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Everything posted by ToukieToucan

  1. Jebediah decided to make a literal last minute EVA (less than a minute was left before reentry) Jeb lost some control but returned to the command pod with just 20 seconds left to spare, ofcourse he was awarded certified badass award for this stunt.
  2. Same here, every few flights the game crashes when entering buildings like VAB or science center.
  3. Currently this is my naming list: Base Aztec Gods https://namingschemes.com/Aztec_gods Manned Aerial Vehicle Hindu Deities https://namingschemes.com/Hindu_Deities Manned Space Flight Famous Generals https://namingschemes.com/Generals Relay Sat Greek Islands https://namingschemes.com/Greek_islands Rescue Mission Cuban Cigars https://namingschemes.com/Cuban_Cigar_Brands Rover Egyptians Gods https://namingschemes.com/Egyptian_Gods SSTO Zodiac Signs https://namingschemes.com/Zodiac_Signs Station/ Multipart Vehicle Greek Gods https://namingschemes.com/Greek_Gods Testing Vehicle/ Mission Prep Angels https://namingschemes.com/Angels Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Knight rider themed https://namingschemes.com/Knight_Rider Unmanned Space Flight Mythical characters https://namingschemes.com/Mythological_Characters I can't wait to send a manned rocket to Ike called 'Eisenhower' (Eisenhower's nickname used to be Ike). Do you have any subtle (or not so subtle) names for certain missions?
  4. Most of the time when I play KSP on career the furthest I go will be Duna before losing interest (due to being too grindy) and playing sandbox feels cheatsy to be making a rocket that can go to the mun or anywhere else without taking effort to first make small rockets, now I have downloaded Realism Overhaul and I need to make the decision: Should I choose Career or Sandbox (or even science mode: Kind of takes away the grindy parts of career mode)?
  5. Phantom 4 is around $1200 but I believe you might need permits to fly it in certain places, which might be a hassle.
  6. I only see total flatness in one of the countries with highest densities.
  7. In this world even the pour live better lives than people thousands of years ago. Check out this powerful video:
  8. I agree but it still feels weird to plant a swastika flag on the Mun and see tiny swastikas on the spacesuits, most of the events you named were pretty harmless (or atleast at the time): The Wright brothers didn't kill millions so that's a lot different than German meanies, you could also say that Romans killed millions and let people fight for their entertainment but it's easy to say "Oh that's just how people thought back then, they were used to the ideas and believes of that time and they were just primitive" but you could also apply that to German meanies.
  9. Right, not saying they only made things for destruction and evilness but that is certainly what shadows the good things 'bad people' did,
  10. True, seeing a flag with a swastika on it certainly isn't normal but it has something weird to it , perhaps how things could have turned out if the Germans would've won the war. Maybe that's one of the reasons why Wolfenstein is so interesting because it shows what this world could've turned into. Maybe it is something similar to morbid curosity, vsauce made a good video about it here: There is something disturbing and fascinating about all of this...
  11. http://imgur.com/a/AASzb Pre PS. German meanies from the second world war got replaced by 'bad person' Currently I'm using the К.С.П. commy flag and it got me thinking about how other flags would look. The dutch flag and the toucan flag were more for fun, but what would it be like to command of a bad person instance a space program in a dystopian in a world, but planting bad person flags on the Mun would feel disrespectful (and probably is) and weird but also kind of interesting (not that I support bad person ideology but there's something to it that makes it strangely interesting to it.) What do you think about 'edgy' flags?
  12. It's been a while since I've played career mode so I have some questions: After I got into orbit for the first time and completed the contract for first orbit there was a "Do a flyby past Minmus" contract available from Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society though it feels weird not to first get a rendezvous mission or a mun fly by mission. Is there any way do get misions like these http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/List_of_story_line_contracts Ps, the contract configurator mod wont add more contracts only remove the ones you dont want.
  13. Microwaving a cat doesn't clone it, believe me...
  14. In almost every European language pineapple is (similar to) ananas while in English it's called pineapple, thanks England!
  15. Sumdog millionaire, a movie about a dog solving simple math equations making his owner rich. Diving Miss Daisy, a movie about Morgan freeman teaching an elderly woman how to swim.
  16. But what about the traces we left in space? I'm pretty sure there would be atleast a couple of satellites eternally orbiting our/other planets.
  17. Imagine that archaeologists would find remains of a very ancient civilization: what for an impact would this discovery have on society and what kind of technology would they have, or another scenario: What would a future civilization make up out of our tech and beliefs if our entire civilization would freeze in time (due to an eruption of yellowstone for example)?
  18. I remember the astronauts interviewed in " In the shadow of the moon" talking about 'the right stuff'.
  19. The Tesla model 3 has a range of 345 km, can go from 0 to 100 kmph in 6 seconds, 5 star safety rating, an autopilot and starting at 35,000 USD. So far there are 613 charging stations which are mostly located in America and Europa and in 2016 the amount of stations will be doubled. Site here: https://www.teslamotors.com/model3/ Do you think this is the push electric cars needed to become mainstream?
  20. Ive been learning ancient greek at school for a couple of years the kappa is more dental (coffee, carrot) while the chi is more with a 'g' sound: Ksg. Tauta is a t sound (tand) with theta you get a th sound (not as the but as in tooth) Pi is p and phi is ph Iota subscribtum under a word will add an i to the sound. A becomes ai n (<eta) ni, o oi. You get it. Spiritus asper adds an h sound to the letter (the comma facing right) o (with aspar) becomes ho. Oi becomes (with aspar) hoi.
  21. Nein! @kasperVld? I really dont know any other active people
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