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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It's a modular flight integrator bug. There is a new version of it out I'm pretty sure though I don't know what it fixes
  2. You are either playing on Linux or a Mac or you are forcing OpenGl or DX11. This is an issue with the textures being in dds format. OpenGl seem to have an issue with them. (directX11 will have this effect even with .png files.) @CaptRobau What i would suggest is making your textures for OPM ALL .png. or at least making a version for the Mac and Linux users that only has PNG textures.. It is what i had to do for my planet pack and for SVT. The only downside to this is the amount of ram that png files use. With x64 thought that isn't as big of a deal as it used to be. As for the white planets that occur when switching from vessel to vessel or scene to scene, that is a conflict between Scatterer and Kopernicus calling on the same color and normal maps. I dont know why Scatterer calls on them, but it does. To remedy this, add useOnDemand = false to any celestial body that has an atmosphere that may get a scatterer cfg in the future.
  3. Is the default name for a female Kerbal head still kerbalGirl_06_BaseColor? I cant seem to replace it with that anymore
  4. I just started playing Empyrion: Galactic Empire again after a year and the progress they have made is so impressive. The game is still early access and in an alpha state but I may have to take a break from ksp to explore the planets that the game offers.
  5. I havent tried any other contracts besides the stock ones. so i wouldnt know but i would assume most will work unless the contracts are bound to stock planets.
  6. Just to give you a heads up, Gaels radius in 600,000 Career works perfectly fine I usually play with no contracts though and science funding so I can create my own agenda.
  7. Don't edit your comment now... lol I seent what you said... i seent it
  8. That seems to be the case but what is even stranger is that ground textures can be dds.
  9. Let me know if you see any other texture issues. I updated from class and couldn't test. I just changed the file extensions. I hope I didn't miss any
  10. Windows version should be fixed I have to fix the Mac and Linux version now.
  11. I don't know what the issue is. It took me forever to figure it out because I don't use Macs or Linux. I made 2 versions for my planet pack. One for macs and Linux and one for Windows. The only major downside of having to set everything as Png is the amount of ram they use.
  12. Yeah I used the wrong cfgs.. Fixing now That was a test... I was testing you guys. You passed
  13. Check to see if the texture files extensions match the cfg... I think I know what I did ugghh
  14. Smile because I bet your speech is kick butt
  15. No that is caused by the rapid loading of Celestial bodies with hyperedit. I don't think you actually have to convert the heightmaps. I use photoshop to batch convert all my photos
  16. A lot of what I'm seeing if in this thread I have implemented in my planet pack if anyone is interested. There are too many features to list.
  17. hmm post a pic of your gamedata when you get the chance also post your output.log If you are talking about not seeing clouds in the main menu that's normal. Its a kopernicus bug that doesnt effect anything in game I just installed the latest version and I have clouds so my guess is probably just a little error in the install.
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