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Everything posted by ToukieToucan

  1. Right, but I'm not sure how much a normal price would be for them, so if multiple people would say its a rip off/great deal I could take that into account.
  2. So I was browsing on a site selling meteors and other stuff and saw that you could buy a little bit of moon rock (10 mg) from the NWA 4881 moonmeteorite, it is provided with an authenticity certificate and a nice moon themed plastic box. The meteor is about half a centimeter long and is 10 mg. is it worth €45?
  3. Space race seems interesting, how would it cope with timewarp though?
  4. It seems interesting but would we maybe have like a simple version without the ksp part?
  5. Seems interesting, not sure how the aircrafts are implemented.
  6. Ive discovered lucid dreaming about a year ago but never had a LD but Ive had some close ones. Do a reality check...
  7. Whenever I rescue a kerbal I change the craft to debris as well. Though it probably doesn't make a big difference it looks better. Would you rather see all kinds of debris floating around which don't have any real purpose to be shown which might even be confusing OR (More) Organized orbit lines.
  8. Right but then refueling stations and space stations are also almost the same.
  9. My manned test vechiles are called Hindenburg I, II, III, etc... Ofcourse Jebediah is only brave enough to fly them. my unmanned test vechiles are called Titanic I, II, III, etc
  10. Filled in your google document btw, but back to the toppic: I like having a bit more realistic small rocket go to the mun instead of a warp drive going to the mun...
  11. Have your AP a few thousand meters higher than the target vessel (Pe needs to be slightly lower than the target Pe) and after one orbit you will notice that the separation will become smaller and smaller each orbit. if you dont want to wait you can increase your AP so you need to travel further and will take longer to complete orbit (increase AP= Longer travel time = Less waiting for intersect for instance if your intersect is at 150 km and each orbit takes away 2 km you can take away more km with this method) Beware not to take to big leaps though or youll miss it. Making your AP smaller is the opposite of this. another technique I use (not sure if people use it) is lowering your Pe just a few thousand meter (2000 should be enough) then creating a maneuvre node on the Pe and pull the prograde marker till you get an interesect of 5 km, once the burn is preformed its just like a normal rendezvous but just a bit less effiecent but faster than the first technique.
  12. But sandbox takes away the whole challenge of using whats available...
  13. Sounds good, I currently have my science at 30% but that might be a bit too low.
  14. So most of my time I've been messing around in career but when I got to Duna and Ike my science was basicly maxed out. I do want to have a nice main game with some stations (and go past Duna) pros of career: You need to manage your money You need to upgrade buildings so you can make better rockets cons of career: Most contracts dont suit me Some contracts can be OP Pros of science mode: No contracts (also kind of a con though) Cons of science mode: All buildings upgraded (infinte parts in VAB) No real goals Maybe a bit to easy So should I choose Career or Science and at what difficulty? I do want to visit Jool in the end game (instead of Duna *cough* easy mode)
  15. Cant seem to find my stamps but i'll look for em.
  16. Found this site https://namingschemes.com/Main_Page If you click on birds youll get a bunch of birds, kind of handy. I think my set up will be as following: Manned: Stars used for navigation from east to west Unmanned: Lakes Relay: Indian Tribes Exploration: WW2 officers (refueling/space) Stations: Germanic/Norse Mythology
  17. So, I have this small problem of what theme I should use for my rockets? My themes of the last game: Manned: Aztec gods (not a good idea, quite long names like Quetzalcoatl or Huitzilopotchli) Unmanned: Lakes Relay System: Indian tribe names Exploration: Officers of World War 2 Testing: Gemstones Any ideas for my new vessels? New Naming scheme: Manned: Greek gods (Gaia: mother of all flights, Artemis: God of the moon) Unmanned: officers of ww2 (Nimitz, Eisenhower you name it) Relay systems: Capital cities (Ottawa, Bogata etc) Exploration: Famous writer (Verne cant wait to go to Jool with it!, Tolstoy etc) Test vechiles: Disasters (Hindenburg, titanic etc) Refueling Station: Germanic Gods (Odin, Frea etc) Space Station: Norse gods (Loki, Thor etc) Planes: Bird of prey (eagle, condor etc) Tourism: Names of 'our' planets (Mercucry, Neptune, Mars etc)
  18. The Instant Gratification Monkey certainly likes you!
  19. So I was on this site with some interesting articles about procastination on a site called waitbutwhy.com and saw these two articles: http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/11/how-to-beat-procrastination.html It's nicely illustrated and gives some insight to your procastination problems.
  20. Right the munar/minmus DTS M1 antennas where meant to be used for the LKO sats. A sat with a DTS M1 at 1 000 km will be able to contact the polar orbiting sat at 30 000 km right with just DTS M1s right? Also will this system work: LKO Sat 1: Target: Mun, Minmus, Polar orbit sat - all dts m1 LKO Sat 2: Target: Mun, Minmus, Polar orbit sat - all dts m1 LKO Sat 3: Target: Mun, Minmus, Polar orbit sat - all dts m1 Polar Orbit Sat: Target: Kerbin - with dts m1, active vessel, Duna - both with Comm 88-88 That should work right?
  21. Okay so I think I get it: 1. Put satellite with 2 comm DTS M1 (1 for Mun/Minmus, 1 for Kerbin) 2 Comm 88-88 (for Duna and for active vessel, maybe if I want to go to Ike I could use a comm DTS M1 from Duna relay to get a signal). 2. Renew my LKO relay system with comm 16 and a comm DTS M1 (pointed at the polar orbit satellite right?) 3. Remove unnecessary satellites this should work right? Might renew the mun relay system so I can gwt rid of two sats.
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