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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. Sorry to be rude but are you sure you are pressing T?
  2. This is why I asked 'why can't I edit my posts on mobile' on the Ask Mods about Forum thread. RIC was the first mod I thought of and I was gonna add or other mods to it but it didn't work
  3. Huh? Go and post a thread in Technical Support, or wait for @Red Iron Crown.
  4. The runway. Isn't curved so wheeled stuff gos to the centre of it.
  5. It's a mediafire link. @TedwinKnockman66 upload the craft to kerbalx.com.
  6. It requires twitch.tv streaming. And even if you did that you need a good reputation.
  7. Considering the amount of followers on the Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread, I am not surprised.
  8. NOTICE!!! Larinax Solar System will not be updated until Kopernicus is updated for 1.1 and I have 1.1. That will be another week probably so you will need to wait until then.
  9. Ummm... Your screen resolution not right or something? Seems cool.
  10. Okay some weird issues on IPad here. I cannot edit some of my posts. I'll try to edit this one (if there is an 'a' I succeeded): a EDIT:it appears it only sometimes works.
  11. Maybe a reputation milestone thread? You can talk you are a the very top, I believe. Huh?
  12. @Thomas P. said himself that it will not be released before 1.1, even though he has updated it already.
  13. All the FAR planes are not meant to work in stock. As for the atmosphere, SQUAD will get to it. #6 is wrong. The blue marker is in fact the centre of lift, which means even in real life it won't be in line with prograde all the time.
  14. I believe you have heard of @sarbian's little MM joke? I did nothing on Aprils Fools. Why? Because I am smart.
  15. But I was the first to find it and post a thread, presumably why my thread is the one that stays. I actually didn't know about it, allready looked it up. @sarbian was kind enough to give me some insight for all you people with no searching about skills .
  16. *sigh* We need to put up this thread as a sticky in this sub forum and KSP Discussion. Saves you mods having to go around and merge these threads. EDIT: Temporarily so that we need not to worry about a permanent thing.
  17. Ok thanks. That particular question has been bugging me for ages.
  18. Why wasn't tilts to planets added? Was it too hard?
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