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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. HyperEdit would be easier to use. Just land where you want a ground station to be and use your current latitude and longitude You could also use KER or mechjeb
  2. I thought about doing that but I didn't think it would make a difference. I haven't even tried it yet though. I don't know if the moonlet actually affects the rings that why I haven't tried anything. I just figured it didnt.
  3. there isn't a height parameter. that is something you will have to play around with and figure out this is what my KSC node looks like in the Gael cfg I dont know how adding remote tech ground stations work as i have never used the mod so im not going to be much of a help
  4. i do have the coordinates for KSC on Gael but if you wanted the actual tracking station to be the location of a ground station, the coordinates would be different slightly. here are the coordinates for KSC latitude = 8.510 longitude = -168.250 To use Kittopia you would need to go into the PQS tab and find that you are looking for. KSC is labeled KSC for example. its pretty straight forward
  5. Everything works fine with the lastest Kopernicus As for figuring out the coordinates for the ground stations, you can use Kittopia tech or Hyperedit to figure that out. Kittopia will give you the exact coordinates or you can use Hyperedit to land where you want your ground stations to go and use those coordinates.
  6. Or maybe even this planet pack will make forget about procedural generation for a little while
  7. If you are talking about not having clouds in the main menu, that is normal. It's a known bug with kopernicus. The clouds are still there in game. You would have to go into the game to actually see them. Also, when you are done playing and exit to the main menu, the clouds will show up but will be rotated 90 degrees and only cover half the planet. This is also normal and it does not affect anything.
  8. Ok so i have been trying to use the new PQSCity2 loaders in my cfg and even though i have changed the longitude and latitude, when i load a game they are still in the stock locations. This is what im putting it in my cfg. I only have the first CommNetDish location changed in this example. Maybe im doing something wrong. I know it was untested so maybe it never worked. i dunno. Its a start though!
  9. Yes. this is a performance based visual pack for those who don't have very strong computers. There are no volumetric puffy clouds
  10. yeah ill look into it. not supposed to do that
  11. If you go into the cfg for Gael and lower the contrast to 1 or 2 it should brighten the area up a little
  12. Ok cool. But it won't save a config.. I'll mess around with it more later
  13. All intentional. As for making ksc prettier, I like how it looks. Stock is too colorful and cartoon-ish. And I don't know what you mean when you say blank cliff faces. I use custom textures for cliff faces and they are more detailed than stock.
  14. yeah but most people dont know how to convert images.. glad that worked for you. The thing is, png files is heavier on your ram. DDS files do not stay cached on your ram so they are more ideal.
  15. No that is the only way unless you want to convert all the terrain textures to png
  16. I think the latest Kopernicus update causes some issue with kittopia tech. When trying to save a body, I get this error This happens with any celestial body and any change that is trying to be saved. output.log
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