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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. You should actually try Minmus first - much lower dv requirements than the Mun and it also has more science. You shouldn't be seeing any changes in craft performance, especially since the only change to do with crafts are wheel physics. Dv and atmospheres are the same.
  2. And unfortunately you would be in violation of the law and SQUAD's copyright.
  3. Kinda stupid question, but how do you add a barycenter to all moons around planets but not planets/stars around Kerbol in a single node?
  4. IIRC I haven't boarded the Hype Train yet... Give me a couple days and I'll appear on an SRB blasting its way towards the train's speed. Complementary with a few Farewell 1.0.5. photos.
  5. Yildon. That is apparently a star.
  6. True, true, you lost me, ". False. Windows 10 is much more confusing than 7.
  7. Wait... You launch small part ships in 1.0.5 and they lag? Same. And why don't I have KSP on Steam is a wonder.
  8. Your lucky. I don't have KSP on Steam Maybe a chapter on the new release (like a vision )
  9. Okay. Not a very in depth tutorial, but here goes. Im assuming you know how to browse files with Windows Explorer. First, go to your Internet browser if you don't know where your KSP folder is. At the top right, there should be either three lines or three dots that are in line. Click that and go to "Downloads". Scroll down and find something like KSP_WIN.zip or something like that. I'm sorry but you will most likely not have your save after this. If it is the installer run it and follow the instructions (in the page asking you to select location type in the text box Documents/KSP). If it is the .zip file open it (there should be an open thing on it or click its name) and find KSP.exe. Double click on it and press extract. In the text box type Documents/KSP. Press extract and it should open the new folder. If you have gotten this far then you have successfully found your KSP folder. To find it afterwards open Windows Explorer (the files icon on your task bar) and double click Documents. Alternatively, if the launcher is on the desktop (find out by moving your mouse to the far bottom right and clicking) click on the file ONCE, then right click, click on Properties and double click on the "Target" box. Press and hold Ctl on your keyboard and while holding Ctl press C. Open windows explorer, find the topmost text box and click on it. Again hold Ctl but this time press V. If there are quotes (") around the text remove them. Press enter. Now, go to your Downloads on your Internet Browser again and find BDArmory_-.-.-.-.zip. (The dashes representing the numbers). Open it. If there is a folder named BDArmory, right click on it and press copy. If there is a GameData folder, double click on it and copy the folder inside it. Go to your KSP folder and open it. Open GameData, right click on the empty space and press paste. If you did this right you have successfully installed the BD armoury mod. If you took the first option for finding your KSP folder go to it and open it. Right Click on KSP.exe and press Pin to Taskbar. You should see the icon appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen. Click on it and it will launch the game. Make a save and enjoy! BTW if this is too complicated I'll make an album for you.
  10. So I'm gonna test this over the next few days, how does the mod work now? Do you add like, SigmaPrimary to the cfg of the primary or does it do it automatically?
  11. When I went was probably just before you did that experimental version - I quit Kopernicus for a while. And a .dll? That is certainly different.
  12. Wait, did something change while I have been gone?
  13. If it comes to a white screen, SWITCH to another program for a few minutes (I.e. An Internet explorer). Trust me, it helps.
  14. Windows 10 = anything but Rasberry Pi and Apple. @Bugking By the way you sound are saying things you don't know much about computers. Am I right? (No offence BTW)
  15. Oh oops. NoVSync, everything is max (I'll double check) my FPS decreases with the TV. And did I mention average is 20fps?
  16. What??? No mod I know is installed in the gear bays folder.... Something happened there Pretty much what fullmetal said.
  17. All of which are not going to be implemented any time soon and I believe are on the frequently requested features list.
  18. Nothing special here: 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 at 2.50GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600 4Gs of RAM It plays MC pretty well (the info is from f3 screen), KSP is playable and it is good for other stuff.
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