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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Ok.. well then, if that's the case I'll have to do some investigating because that rules out what I thought was wrong. Can you send me a screenshot of your gamedata folder?
  2. Do you, by chance, disable the scatterer eclipses? If so, enable them at the main menu, and get your ship above 160km. See if that gives you clouds at that altitude.
  3. Who knows lol the grass should be ok. The seams aren't nearly as bad on Gaels actual terrain
  4. The grass isn't safe either btw lol seams exist there too.
  5. The blue sphere things. As for the clouds disappearing, I will have to go check SVE and see if the setting are correct. I think I know what happened
  6. Not those this one: https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases For those that may notice, we removed the custom science defs this update due to the structure we were using being wrong. We have brought aboard @rasta013 to completely revamp the science defs. It is not going to happen over night, but will happen incrementally. So bear with us.
  7. UPDATE v1.2.1 Nearly Independent Edition Directory has changed Scatterer is now a Module Manager config EVE configs (GPP_Clouds) are now a module Manager config Refactored CommNet Antenna Power and DSN Power patches when using a scaled system to pull scale factor directly Sigma Dimensions 'Rescale' key Fixed strange effect on gas giants caused by scatterer Made clouds a little brighter and more opaque Ciro is more white Strategia config no longer deletes stock strategies Time warp limits adjusted for quicker time warps in lower orbits (not too quick though) Added Kopernicus ring shader support NOTE: For GPP_Clouds to work Install the GPP_Clouds folder located in "Optional Mods" then download and install EVE. NOTE II: For Scatterer to work, just install the latest Scatterer. NOTE III: For the Kopernicus ring shaders to work correctly, download THIS DLL and place it in GameData>Kopernicus>Plugins. DOWNLOAD |
  8. navigation was something i was worried about, but windows kept pretty close to what has worked in the past so it came pretty naturally. I won't switch back.
  9. I am currently uploading a new version. It uses the kopernicus ring shaders. We can now have multiple bodies with shadows on the rings at once. While this feature is not currently fixed in the most recent Kopernicus, @blackrack has released his DLL that fixes it on the kopernicus thread. Just download and replace Kopernicus' dll with blackracks version until Kopernicus makes an update including it.
  10. windows 10 doesn't have big icons... if you think windows 10 is anything like windows 8 you are completely wrong.
  11. dont use that setting. That is the lazy way to do it and its not always accurate Also, you dont have the MapDecal in your cfg? why not? its pretty necessary. it flattens out the terrain you want to put your KSC on. otherwise, well everything winds up in the ground You need to adjust the absoluteOffset in the MapDecal to be equal to the altitude of the terrain you want KSC to be on then you need to adjust repositionRadiusOffset = 3062 to be -9 of your absoluteOffset value. (-9 is just what i use, but it works)
  12. yep. read this https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/PQSCity-and-PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
  13. windows 10 has been outstanding for me. I just recently upgraded to 10 last month. its smooth as butter. Its all personal taste at this point. its like the Playstation Xbox debate. Both are good but both are different. Both OS' here are pretty good. I just think windows 7 looks a bit outdated for my taste. THAT was the only reason i upgraded, but im glad i did. 10 seems a lot smoother to me.
  14. as soon as you get it done let me know. Im ready for a push!
  15. well lets make people use the JX2 then. Im ok with that.
  16. I believe Gauss is near where Eeloo is in stock, so stock antenna should at least be able to reach there. I too would like to see JX2 used more BUT my concern is for those that dont use JX2. are we going to force users to use it or will we give them a stock option? or could they just stack a whole bunch?
  17. yep. All of those mods have been broken down to MM cfgs. Now you just need those mods and MM and you are good. In the update hopefully coming today, Scatterer, and EVE cfgs will also be MM cfgs.
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