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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. yeah its a good thing for sure.. i was just showing that it is possible to get good results.. I did figure out that thicker atmospheres look better and have adjusted accordingly.. this update is so good!
  2. just wait for it i wouldnt be mad if it became a series though @sDaZe
  3. Kinda weird that you say they don't let you download old versionsbecause of this if you are talking about all of the versions that you had to pay for, there is no way squad would just let you host them on space dock.. then any joe shmo could just go play them for free. Squad is still a business, and that just wouldn't be a smart business move for them. They make money by forcing people to buy the latest version. If they allowed people to download old versions for free, they would ultimately be hurting their bottom line because there would be quite a few people that wouldn't care about having the latest version and stick with 1.0.4 or something or whatever. so I wouldn't expect squad to allow this.
  4. I plan on completely building SVE from the ground up tonight to work with scatterer. Please give me a couple of days to work out the issues.
  5. Absolutely. I have been working pretty closely with blackrack on the new features of scatterer. There will be a new version soon but we are working on some pretty cool things right now besides scatterer so it will take a few weeks at the latest but hopefully sooner
  6. Ok good to know. I'll fix it this evening. Thanks!
  7. No that's not a factor.. those images are for ppl that want to use the static visor reflection with texture replacer as opposed to the real reflections. Just try messing around with distant object enhancement settings. You will probably need to adjust the dynamic sky dimming thing with different skyboxes since some will be darker than others.
  8. Ninja'd by @Poodmund Add them 10 by 10. Then when the issues start you know what group of 10 the issues were in and can add them 1 by 1 or 2 by 2 until you see the issue again. That's the easiest way.
  9. It's all good I have it all sorted out and it's working great. Thanks though!
  10. Well ff doesn't have contracts so that's not the issue. It's just an award system that has nothing to do with contracts. And GPP FF is a stand alone version just for GPP. The original FF will not work and is not needed
  11. When you updated, did you completely erase everything from you gamedata except for your squad folder? Sounds like you have lingering things from Module manager happening.
  12. Dang it lol I'll fix it. I don't have a way of testing for mac or Linux so I make my releases in a hope and prayer that it works. Thanks for bringing it up. If you want to check every body and let me know if there are any issue, I would greatly appreciate it!
  13. Ok I think I know what is happening and I will need to rest my theory so give me a little bit Those should work fine.. now, if seti has any contract tied to stock bodies it may throw some weird contracts your way.
  14. Well, you can't have the BoulderCo folder in your gamedata. Just use what comes bundled in GPP. Any visual mods outside of the bundled SVE will not work. This includes the default EVE configs.
  15. post your logs and a pic of your gamedata folder. If you are not seeing clouds in the main menu, thats normal. you have to go in game to see the clouds
  16. Its not from cloud shadows. The clouds in the sky would not be that dark because EVE doesn't render the shadow to the bottom of the clouds. I guarantee he is in a eclipse
  17. Looks like he was advertising for a mod he is reviving which also isn't cool. Developers shouldn't go to other developers threads and advertise. Pretty bush league.
  18. You can add a cloud detail texture that makes your main clouds look more detailed the XYZ controls the speed and direction in which the detail clouds are moving The default Eve configurations are very basic and don't utilize everything that it can. If you want a better example go look at how sve does it
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