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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Can't do 8k as I made all textures 4k and scaling them up will only present pixelated ugliness. 4k is good enough I'd say
  2. You could always just use my configs for Jool in SVE and tweak it to work for your planet. You just need to add volumetric clouds to it if you want it. Although, i figure it's impossible to get close enough to a gas giant to see the volumetric clouds so I don't see a reason for it. Even if you deactivate the distance, you will only see a small hexagon shape of clouds being rendered below your vessel.. Not nearly as immersive as you are expecting I'm sure.
  3. No it does not include the experimental scatterer because it does not work correctly with SVE. Also, I only include current full releases to try and avoid and bugs.
  4. Stop forcing opengl or dx11. Also, scatterer does not work in the tracking station. Go into flight mode to see the effects.
  5. Is there anyone playing this on a slower, potato-type computer? I would like to know what the performance is like. I'm a really bad judge of performance because i have a pretty hefty rig, but i would like some stats for future reference. If you want to just PM thats cool. Just let me know what mods you are using from the pack, if any, and what kind of specs you have. Try not to use any other mods besides the one included in this pack. If you can provide screen shots and FPS at different places around Gael and other bodies that would be awesome. Thanks in advance to anyone who actually does this.
  6. @Sigma88 (duh), would it be possible to make the fadeStart and fadeEnd to correlate with the resize factor in the future? for example, in a 10x system these values don't change and the scaled space texture (in 10x pixelated glory) shows very early on during ascent and very late during reentry. its more of a convenience thing , but what part of sigma dimensions isn't for convenience? currently you have to manually edit these values by whatever you rescaled your system by: ScaledVersion { type = Vacuum fadeStart = 25000 <--------- fadeEnd = 30000 <---------- } PQS { fadeStart = 30000 <--------- fadeEnd = 35000 <--------- deactivateAltitude = 40000 <---------
  7. No they are different. Stock ksp planets are roughly 10 times smaller than the real solar system and the moon is unrealistically close. What this mod does is scales down RSS, which uses the real solar system and its values, and multiplies those values by 0.01. So if the moon has a SMA of 384, 400km in real life, multiplied by 0.01, you get a new SMA of 3, 840km, which is allows you to use stock parts to reach it. You can use the same math for the radius of a planet. This mod is more complex than just, "let's put the moon where mun goes." Sorry if it made you think otherwise.
  8. Are you using the cfgs included in GPP? I know the mountains are going to be massive, but lowering the landscape in Sigma any further would make it look dumb
  9. UPDATE 2.0.1 Jool rings are now included New Jool texture New Sun texture with coronas Stock brightness so bodies aren't so dark Made transition between scaled space and the height map more natural looking New scatter object textures for Kerbin. (cactus, pine trees, grass, snowy pines) Fixed case sensitive directories for Mac and Linux DOWNLOAD
  10. no not this update but it looks like you didn't update from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, when we did change the indexes
  11. yeah if you want to do that, it would be great. Im sure @JadeOfMaar would greatly appreciate it. you will get your credit of course
  12. I don't know why it's hotter than Icarus. @JadeOfMaar is the mastermind behind hot Thalia and he may have or may not have done it intentionally. I dunno, I just work here
  13. With SVT, yes, but it's by mistake. I will fix it when I update SVT later today
  14. UPDATE 1.1.5 New cloud Texture for Jool with simulated 2degree tilt. New Jool ring texture Snow on Kerbin and geysers on Eeloo are now included by default Better snow particle Laythe's atmosphere is no longer green/blue and now looks more like Kerbin Removed Hurricane from Laythe for performance reasons. Fixed The Sun when Jool rings are installed (stock brightness) DOWNLOAD
  15. there were quite a few streamers that wanted it badly..RO users will likely use it.
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