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  1. is this still working as intended or it got replaced for something now days ?
  2. @linuxgurugamer "no updates needed", but looks like the contract has some edge cases tho. Guess this pack could appreciate some kind of refactor. at least that line already needs to be applied as an hotfix?
  3. @linuxgurugamer i'm with this error [LOG 22:22:28.247] Deleting root node in file KerbalInventoryForAll/AllowModPartsInStock node: @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#mass]:NEEDS[!KSP_PartVolume] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS while using it along ksp_partVolume
  4. does it work with other planets mod ?
  5. ztheme get some missalingment with the numbers, its not like something really bad but its visual unpleasing
  6. @linuxgurugamer any chance to set kerbalX https://kerbalx.com/KXAPI into this mod? using it along side craftManager is not ideal imho edit: also, somehow to use it with stockUI or ztheme..
  7. So, this HUD is lost in idea phase ?
  8. I would like to inform you about a compatibility issue I encountered between the "ANGLECAN Achievement Tree" mod and the "Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes" mod for Kerbal Space Program (KSP). It appears that the "Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes" mod inadvertently hides the achievement nodes added by the "ANGLECAN Achievement Tree" mod, making it impossible to view and track achievements properly.
  9. maybe new mod idea ? something that uses github as repo for crafts (upload/download) and a mod that scrapp that as manager
  10. its sad to know its just a matter of time util the last breath.. Hope community finds its way.
  11. version error in a dependency mod - as this mod support 1.12.x but that one in the printscreen doesn't
  12. i found that doing the search on the gameData folder also found a lot of ocurrences of this line, should i change it to 'TU/met...' too or this fix is specific to magpie?
  13. Ei galera, quem quiser jogar DMP (KSP Multiplayer) comigo add skype ae: theskybutcher | So meio nubinho entao quem quiser me ensinar algumas paradas kk
  14. Sou novo no KSP mas ja sei umas coisinhas, queria expandir meu conhecimento, ate agora orbitei kerbin e dei de face na lua! Quem quiser add meu skype: theskybutcher
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