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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Banned for editing your posts.
  2. Australia My brain is working today? Andromeda
  3. “How's This?” For the person above: 10/10 Great quote!
  4. KER, SpaceX Expanded+Core, Larinax (which is my own mod), Alternis, Kopernicus, Transfer Window Planeer, KAC, KJR, KIS, KAS, Vens Stock Revamp, Procedural Parts, Procedural Everything, B9 Procedural Wings, Dynamic Texture Loader, Stock Bug Fix modules +Plus, KittopiaTech.... The list goes on.
  5. I wasn't planning on updating it until 1.1, so that sounds good
  6. In my sig. It currently adds a WIP protostar and a WIP planet , so don't expect much stuff from it...
  7. I believe that it wouldn't matter anyway because the stars are light years away from each other. @Sigma88 If I wanted WIP support for LSS (my planet pack) should I temporarily use my own cfgs or should you include them in GN? Because editing doesn't seem to work, @alacrity forget what I said.
  8. @Kuzzter probably won't use it for the Inteprid, but the mini ships... @Parkaboy do whatever you want with it.
  9. I would do this challenge if my laptop didn't have a 256mb graphics unit I found that no matter if I'm in 1.1 or 0.7.3 I will get laggy over 100 parts
  10. It's a new 1.1 feature. Highlight the crew portraits and there will be an option for it.
  11. Are we supposed to be able to log in with our usernames? EDIT:. Resetting the password did the trick.
  12. Intertellar - where people explain the absurdity of storytelling.
  13. Do not believe the Magic Boulder exists.
  14. Haven't been able to play KSP for a week now
  15. My initials and then I don't know what the numbers are fore
  16. I'm talking about the launcher. My attempt was 500t on the pad, but still impressive by KJR standards.
  17. Hmmm... This wouldn't be such a great idea...
  18. Edit: ninja'd Maximum the... Moderator?? i really suck at this...
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