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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. You can do that but you obviously need to change the name body name and rename the clouds if you want
  2. @Ger_space I hope you are enjoying your slowed development pace and you are getting to enjoy the game a little more. I am finally able to sit and play now that my mods are updated as well. But, my reason for posting is to request yet another feature if it's possible. Instead of being able to group ALL of the statics and move them as one, like I had suggested earlier, perhaps it would be easier to make KK recognize that KSC has been moved and automatically snap the statics to the location. I know it would cause some unwanted clipping of some statics because not all locations are the same, but the clipped statics can be adjusted. I know Sigma88 has a system like that with Sigma Dimensions, but maybe it would be easier for KK to implement it itself?
  3. No it doesn't, unfortunately. That would take A LOT of work to move all of those statics to the location of scatterer. Now, if kerbal konstructs could implement something to recognize where the space center was and automatically move the statics, it could be done easily. But I'm unsure if that is possible. I can bring it up with the dev
  4. Scatterer doesn't work in the tracking station. Please read the known issues section in the OP before posting "bugs"
  5. I don't deal with CKAN. I made a version that will work best with it but its not a priority for me. If you want support, go ask on the ckan thread.
  6. You don't have Jool rings installed... You should have a file named Jool_rings in your GameData
  7. You can do this already. Just separate the planets into their own cfgs. As for being able to directly load cfgs from the EVE GUI, why not just set it the way you want it once and just tinker with it if you ever want to make a change? I have been messing with EVE cfgs for a long time now and have never needed more than one cfg at a time. If I ever needed to load up an old cfg, I have no issue restarting the game. It's not that big of an inconvenience.
  8. Texture replacer replaces the heads of Kerbals and works with 1.2.2. Its the only mod that allows for it. You just need to download a pack that includes kerbal heads.. They are listed in the OP You need to use RangeMachine 's version that is posted in the OP as well
  9. Do your terminators have very hard transition? Can you take a screenshot of the full planet from the side? If it looks like this Thats not how it should look. The terminators should be more gradual.
  10. Ok I was wondering what conflict it could have been. I haven't tried cyan with all of its visual stuff yet so I haven't seen any conflicts. And GPP more or less uses the same textures as SVE. So it should be simple to port over but I'm not sure it needs to be. Technically it should work right out of the box
  11. It's typically only for rescales, but you can have fun with it and make your landscape more exaggerated or make your buildings really big or small. There are a lot of things you can do with stock scale too.
  12. Sci fi won't work with GPP unless the dev wants to make it work. It will take changing a lot in the cfgs. Mostly just names. It wouldnt take too long to do it or be very hard.. Maybe you can ask him?
  13. I have asked for players on slower computers to try the mod and report performance on the GPP thread. So far, I only have one person testing and reporting. without SVE and scatterer I know it's no more performance hungry than stock. It's the visual packs that slow things down. I would say, just try it. You might be surprised
  14. If he sends me his cfgs, I can get it working. I recently made an OPM cloud cfg for someone that worked right alongside of SVE. No conflicts. I wonder what he could have done differently?
  15. Can't wait I too, really liked the old Laythe, but a lot of people hated it so I changed it.
  16. You can just go into the cloud cfg and find the Laythe-cirrus clouds copy and paste the node, change the names to Duna, and boom, cirrus clouds on Duna You are probably in an eclipse, is my guess Post your logs You should retake that screenshot with the updated Jool with rings:)
  17. Be careful, better time warp is a little buggy with kopernicus atm. Unless a hotfix was implemented that I don't know about. It can cause the infinite load screen
  18. That was relevant when KSP only had x32 bit. Now that it has x64, that is no longer needed.
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