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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. UPDATE V0.9 Flipped KSC Around 180 degrees Removed KerbNet stations on Tellumo Turned off Scatterer's Ocean Shaders to allow for better performance. If you want to turn them on, you can do so in the main menu scatterer options. DOWNLOAD EDIT: I copied the wrong planet configs over to this dl and now all of the planet descriptions are gone. Ill upload the fix tomorrow Screw it. Im uploading the fix already. I'll sleep when I'm dead FIXED sleep time
  2. I fixed this for linux and mac user in SVT by switching all my Color maps, Normal Maps and Height Maps to PNG. Something about OpenGL doesnt play nice with .dds textures. to tell the mod to use the new file extension, you will have to go into each planet cfg and change each file directory that ends in .dds to .png
  3. WOO and i just figured out how to get Tellumo to not have CommNetDishes
  4. @Nhawks17 go write your speech and quit liking pictures!
  5. I flipped KSC around 180 degrees and love the new view on the launchpad
  6. Yeah that's normal. The atmosphere manager doesn't work you have to toggle over to cloud manager
  7. I'm working now on getting an update ready while @sDaZe works on getting his computer replaced! If you guys can, help him out a little by donating to his computer fund! I should have an update ready in the next few days.
  8. Stop forcing directx11 and check to see if that fixes it
  9. Well you need to open the zip files and install what's inside the zip.
  10. Drop the planetshine folder into your Gamedata. Let me give you a hint... 99.9% of ALL mods are installed the same way
  11. There already is a 1.2 version this is the old thread. The new thread is posted in the comment immediately above yours
  12. There isn't a RT cfg yet. If want it so be more colorful you will have to lower the contrast in the Gael kopernicus cfg If you are talking about it being grey in scaled space, that would require changing the color in photoshop
  13. i went with a more realistic look. I cut the post processing down by more than half in scatterer
  14. well if you are comfortable enough doing that, you can always download the Ckan version and put it together however you would like
  15. HAHAHA her face is great! Think im going to take a week off and play Empyrion: Galactic Empire. I haven't payed it since it first because an early access game on steam... Looks stunning now.
  16. Ah. Well dang. Is there a way to remove them? Removing PQSCity or PQSCity2 [CommNetDish] in the Kerbin template doesn't seem to work
  17. I already asked this question on the kopernicus thread but I'm still mightily stumped. Is it not possible to change the longitude and latitude of the CommNetDish? I can do it with kittopiatech but there is no way to make the change persistent as far as I can tell. What I was told was that you can't move PQSCity around. This confuses me because I can move KSC around and isn't it a PQSCity mod? I just feel like there has got to be a way
  18. Just be careful I had to throw an extra point in there to get the transition to look a little smoother!
  19. Well going forward I will distribute SVE in 2 packs, one for ckan and one that is completely bundled for easy installation. My hope is for the long way to become obsolete because nobody should be downloading the ckan version to do a manual install. @politas let me know if doing it this was creates a headache or if I just need to make a new repo for the ckan format sve
  20. Thanks for the kind words and feedback! It's definitely possible to rotate KSC and I will look into it. I hadn't considered the possibility of destroying the buildings with dropped stages or launches gone wrong. For scatterers blue band, I did notice this and I meant to fix it. Whoops! Next update for sure. For the sun, I'm not sure because I'm not near my computer but maybe @OhioBob can help there
  21. This is possible if Sigma88's mod Galactic Neighborhood gets updated Im actually going to check to see if that mod works now. Its dependencies are updated so who knows.... Edit: I think it will work buts going to take a lot of cfg editing to get GPP working with it. I would have to sit down a figure it out. Maybe @Sigma88 could help me out?
  22. No it wont mess anything up unless that mod has is own visual enhancement pack.
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