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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. There has never been an unable to load issue. There has been an unable to install correctly issue though Im pretty sure you tried to install the dev version and didn't have the textures installed. That would cause in infinite load. Follow the install instructions and it will work
  2. For continuing a career, a fresh install will be needed: this will not break any saves. The reason for this is because the structure of the mod has changed. Overwriting the mod with the update will break everything.
  3. Won't be any issues with things in orbit, but there may be some issues with bases on other bodies as I added PQSMods to all bodies. If you don't have anything on the surface, you will be good to go. To update, a fresh GPP install is required. Overwriting the current GPP in your gamedata will break things. Delete everything and reinstall. (That should be in the release notes)
  4. Well, that's not his mod, so he can't really help with this issue. All you have to do is install scatterer to your gamedata like normal for it to work with Ssrss. You don't have to do anything besides that. Also, if you are trying to use the experimental version of scatterer, it won't work. If you are going to say the clouds don't change color on the terminators, that's by design. I disabled the effect in SSRSS until scatterer gets the fixes it needs. If it just isn't showing up, you probably installed wrong.
  5. UPDATE IS LIVE Changelog: v1.2.3 Overall Better Version Kopernicus (W/Blackrack's ring fix) is included in the download to alleviate some confusion. Added PQSMods to all bodies resulting in better terrain. Altitude info has not been updated in KSPedia pages to reflect these changes. Complete revamp of all normal maps. Planets look even nicer from scaled space... Can 4K get any better? Applied fixes and optimizations to Scatterer. Luminosity (multi-star) issue has been fixed (Thanks to @TheRagingIrishman) Fixed the Agency compatibility with Clever Sats mod. Increased performance optimization for non-Scatterer users. Clouds now have a subtle UV noise applied, removing harsh edges from cloud textures textures. Fixed the Asteroids problem. They will spawn now. Added authorship detection to asteroids as with Scatterer. More directory updates to help make the GPP install cleaner and more modular. Separated all base textures into one directory (GPP_Textures\ ) and its own download to ease the downloads of further releases. Initial load time of KSP will take a little longer (Not too long), however, Mac and Linux users can now use .dds textures and save some ram. Sifted all celestial configs into GPP_Planets\ . Altered the GPP_Scatterer\ directory a little. Split the sunflare configs into separate files beside the sunflare images. Gave Thalia a chill pill. She now burns half as much in high orbit. Doubled Kerbals MaxTemp from 800 to 1600. Kerbals won't die as quickly on Icarus or Thalia. Updated resources to hopefully fix the vanishing Ore problem. Sigma Dimensions: added 10.6257x. Sunflares now scale with the rescale size. Now ensures Gael always has integer numbers of days, integer days in a year. For continuing a career, a fresh install will be needed: this will not break any saves. The reason for this is because the structure of the mod has changed. Overwriting the mod with the update will break everything. Download in the OP (FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS)
  6. I wish this "like" system was a revolving door. If you receive X amount of likes per day, You should be able to add that to your daily ration of likes and pay it forward
  7. Lack of a discussion, as a modder, is a good thing. It means people are content with what is available and there aren't any bugs. As for the website being down, it's not that big of a deal when there is a spacedock link in the OP.
  8. Just know, my UVnoise effect will be drastically more subtle than default EVE.
  9. Not off the top of my head. Give me until tomorrow and I will throw something together. I intend to update SVE this weekend anyway
  10. The UVNoise is what makes the clouds "change shape" and look almost procedural. If you are expecting clouds to actually form, dissipate and reform, it's not possible and has never been in KSP. The UVnoise effect is the closest you will get and is probably what you are talking about. The cloud texture never actually changes but the UVnoise creates the illusion of movement. The default EVE cfgs use this effect but SVE does not.
  11. Wait, so you have been talking about the UVnoise effect on clouds this whole time in the SVE thread? SVE does not use the UVnoise feature, the default EVE configs do. I think you were getting BoulderCo and SVE confused. For future reference, when you say that clouds are "static" that makes me think your clouds aren't rotating around the bodies. Had you worded your question differently in the SVE thread, I would have been able to tell you it does not use UVNoise and never has.
  12. Because scatterer and kopernicus call the same textures at the same time if you use it with scatterer, resulting in white, "snowball" planets. There is no other way. I brought it up to the scatterer dev a while ago but it's not something that can be fixed.
  13. True but the thing is, I don't the the dev bothers to look at the thread anymore due to the amount of mind numbing question and "WHY DIS BRKEN" comments. I don't blame them for steering clear. For all we know, KSP might be the issue here, as it doesn't support multiple stars to begin with, so maybe it's just not something that can be fixed at all.
  14. Well, maybe if there was enough demand for it, the kopernicus dev might be willing to look into it sooner rather than later. Currently, it doesn't seem there is enough interest in the problem to warrant a fix.
  15. This is a stock issue with KSP v1.2+ there are many many many threads that talk about the terrain seam issues. The problem is made worse in rescaled systems. Fortunately, Squad has fixed the issue in the prerelease and it will be fixed in 1.3 100%. But, since kopernicus is version locked to 1.2.2, you will have to just deal with it until 1.3 comes out.
  16. That was the plan, but due to the limitations of KSP/Kopernicus and multiple stars, the idea has been shelved.
  17. @Smerky To get the full effects from space, you will have to keep everything. You can disable Scatterers ocean shader in the main menu. (Requires restart after disabling) the ocean shader is pretty taxing.
  18. Just make a backup of your save file and try it. That will probably be faster than waiting on an answer.
  19. Absolutely not. Use a host service like Dropbox. Upload your log file there and share the link to it here. DO NOT copy and paste your log here. You can even use pastebin.com. copy and paste your log there and share the link here if Dropbox is too complicated for you. Posting logs and large bodies of text cause issues on these forums, creating phantom notifications that don't stop until a moderator can fix it.
  20. No ideas without your output log or a screenshot of your gamedata. There is, but it's not possible with if you use scatterer. You can use this cfg if you don't use scatterer and the planet textures will only load when they are needed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjqjnukzni04qh2/GPP_Settings.zip?dl=0 NOTE: This only works if you DO NOT have Scatterer installed. Just don't install EVE or Scatterer. You'll still have rings. What don't you like about the visual mods? They are kind of the best thing about GPP, and add so much more immersion to the game in my opinion. If it's a performance thing, I can't really help you there.
  21. I just tested everything and it works fine. Don't know what your issue could be.
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