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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. *slams face on head* Are you seriously saying this guy who gained 620 posts in a month... Could be worst, I suppose. Lol. And other places too. Sometimes I believe the ninja can also be triple ninja'd. Oh, and @UnionPacific1983WP you started this thread.
  2. Damn, you need to stop posting so much. I bet you end up in the Moderator Spammer list sometimes You're late. 91(+)
  3. Banned for saying that iPads are bad.
  4. @AlphaAsh curse.com's only problem is the ads - and even then Kerbal.curseforge.com is probably equal to SpaceDock. SpaceDock now looks better IMO.
  5. http://spacedock.info/mod/438/Larinax%20Solar%20System Doing some housework.
  6. BTW real life objects only. And can we please stop going in circles? Earth.
  7. @max_creative talks too much. As quoted by @Red Iron Crown in the ban thread:
  8. Known for making art. that's where you were...
  9. Not banned for banning @max_creative. Banned for having more rep then posts.
  10. AFAIK the changes to stock are: Added gimbals to all engines except RT-5 Flea Redone all models, made gimbals realistic, better textures, no glitchy colision, some new features New engines and parts, all in line with stock I understand what you are saying though, while IMHO it is just a better-looking stock you might believe that the 'Nova' engine for example is too cheaty.
  11. It was directed at @legoclone09. 0/10 What.... Why?
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