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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. The Wiplash and Rapier aren't exactly earthly technology.
  2. Thanks There's only 2 weeks left, so once I get that Ill have to work fast.
  3. Chapter 2: Uhh, two...??? Of course, Gene accepted the contract. I mean, why not, he thought. After all, they had a test aircraft design that could complete it. So Gene sent Jeb on a massive mission to the deserts to complete the good-for-nothing contract. The plane took off and climbed, turned around and let the autopilot take over for the next twenty minutes. Having seen some very beautiful views of Sonnah, Jeb continued to watch it rise over the horizon. Jeb entered the deserts, closing in to the waypoints at over 800m/s. And Jeb was finally able to complete the contract. As he finished, the Tracking Station activated the autopilot. No-one noticed it was set to 0, not 90. And as the plane sped towards the north, Jeb found the area that would be the main base of arche... I've said too much . Jeb went in for landing, and the object, which was many, became recognisable. "Oh, my..." He came out, and simply said, "Hmmm."
  4. Yeah, thought so. There are so many bugs in this release that the tool is unusable.
  5. Are you in flight, since that's what I just noticed? If not, hello to our world or bugs galore (for some stupid reason).
  6. Good point, although I accidentally selected as marked on CKAN on SpaceDock. Keep it on there for now I suppose.
  7. KASE is also a good mod for making the planets look much better (and it uses Kopernicus). Also, ActiveTextureManagement is no longer the correct mod to use, use DynamicTextureLoader after it has been updated for 1.1.2. ATM was replaced by DTL in 1.0.4. Some other mods to consider: SCANSat, B9 procedural parts, Vens Stock Revamp and the Procedural Parts & Fairings textures for VSR. The Near Future mod suit is also a good choice (not so good on poor computers sometimes, but it's really cool).
  8. Uhh, since when was this thread in the Forum Games?
  9. Chapter 1: Research A standard launch compared to most launches, or was it? The rocket sat on the launch pad, ready to fly to a 250km orbit. The rocket underwent takeoff procedures, and proceeded. The rocket roared, sending tons of exhaust towards the ground as it flew gracefully through the sky. After separation of the main boosters, the rocket continued, doing major course corrections on its way. The tank became lighter, allowing the TWR to increase. The ship boosted to orbit, separating the fairings after it left the atmosphere. The payload was finally revealed. The rocket circularized, allowing the engine to finally rest as the periapsis raised to 260km. The telescope immediately turned around to take pictures of multiple bodies, and the Kerbals calculated the bodies' positions. ... Yes, I finally got an update out. I might have skipped a lot of the main contracts using Alt-12, but hey, it allows me to make a brand new story . More to come!!!
  10. Banned for continuously banning me.
  11. More interested. Might make for a better star system playthrough than I planned.
  12. Banned for not actually banning someone. (ninja'd)
  13. Huh??? NOT banned for helping me.
  14. Uhh, Larinax Solar System is no longer being maintained by me, so what is it doing on CKAN???
  15. Just did All the stock bodies will be fine, just watch though, if your using KASE as well you may have problems.
  16. Good question, you'll have to ask @Sigma88 on that.
  17. Once the screenshots are up I might be able to tell you which files you need to remove. Either that, or I install it now and test the pack in a test world (which I can do )
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