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Everything posted by SpaceBadger007

  2. So I made this lunar station, using mostly sstu parts, and I thought I might as well show it off. This is just the start, more stuff will probably be added, but here is the core. And yes I did base it off a picture I saw that I thought was pretty cool. http://imgur.com/a/Yarlt
  3. Or if you are looking for something simpler, maybe your own mini cube-sat system that are modular with different tasks, with sizes varying from 1x1 to 2x3, and to launch them, maybe base them off the new and upcoming US/NZ Electron launch system, designed to be incredibly cheap. And seeing that the engines are electric pump feed cycle, you could make the startup sound like the starting of a car (for the laughs, make it more interesting) and require a little EC to start it, however the engines would be incredibly cheap (being 3d printed irl). https://rocketlabusa.com/about-us/propulsion/rutherford/ https://www.rocketlabusa.com/ https://rocketlabusa.com/rocket-lab-launch-complex-1-ready-for-launches/ https://rocketlabusa.com/about-us/propulsion/
  4. All sorts of landers maybe? From unmanned to manned, Apollo to Altair, all sorts of stuff to do with landing, just a thought...
  5. Sorry but I'm going to go a little off topic here but, why is there so much hate for the space shuttle, I'm really interested.
  6. Yea it is a bit, whats the point in throwing away rs-25s, but a big rocket is always going to be a cool rocket! Plus im hoping inside that the mission concepts actually become a thing with this rocket...
  7. OMGOMGOMGOMG ITS PAK!!!!!????? THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD!!!!! (Sorry for going off topic there)
  8. Just create a new docking adapter, like a pma or something using stock/modded parts.
  9. You, @tygoo7 are awesome! also good job for making the 1000th post!!!!!!!!!
  10. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! THIS LOOKS AWESOME IM SO HYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Now unless I have gone blind, but with the latest build in 1.2, I cant increase the diameter of the tanks. http://imgur.com/a/TrlpR
  12. Aaaahhh!!!! I just looked at my rover album on mobile and its all screwed up nooooo! I will fix it tomorrow, the order of most pics are wrong, so sorry about that people. EDIT: Its fixed now!
  13. Wait... with this mod can we make foldable athlete rovers or do we still need IR for that?
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