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Everything posted by ToukieToucan

  1. Right, you just set your ground sats to the target planet and you set an antenna at active vessel right? or you can do my way which is a bit more complex but hopefully also working: Purple orbit lines are planned relay systems and the green line is the path of a vessel leaving kerbin SoI. The yellow block is the vessel. The yellow line is the (longest) communication path.
  2. So this is my current relay system: Black dots are sats with Omni antennas (the blue lines are the omni connections) Red dots are long range sats (DTS-M1) the red lines are the connections of the longe range dishes/antennas Black dots with a small red dot means there is an omni antenna and a long range antenna. Any tips for me for a better connection, I have trouble knowing which dish should target what. Here is my future planned relay system: the purple line is a new satellite system: The reason I made the new relay sats closer to kerbin is because I dont have any long range connection if you set Kerbin as target (please correct me if Im wrong). so does this look like any good?
  3. I'll check KIS out, though the whole Remote Tech is still a bit confusing.
  4. I'm in career so I dont have the comm 32 yet but putting a new relay system in a lower orbit like you suggested should do the trick right? One more question: how many antennas should I need on my sat to communicate with future relay sats? I'm guessing 1 wouldnt be enough because then you need to switch target all the time... Ahhh! Remote Tech can be so confusing! Also, how do I 'fix' old sats which dont have antennas for future relay systems? And should I redo my whole relay system? I can messsage you all the my sat positions if you would like to look at it.
  5. So I set up a few relay sats (in this case the "Huron") with 6 DTS-M1s at 25 000 km in orbit of Kerbin 1 pointed at previous sat 1 pointed at next sat 1 pointed at Mun 1 pointed at Minmus 1 pointed at Kerbin 1 pointed at Active Vessel Now I have a ´small´ problem. I have 2 future relay sat at 30 000 km (they're still attatched to the launch vehicle) with 1 DTS M1 and one Comm 88-88 for interstellar travel for each future sat. When I set Kerbin as target for the DTS I wont have a connection, but if I set the "Huron" relay sat as target I do have connection. How come? The Huron sats are in high orbit around Kerbin so I don't get why it doesn't work. And how I can fix this (because I dont want to change the target every few days)
  6. Okay, never mind. Just needed to right click the telescope.
  7. So, I've played with remote tech for some time but now I have a problem: When using a telescope from the Tarsier mod when I take picture I cant seem to find a way to send the data back to kerbin, I do have a good relay system but I just can't find the proper button to send the data.
  8. The realism makes it better for me though, although I just look at my delta V and estimate how much I'll need for a trip to minmus it still feels way better to launch parts of a space station and assemble a space station with realistic-ish physics than just having no atmoshere at all (or any challenges). In my opinion a victory is sweeter if you need to pass a lot of obstacles.
  9. going to tracking station and unchecking every vechile category.
  10. Or I could put wheels on decouplers, drive it to its destination, deploy horizontal landing legs, decouple wheels. Right?
  11. So I wanted to give my first satellite and my first Mün lander an honorful display, my plan was to park them next to the astronaut complex/ research building. How do I get the rockets there though? also, should I only display the final stage or the whole rocket?
  12. Not sure but I think for a fly by you need to enter, and then leave the Sphere of Influence of the Mun, so just make a big orbit around the Mun and leave the SOI hopefulły it'll be fixed then.
  13. Use Kerbal Engineer Redux: shows you how much Delta V you have, also a good way to get more Delta V out of your craft is using asparagus staging. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Asparagus_staging
  14. I assume you know how to rendezvous (if not i can give you 10 easy steps to rendezvous) Basic docking tips: -Right click on the dockingport of the ship you are controlling and press "control from here" -Right click on the dockingport of your target ship and set that as a target -If the target ship's docking port is on the opposite side of you (or just generally not in front of you), switch to your targetship and point the dockingport towards the other docking port, this way the docking ports are alined. -use RCS to dock, also you want to have the prograde vector in the middle of the target vector you can do this by: either burning towards target (VERY GENTLY!) use the K, L, J, I, H, N keys to let the progade marker go left, right, up down etc. -Don't dock at high speed! (1 m/s is my max speed when I'm docking) -When the two dockingports touch you'll notice they are wobbling thats becuase there's a magnet in them so turn of your SAS and wait till your ship has docked properly. hope this helped Quite ironically the I found docking with the docking mod way harder than without...
  15. Why does the timer turn red when I select the falcon 9? (2016-12)
  16. Rendezvous are quite easy once you know what you're doing. I am preforming a rendezvous mission now. I'll add pictures soon. Step 1: Go into orbit Step 2: Match inclination (you can do this by burning normal (the purple triangle) or antinormal (the triangle with things sticking out of it) at the ascending and the descending node which appear when you set your target. (0.1 degrees off isnt a big deal but I would try to go under 0.5) Step 3: Make you AP just under your target (a few thousand meters will do, don't do this if your target is at 70,000 meters because you will fall back into the atmosphere) and make a maneuver node at the AP slide the prograde vector. You will see tags moving. Slide till two tags of the same color come close to each other (preferably within 5 km but 20 km will do as well). Step 4: Preform the node you just made in step 3 and wait till you are about 2 minutes from the intersect of your target. Step 5: Switch to target mode by clicking on 'orbit' a few times just above the navball. Step 6: Burn retrograde till 0 m/s (NOTE: you are not going 0 m/s in orbit but your relative speed to your target is 0 m/s) Step 7: Point towards the target indicator on your navball and burn in that direction IMPORTANT: Do not go over 20 m/s or you might very easily crash into your target or miss it. (use time warp to speed things up). Step 8: When you're about 1000 meters away from the craft slow down to 10 m/s Step 9: When you're about 200 meters away slow down to 1 m/s and use time warp till you get close to your target. Step 10: When you're at your target (30 meters is a nice distance) slow down your craft to 0 m/s. Congrats another successful rendezvous
  17. I probably shouldn't have used top secret documents as post it notes on the fridge... Maybe you will discover that Jool is a place where all the souls of kerbals go there just is a lot of gas...
  18. Rational thinking goes off in times of distress for easy money.
  19. Im not sure if one medium tank for 1 kerbal was 30 days or 300, both enough for a return journey though.
  20. So far the furthest a kerbal has gone was in an escape trajectory in Minmus, but my goal is to land on Minmus and back I will probably need multiple vessels and I'll do a Gemini-ish project.
  21. RIP Evanitis, a brave hero who sacrificed himself in name of science and capitalism... He earned well...
  22. Asparagus is more effiecent if you link up everything to a 'layer' down, this way a middle tank will never be empty and the outer tanks will always be empty first.
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