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Everything posted by RA3236

  1. And.... Imgur, we have a problem. quoted from the page, with a giraffe in a spacesuit.
  2. Hi, Ive noticed, especially with my laptop being a, well, laptop, that every time my game starts my FPS can change in between game launches by up to 30fps (BTW the max FPS I will ever get in KSP is 40 since I'm using a TV as a screen). I've also noticed that my FPS change when looking at the ground also changes much more than looking at, for example, the Mun from Kerbin. Is there a good explanation for this? My CPU and graphics are: 2x Intel Core T2 Duo CPU T9300 at 2.50GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600
  3. Sounds interesting. It'll give at least something to do without extra planet packs other than figure out why you keep switching SOI every two seconds in K-Stor.
  4. Good news everybody! LSS (don't go around using that) is now on v! Changelog: - Updated atmosphere on Laephus (thanks @KillAshley!!!!) EDIT: Wait.... 101 rep???
  5. I finally got the copy thing on the iPad to work, so here is a copy of the page that appears after clicking on the gif 403 Forbidden Code: AccessDenied Message: Access Denied RequestId: ABA2B9458C1ADF6F HostId: H1XAoY9/4JooT8UQtW+ZCPZa6sn6XHh3x6Jqk36gpm3zJi2AYDIQieTlg7Nn33UWSG1cOw0CdWc=
  6. A. ATM is outdated. You can use DTL instead. B. Isn't mono.dll a core KSP file? If it is than the problem could be sourced anywhere.
  7. It sounds as if you have an upside down command module. Look at it, flip it and then try.
  8. Revised my statement: NOT exactly similar... I heard it wrong. 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 at 2.50GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600 Got from Minecraft F3 screen.
  9. 5fps with the medium settings on my laptop... But wait for it.... I have a similar laptop to the stream!!!
  10. I have thought of this, and the only possible way to do it without breaking the game is to make GalacticNeighborhood a dependency. (AKA put it in orbit of the centre.) It allready takes ~4000 Dv to get to Laephus from Kerbin (and as a matter of fact it wouldn't make much difference, most stars that are moving away from the Sun are doing so at a km/s, and that won't change the dv because of Larinax's huge gravity well). And yes, the real life high velocity stars are speedy, but if you may notice a launch to those velocities will almost certainly destroy the planetary system. @Spaceception Since @eloquentJane's suggestion the only thing I've been able to do is rework Laephus. The description of Laephus may no longer be right, meaning there might not be a total of a planets, but certainly there will be a few lava worlds and possibly a binary gas giant system
  11. Okay, now I HAVE to ask: how did you remove Kerbin, Mun and Minmus from the save????
  12. Update 0.0.2 live!!!! Changes include: -Revamped Laephus completely, still a WIP but has rings and a new surface. -Added asteroids. -Updated scaled space. Get it at the Spacedock page!!!
  13. Just don't copy the whole design. And anyways the gif on the OP comes up with a 403 Forbidden.
  14. They definitely look awesome!!! I wonder why it would help you to do the next chapter... I guess we'll find out.
  15. PROGRESS UPDATE: The plan for version 0.0.2: (should be released by the end of the day) Redo Laephus entirely Add multiple asteroid belts to support the protostar The atmosphere will not be revamped, not until better key points are made Re-Re-Re-Re do the scaled space on Laephus. Please note this is only a slight change to what my new planet pack will look like, thank you @eloquentJane for your fantastic suggestion.
  16. I have changed quite a lot of these things (excluding the third thing in which I used Kittopia's scaled space update textures and redid the config), and the next update on my mod will eventually have better atmospheres. Good idea on asking KillAshley, I'll ask now and update the planet pack with the rest of the stuff, and start re-revamping Laephus to suit a suggestion from @eloquentJane which is a fantastic idea.
  17. Dude... (sorry if you're not) Excellent idea!!!
  18. I was wondering what happened to the half page here. But I certainly agree with these removals, it was getting cluttered. Anyway, since I haven't commented on the website, I think it is a little... Old-looking? Have you looked at Spacdock, to get design ideas?
  19. Oops, didn't publicise it. try now. It is still a heavy WIP so don't get utterly dissapointed, just give me some tips
  20. Larinax Solar System About: Larinax Solar System is the first (AFAIK) planet pack to include a developing protostar system. It is currently WIP and contains Larinax, the main star, and Laephus, a terrestrial planet. The pack plans: Terrestrial Planet 1: a Moho-like planet that is melted Terrestrial Planet 2: an atmosphere-less Venus-like planet that is hotter and redder Laephus: A planet that will soon be in the habitable zone but is too hot now, and it's companion moon that will be similar with oceans The rest: TBD Images: (I play the game on low texture resolution, so don't mind the parts) Download: SpaceDock Github Repository (do not use this for the mod) Installation: Download and install Kopernicus first, and then move the Larinax solar system folder from the zip file into the GameData folder. Source Code: I gonna go ahead and say there isn't much point of having source code if the mod is just cfgs, maybe later I'll add a better way of tracking changes and such. License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Credits: @eloquentJane for their suggestion that this pack is based on @The White Guardian for PQS help @KillAshley for the atmospheric calculator that The White Guardian suggested
  21. Update: Problem 90% solved, just got to redo colours again, and here is a cool pic for my upcoming planet pack.
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