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Everything posted by SpaceBadger007

  1. Im away at the moment, but I will give ut a go, probably wont make it cause im terrible!
  2. oooohhh this challange looks awesome! I must get to it, but i also see you said in the OP you might add a hard mode with a turret.... please do! It means more explosions which is always a good thing!
  3. so yea, how do you turn collision off? using the mk41s from malfunc and they are super cool! Just they kinda blow up the ship, also i saw a mod called N.A.N.A sinking about and it has a fix for the mk41s, its just that it has not been updated its game version 1.0.5 (so im guessing that it wont work in 1.2.2!)
  4. I assume this works in 1.2.2? I cannot test it at the moment but will be able to later
  5. Basically what the title says, i have recently been using ships to try to beat a heavly defended island, and i have made a ship with a vertical using ir & sm marine but is a bit part heavy. Have looking through the forums for something like the mk41 on murica missile ships i couldnt seem to find any, so i was wondering if there is any that i might have missed?
  6. You sir, are an inspiration! I have like 100-ish mods that i somehow find each one to be necessary! Its an addiction i tell you!
  7. @pap1723 Just saying I have been LOVING this pack! Along side defence (bd armory) contracts and gap it has been awesome to play so thank you for this, ksp contracts make sense!
  8. @pap1723 Have been playing around with this tree some more and its awesome, but just one thing, i have a bdb contract pack, and it requires me to go out and destroy stuff, but the bdb weapon manager is so far up the tree and with the starting stuff i have bombs etc and i have to right click everything to drop them, could the weapon manager be put lower, and how could i do that? (eg type something somewhere then pow its there kinda thing)
  9. Yes sorry size 2, that must have been confusing sorry for that. That engine looks AWESOME!
  10. @blackheart612 i have used a mk2 sized raidial fuel tank thing shaped like a block and i love it for wings gears etc, but there is no mk3 size is it possible for that to happen, if not could some one show me how to add a tweak scale thing to it so i can switch between mk2-mk3 etc
  11. I have a feeling this is gonna replace my tilt-fan vtol from earlyer! Im already thinking of ir folding wings to put in hisenberg hangers! On the folding topic, will the rotor blades themselves fold up or will that be to difficult?
  12. Oh yes for stock fair enough, and with the props it is filled up early on (using airplane plus) but i forgot about the whole stock thing. Yea i thought it was a bit odd of the greenhouses!
  13. Hey I just started a new modded career with this tech tree and am so hyped! But just a couple things id thought id bring up. When you first get parachutes, you also get the usi lifesupport greenhouses and recyclers in the same node, should that not be much later? Also with modded installs with airplanes, I love it that you can unlock wings right away makes a lot of sence to me, but u get the juno first, thought you could make that a little later and fill up the earlyer ones with props?
  14. Hey i see you have elevon things on the front of the wings as well, does this improve anything like turning radius?
  15. So I built this fully reusable mk4 heavy lifting shuttle a while back, does it count for anything? Part 1:http://imgur.com/a/ROVmo Part 2:http://imgur.com/a/7lqHy Part 3 (doesn't have the shuttle but its the last part of the mission so just in case anybody wants to see the whole thing): http://imgur.com/a/Hjb3o
  16. Just to be sure to install this you put the IPContracts file into the contractpacks in the game data?
  17. Just wondering, I saw that tundra exploration was not supported, does that mean if i download this, will those parts be all over the pace or will they still be in a logical position? By the way, looks awesome @pap1723
  18. YES!!! I have spent so much time making a ir/procedural wings/quntum structs moving wing and i see you guys are making one! Awesome
  19. Hey @blackheart612 just an idea for you if you ever feel like doing it, if it is even possible in the game, would you be able to make swing wings? For example like the F-14 tomcat and the B-1 Lancer? When extended the wings would have high lift/high drag, and in swept position would have low lift/low drag kinda thing, this is just a suggestion after all and you can ignore this if you choose to.
  20. Not good enough....hmmmmm...., maybe ill ask about the development of the bdb skylab!? Surly thats got to be enough!
  21. Last chance, or ill make a beautiful rocket made with those great BDB parts, AND RUIN THE LOOK BY USING A BIG UGLY ORANGE FUEL TANK!!!!
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