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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. There is this: And the version I released developed on 1.2.2 with kopernicus 1.2.2-5. This should work with 1.3 with the latest kopernicus 1.3.0-2. I haven't tested it yet though. kopernicus 1.2.1-1 only works on KSP 1.2.1.
  2. They can both be named KSS. It will just copy the Terraformed duna into your existing KSS folder.
  3. No, that is typically caused by a directory to the atmo textures being incorrect.
  4. just have to scroll down on the OP: "Download Plugin (by clicking here I certify I have read, and will follow, the installation instructions above)"
  5. You have to use the new kopernicus parameter "displayName" to make the clouds clouds work on the main menu. Bodies not named Kerbin do not work. cbNameLater won't work just displayName
  6. Update for 1.3 is up download in the OP *Note: Scatterer is not quite compatible with 1.3 and is causing the floating terrain tile bug. If you come across it, DO NOT report it to the scatterer thread. The dev already knows about the issue and it will be fixed when it updates for 1.3.
  7. Seems to be working fine for me. Uninstall all of your mods and install manually, then see if you have the same issue. While doing this testing i noticed i messed up a lot with this update. ALL the clouds look pretty awful in the tracking station, but ok in map and flight mode. I will have time to fix it this weekend hopefully. My plate is pretty full right now, so we will see. Just bare with me.
  8. Just because it says its not for 1.3 doesn't mean it caused your crash. If you go to the TR thread you will see the issue has been brought up multiple times. Im telling you its not PlanetShine. Don't believe me, enjoy your crashes then. I don't know what else to tell you. PlanetShine works perfectly fine in 1.3. @Matchlight You need to double check all of your bundled mods and make sure they are up to date so people don't go to the other mod threads and complain of 1.3 incompatibility, when its really just an out of date mod pack. This is why its good to try and keep dependencies separate. I know you are trying to keep the install simple, but this can cause a headache for the other modders who's work you bundle, if you don't keep it up to date (see above). I used to be the same way, bundling mods for simplicity's sake, but I started getting complaints about mods being out of date and causing issues (see above). So, instead of bundling i started including "Recommended Mod" lists in my OP's. That ensures that the user always has the latest version of the mod, eases the maintenance of the mod and allows others to build their mod set how they see fit. If you don't have faith in the users of this mod to install it correctly, what makes you think they have the ability to easily uninstall a dependency they don't want? Developing for the lowest common denominator is a double edged sword. I highly recommend you remove as many dependencies as possible and include a recommendation list in the OP. Maybe then you can start to look at CKAN as a possibility.
  9. planetshine? I just tested it and no, it doesn't cause a crash at all, but TextureReplacer is causing crashes on EVA if you aren't using the latest recompiled version for 1.3.
  10. @Phineas Freak If you would test the cfg in the DL above, that would be awesome. Also, does cbNameLater work still? Its not working for me at all anymore. I know its depreciated but i was told it would still work too.
  11. @RocketBlam Here is the patch that will allow RSSVE to work with the changes made to RSS DOWNLOAD
  12. In the cfgs for this mod, everything named Earth has to be renamed to Kerbin due to the changes in RSS. So, in the Cloud cfgs, in the EVE shadow cfgs, in the scatterer atmosphere cfgs / scatterer ocean cfgs, and in the scatterer planet list.
  13. Post your output log AND a screenshot of you GameData folder OR, he just failed to download and install the RSS Textures, which is my guess.
  14. older PC's definitely can feel the effect from colliders, beefier ones usually don't. Either way I threw together this cfg to disable ALL colliders for anyone interested. Just drop it anywhere in your GameData https://www.dropbox.com/s/gcrnfs3jvmwdmfy/DisableColliders.cfg?dl=0
  15. Are the colliders turned on for those objects? If they are, THAT is what is causing the FPS drop. Just disabling them should provide a nice boost. I think I disabled the ocean bottom colliders in GPP and SVT. I'll have to double check. There really is no point in making them tangible
  16. When I first saw the tiles, I was already well aware of the issue from the countless reports that popped up on SVE, EVE, Kopernicus, and Scatterer's thread, but that didn't keep me from enjoying the experience! It was like my Kerbals were asleep and part of an experiment or simulation that was failing somewhere in reality.
  17. It's not the boycott that's cowardly. It's his drop and run tactics.
  18. Oh! Perhaps a physical copy in a nice metal case in the shape of a decoupler? That would be sweet and I would pay for it.
  19. It's won't change how KSS does it, but I will probably leave the names the same as GPP (no Kiro) to keep things simple and to allow for better compatibility. Changing the suns name can cause issues with GPP and contract mods like strategia and visual mods like scatterer. It's all tied together and really shouldn't be changed in for it to continue to work seamlessly Edit: this will have to wait until this weekend I got focused on updating another one of my mods and lost track of time
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