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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. If the orbits don't interfere than they would work. If you have the knowledge, you can edit opm cfgs to ensure they don't interfere.
  2. SVT works fine. I will be updating it this weekend with better performance and visuals
  3. Probably not. There are 27 celestial bodies in this pack many of which stretch further than opm and extra solar so orbits will likely interfere.
  4. They will interfere for sure. Haha whatevs I haven't played much 1.2 so I'm not acquainted just yet
  5. The Kerbnet thing is something i need to figure out. It works but the communication stations are in position as if they are on kerbin, so some are in the water. eh not a huge deal but still needs to be fixed
  6. Kopernicus just updated and ill be working on a new update this weekend to make visuals and performance better. This version should work with the latest Kopernicus though
  7. yep it has been since 1.1 HA this is what i expected! Ill have to figure it out this weekend. Paging Aquaman......
  8. Oh yeah, what needs to be done regarding the new kerbnet system? Are the stations part of their own PQS mods? I hope that makes sense lol I can't remember what they are called for the life of me.
  9. Kopernicus just updated. While the actual planet pack should work, the SVE cfgs and scatterer will not. I will have an update out probably tomorrow evening as I have class until 11pm and again at 7am tomorrow so I won't get anything done today.
  10. All of those are definite possibilities. I would try a fresh install of SVE and remove scatterer to see if that's the issue. If the performance is still bad, try a fresh install of ksp if you can
  11. We are running almost the exact same setup except i have an i5 4690k overclocked to 4.1ghz and a regular gtx 980 with 32gb of ram. So i have no idea what could be causing your performance to suffer. i get 100+ fps pretty steady. Are you running the latest version?
  12. technically its always. See, I have the volumetric clouds only popping up when you see clouds over head but really they are always around you, even when there arent any clouds. they are just invisible.
  13. For those who struggle with FPS with this mod or any other visual pack, I would like to point you towards this awesome visual mod by @parameciumkid!! I will also provide a link in the OP.. Enjoy!
  14. WOOT! Would you mind if i linked this thread in the SVE op? This is awesome and definitely a needed pack for those who cant run SVE or KSPRC or any other visual pack for that matter. Thanks for this!
  15. Maybe you could remove them next update? .... Maybe when you fix city lights? Lol This is exactly the cloud layer that the older Eve had, I dont think I want to go back to that. However, that cloud texture is still included in the textures in the mod. You can play around with the cfgs and add that particular cloud texture to Eve and get the effect you want
  16. Im not sure what you mean? Eve is entirely covered with clouds. If you mean you want more volumetric clouds then i don't think i can do that just due to performance issues. I just recently optimized this mod for better performance and adding anything else to Eve, especially volumetric clouds, would likely do more harm than good @Waz Also, i remove the EVE eclipse shadows because they are so "hard" compared to scatterers "soft" eclipses. So im at a crossroads.
  17. So what you are saying is i only need to include my cfgs for EVE and not include the entire mod in my package? I can get behind that, but with scatterer, im afraid if i just include my cfgs and sun flare, people or CKAN will overwrite it with scatterers default items. Im only apprehensive because i dont want to deal with people showing up with pitch forks because their install doesn't look right
  18. I did something like this in my planet pack with a small captured asteroid. All i did was make the body unselectable and changed the orbit line to be transparent. This made it hard to spot and no longer selectable in the tracking station. Properties { selectable = false } Orbit { color = 0,0,0,0 }
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