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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Ah! I must have read through that too quickly (I was at Disney World on that date after all). I have no idea how I did that. While I was testing it last night on 1.3 I noticed they looked odd. I'm surprised I didn't get more complaints about performance! Laythe also had 2 main clouds. I must have been tired during the last update.
  2. No linux is also an OpenGL system and does not like textures in PluginData folders. I assume you did something wrong when you attempted to move the textures around. I have studied and tested this extensively and I guarantee that just moving the textures out of the PluginData folder works for Mac and Linux. Also, @themaster401, to get rid of the white planets when using scatterer and kopernicus, add this cfg to your mod:
  3. Yep. That will happen when you don't install the GPP textures. its linked in the OP, Install instructions, and in the Readme if you need to find it
  4. @Fwiffo Do you intend to maintain this mod in the future? I only ask because I can do it if you do no want to.
  5. UPDATE Works fine in 1.3 changelog Removed redundant Kerbin cloud nodes (How did nobody catch this?) Added subtle UV noise to Kerbin, Laythe and Jool (Jool looks pretty neat) Separated SVE_settings into individual cfgs to prevent cfgs from getting erased if a user makes a change. DOWNLOAD
  6. What he is talking about is how long it's taking the console version to come out, and using the PC updates to measure that amount of time.
  7. Have you tried without mods to see if the creepiness persists?
  8. Don't get too worked up. All 1.3 is is 1.2.2 with more languages essentially. No reason to try an fan the flames of discontent over the console version.
  9. It's on the sigma dimensions thread. In the OP.
  10. Why do you force Dx11? Remove that from your command line and see if it still crashes. if that doesn't work, remove Malahs quick mods and see if it will run then. If that doesn't work, remove all of your mods, and add them back 5-10 at a time until it starts crashing again. That way you can narrow the issue down to a handful of mods.
  11. Actually, just disregard my post. I haven't actually tested it, but I read, from a reputable source, that it wasn't working. They just told me they were wrong, and well, yeah.. so was I. It may still need a recompile like you said. Roverdude just said it should be working though.
  12. A list of mods doesn't grant help. You need to post your output log. An output log is generated every time. Upload it to Dropbox and share the link here
  13. Well, The latest MM doesn't work with 1.3 so we are out of luck there unfortunately.
  14. It's really easy and there is plenty of documentation available on the thread to get you started.
  15. https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/233646-scart91-texture-pack-wip the link I posted is a bit dated, but it works. also try a different browser because the updated link posted by scart works fine for me.
  16. Just posted one page back and in the op, and in the readme
  17. Any text editor will open it (notepad, word) just right click and click "open with" and choose notepad.
  18. If you do decide to try it, Just know that the compatibility patch for GPP to work with KSS is not an official patch from the GPP team and is largely untested by the GPP team. I have no idea if it will break your career. From what I have been told, the code was taken directly from Galactic Neighborhood, and it includes bits of code that is only relevant to Galactic Neighborhood, and may cause issues with kopernicus.
  19. Far too many bodies in my opinion. That alone would scare me away, but with that tool above, you can easily do it yourself
  20. @kraden @AG5BPilot It was separated so that in the future when GPP is updated, you won't have to download a 600mb file, only a 300mb because you will already have the textures. It's also so I don't have to upload a 600mb file every time I have to update. And always read the readme file included in the download. https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/blob/master/README.md It's also mentioned in the change log in the OP: Separated all base textures into one directory (GPP_Textures\ ) and its own download to ease the downloads of further releases. Initial load time of KSP will take a little longer (Not too long), however, Mac and Linux users can now use .dds textures and save some ram. I concede, the instructions aren't as explicit as in the readme, but it was mentioned.
  21. That's not a compatibility issue with any mod. That is an issue with OpenGL systems (Mac and Linux), and how KSPRC is structured. OpenGL systems do not like textures being in a "PluginData" folder. To fix this, you have to move the textures out of the "PluginData" folder and in to a new location. I would just create a new folder an call it "textures" to keep it simple. Then you must change all of the directories in the cfgs to match the new location of the textures. Also KSPRC doesn't need Kopernicus expansions, it was just a cool mod that added more visual stuff. Doesn't hurt to not have it.
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