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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Delete all module manager and the cache and re install it. See if that helps
  2. In the settings cfg in the gamedata folder, change the scansat value from 1 to 0.1 and you will be good
  3. I tried that a long time ago and i got really tired of having to explain to everyone that they needed mods X,Y,Z for mine to work. A surprisingly large amount of people don't understand the concept of dependencies. a few of my mods use your concept, but my larger projects, like GPP, have to be bundled because there is just way too much going on for me to keep track of and i don't have the patience to troubleshoot for everyone when they cant figure out why its not working. I do intend to make SVE a stand alone mod sans EVE when i get around to updating it
  4. You could always use a cell phone of you have one. I can't think of a need for one in game though
  5. Ok, Have you tried to run the mod? If it works, there is nothing to worry about
  6. No. Github is the fastest and most reliable place to host a download and it's the easiest to make changes to. I have never had a slow dl from github so perhaps it's you isp or your browser.
  7. Just because AVC or Mini-AVC pops up saying it's incompatible, doesn't mean it is. In this case, it works just fine. The only update needed is with the version file. Or you can just delete the version file and the pop up goes away, but the mod works and is compatible.
  8. Why would you do that? This mod won't run on 1.1.3 or 1.0.5 so I don't understand this advice. Besides the ones that come with this mod, did you download the RSS-Textures here? https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases
  9. no i meant 1.0.2. Those that started a career on GPP version 1.0.1 and tried to load a game in GPP version 1.0.2 experienced contracts and missions for Gael popping up for Icarus because i changes the flightGlobalsIndex. also, if you were running another planet pack before GPP and didn't completely remove module manager and the cache when you switched to GPP, you will have problems like that
  10. I won't be offended if you move on to RSS. It's also a very cool mod. An update for GPP is right around the corner though so I would wait for that if you choose to play GPP
  11. Well, i mean, you still gotta wait until the update drops early in 2017. So, I fixed your comment for you
  12. I'm pretty sure this was already answered for you in the texture replacer thread. I'll repeat what that answer was. The artifacting in the visor, is caused by scatterer. Nothing you or anyone else can do about it except not use scatterer. For the visor opacity, go look at the different suit packs in the texture replacer OP. There are many visors that have the transparency you are looking for and the color you want. You just have to go look. My personal favorite is Green Skull suit pack or something like that. It's on spacedock. It has many different visor colors here is the link. http://spacedock.info/mod/803/Green Skull Inc. Custom Design Spacesuits
  13. the first issue is caused by a bad transition from high to low eve orbit in scatterer. The second issue, is just one of those things that happens when time warping. the clouds cant keep up with the speed of the time warp. not a bug, just a limitation between EVE and KSP. its less noticable on Duna and Kerbin because there isnt nearly as much cloud cover. With that said, there is nothing i can to at the moment.
  14. well in this case in GPP a guy was getting contracts to explore icarus before he did anything around Gael. It probably is a contract configurator thing.. There are a few things that have happened like this and it was because of the sun being renamed or kerbin being renamed so you are probably right
  15. There hasn't been an update yet. But there will be one soon
  16. When using flightGlobalsIndex in my cfgs, should I make my home world the earliest number in the order? For example, should kerbin be 1 followed by mun as 2 etc.. or does it matter? If I make it the fourth number in the order, does that effect contracts or anything else? I'm getting some "bug reports" regarding contracts popping up in early career for the wrong planets. Basically, its the equivalent of "go explore Eve" before even getting into Kerbin orbit. I know I should remove the flightGlobalsIndex number from the cfgs but I really don't want to destroy everyone's careers lol... But I will if I have to
  17. Did you start your career in 1.0.1 and continue it in 1.0.2? Or did you forget to delete your MM cache?
  18. Well that's a good thing. Contracts are the one thing I really, really don't want to deal with
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