in the next week or two, I will release what we have finished.
  2. I know, poor versioning on my end, but technically all versions work for 1.2.2. SVE v1.2.2 was the last version I made on KSP 1.2.2 though if you want to get nit picky
  3. Yeah I'll definitely need your output log. Here is a link explaining how to get it.
  4. Kopernicus already adds planets radiating heat via hazardous oceans. How will your mod accomplish it?
  5. not caused by GPP. May want to troubleshoot your other mods. Nope. It's a limitation of stock. KSP does not natively support multiple stars. This is just a byproduct of that.
  6. Or TT has no plans to stop modding within KSP's community and all of this "concern" is for nothing. We don't have damning statement from TT, so everything right now is just speculation and fear mongering.
  7. You keep making this arguement but the truth is, yes, people would by it. Even if it's a fraction of the people that pirated it in the first place, TT has nothing to lose, and a few dollars to gain. Some people might actually really like the stuff they pirated and wouldn't want to play with out it. You may not feel inclined to purchase anything, but I don't think you speak for all players either.
  8. How am I supposed to know? You probably installed wrong, but I can't help you because I have no way of knowing without you providing the proper troubleshooting files I need.
  9. To be honest, I would too. It's a business, you know? Does it suck? Yeah, sure. Do they have the right to do it? Yeah, unfortunately.
  10. Like I said before, what the mod did was allow people to access exclusive online things and use it in their single player game. OpenIV may not have done it itself, but it was the door for other mods to do it and apparently someone took advantage of it. If you read some of the forums for GTAV, there is constant mention of a couple of mods that did this. In TT's eyes, it was costing them money so they shut it down. It only takes one to screw it up for everyone else. You may not agree with capital punishment, but TT had every right to do it. I'm not defending them just trying to see it from their perspective. you can keep beating your drum, but I don't think there is as big of a conspiracy as many want.
  11. Well it's not up to squad if those mods could be released. Each mod is licensed by its developer and Squad would need permission first. Also, it would have to go through TakeTwo interactive now, and that makes it very unlikely. TT wants to make money. They would want to charge for things like that. Secondly, it's not like these mods would just plug and play. They would have to be ported over so PS4 can use them. That takes time and money to do. Seems rather unlikely to happen.
  12. Space engineers isn't published by TT. Apples and oranges my friend.
  13. When it has to do with players in single player stealing online exclusive add-ons, yes it's illegal. Context is key. with even more confirmation above by Uomocapra, how is there still skepticism? He under/with TT now. There shouldn't be such pessimism. What is it now a days with this "end is nigh" mentality?
  14. Well I'm not behind the official release, I just patched it to work with the new kopernicus. If you like how SSRSS works, then RSS and RSSVE will be the exact same. The only real issue is with distant objects enhancements and things like that. When mousing over earth in DOE it reads Kerbin. Other than that it runs fine
  15. Because things are a little weird right now lol. I have to update my patch for RSS as Kopernicus has changed since I made the patch. It still works, just differently
  16. Well, having maintained SVE for the last year, I would probably have to say that no, the average player probably couldn't figure that out Edit: I say that jokingly but as I think about it, there is some truth there. That is why CKAN exists for the most part.
  17. I disable eve integration for a reason. It doesn't just mess up gas giants. a fix is forthcoming from scatterer. Until I recommend you turn it back off, or just don't report things like this as a bug if you are going to change the settings. I also suggest you remove the configs because I don't want to deal with complaints from others that decide to use them because like I said, it breaks more than just gas giants
  18. Two posts above yours, he said he is going to work on it. It will happen when it happens and asking when it will happen won't speed it up
  19. Or, TT agreed to the terms Squad set out. Who knows? I sure don't and we won't know anything until it happens, but I'm going to go with what the devs have said thus far since there is nothing else available that says different.
  20. Again, if the Developers of KSP, which now work under TT, have said "modding isn't going anywhere", then I believe it. If that wasn't the case, I think TT would have told them prior to them making that statement, don't you think? We have absolutely zero reason to think otherwise. We only know what we have been told by devs that now work for TT. Anything else is speculation and fear mongering. What does the community stand to gain from that?
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