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Everything posted by NotAgain

  1. Is there a 1.2.X compatible version of this? The most recent upload to the github link in the OP is from september...
  2. I thought that the Bravado was only built for flybys? Or does it have enough fuel for an orbital return?
  3. Ah, returning to spaceplanes eh? I assume that this one will behave a bit better during atmospheric flight than the Valor did.
  4. Oh. I guess it's lighter than it looks.
  5. @StupidAndy, I can confirm that it works fine. @Hotaru, Isn't the comms array making the ship fairly unbalanced?
  6. Ye gods and little fishes. That was beautiful. You've inspired me to launch an Eve flyby at the year 9 transfer window. Any tips?
  7. @Hotaru, what's the date in your save?
  8. Wow. I didn't expect that so soon!
  9. Materials (and Goo) have to be returned to Kerbin for full science return. Oh, and I loved the Intrepidity 15 video. Wonderful. Great work.
  10. I like your thinking in using a DreamChaser, but how are you going to get that thing back to orbit?
  11. This is brilliant. I've been needing something like this for a Duna sample return for a while.
  12. @KEngineer, are you submitting that for the stock category? If so I'll need an image of it in orbit. If not, don't worry.
  13. It has been revised: I've implemented the '50 units of Electric Charge' rule to ensure people can't just slap a solar panel and an antenna on a probe core and call it an entrant.
  14. Well, thank you all for your suggestions, I'll edit the OP to ban tweakscale entirely (and re-make my own entry). I'll also try to put together some categories. Any more suggestions, please PM me.
  15. @eloquentJane, you're the first entrant! I'm taking 2kg off your score due to the fact that this all took place in 4x Kerbol. Well done! @HalcyonSon, @panzerknoef had concerns about a lack of creativity in a stock challenge, but by all means, go ahead if you can find a way to ensure creativity.
  16. @panzerknoef, this is my design: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B442KKEvDnJ9aWlIQ1BOc1dWbXM?usp=sharing The satellite weighs 27 kg, and is the smallest that worked, but I'm convinced I could get that lower. As to your concerns about mods, I thought about adding a stock catagory, but I doubted there'd be much creativity. So, It's really looking at how much effort people will go to to build a really efficent satellite.
  17. @Anbang11, It's in the paragraph below: To clarify it further: You can use any antenna (except the ones from the NanoKube mod), any method of re-orienting (turning) the satellite and any method of powering it.
  18. Hello, everybody! I've recently been experimenting with making smaller and smaller satellites, regularly getting masses as low as 25kg. I want to see just how low you can go! The way this challenge works is fairly fool-proof: You must build and launch a fully functional satellite of the lowest mass possible into Low Kerbin Orbit. Sadly, I'm not offering bonuses for sending these to other celestial bodies, as that's not exactly going to be a challenge. Remember, this is a challenge about payloads, not launchers. There are other challenges for small LVs. My definition of a 'Fully functional satellite' is an uncrewed craft, capable of re-orienting itself (you can use any method you like for this, RCS or reaction wheels), with an antenna and some way to generate power (again, I don't care what it is), and at least 50 units of electric charge storage. The satellite DOES NOT need a propulsion system (though you can add one if you want). The only mods I am outlawing at the moment are NanoKube, as it gives anyone using it an unfair advantage, and tweakscale, as it has become apparent that you can re-scale a probe to rediculously small sizes. If you have any other suggestions for banning, PM me, and I'll consider it. Procedural Parts is welcome. I'll need pictures of your satellite in the VAB/SPH with either the engineer's readout, or (even better) the KER readout, which accurately shows the mass of a procedural parts ship. I'll also need a picture of it in orbit. Feel free to throw in a few pictures of ascent. The scoring system works like this: Your score is the satellite's weight in kg in orbit. Lowest score wins. I'm also adding categories, after a few requests to do so. The categories are as follows: Stock (that's fairly self-explanatory) I'D ALSO RECCOMEND THROWING YOUR DESIGN TOWARDS @HalcyonSon'S STOCK THREAD: Science (which requires at least one science instrument on board, and a way to transmit the data), Propulsive (any satellite with it's own propulsion system and more than 30m/s of delta V. If you need one, here's a delta V calculator: http://strout.net/info/science/delta-v/intro.html ), Return Capsules (probes that carry a return vehicle capable of safely landing on Kerbin from where the satellite is launched to). (THESE WILL NEED IMAGES OF THE SEPARATION, DE-ORBIT, RE-ENTRY, LANDING METHOD, (parachute, engines, airbags etc.) AND LANDING.) Minimalist (a probe designed to just meet the basic requirements of the challenge. If your design impresses me, I'll take 1 or 2kg off your score. This is at my discression. LEADERBOARDS: STOCK 1. @panzerknoef, a 105kg stock entry. 2. 3. 4. 5. SCIENCE 1. @eloquentJane, a 69kg satellite with a DMagic magnetometer and RPWS antenna. 2. @KEngineer, 270kg satellite with stock instruments. 3. 4. 5. PROPULSIVE 1. @Sharpy, an 18kg satellite, fitted with solid fuelled engines. 2. 3. 4. 5. RETURN CAPSULE 1. @Sharpy, a 124kg crew rescue ship. 2. 3. 4. 5. MINIMALIST 1. @Sharpy, a 15kg satellite. That's pretty damn impressive. 2. 3. 4. 5. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHICH CATEGORY YOU'RE GOING FOR. If anyone wants to make a badge, they're more than welcome, but I have no idea how. (If people want my own submission, I'll include it.) Good luck!
  19. Am I being stupid, or is the CandyBox supposed to be another science container? If it is, I can't figure out how to operate it. Help!
  20. Fupp n. That small part you forget, which you then remember when you're almost at your destination, which is really quite critical for the non-horribly-failing of the mission. Some of the more common examples of fupps are batteries, rcs blocks, decouplers, and parachutes. (Credit to @quasarrgames for the wonderful definition.)
  21. Does anyone know of a way to put the electric cooling into ALL tanks (stock and modded)?
  22. When is 'another time'? (This is from the second post of the story). I'd quite like to hear about this...
  23. I know this is kinda necro-ish, but I wanted to inquire if this challenge was dead. If so, I was going to slowly (because I'm in career mode) put together an entry and create a new challenge, if not, then I'll slowly put together my entry and submit it. Thanks in advance.
  24. Thanks. I've figured it out, and there's now the option in the right-click menu.
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