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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. My bad, I forgot I need to use the 'share' links. It doesn't require having an account. https://www.dropbox.com/s/llpjnt4xwcyqmis/KreblonBirdofPrey-towerbuzz-bloopers.mp4?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sinxfovl160so1m/KreblonBirdofPrey-towerbuzz-entry.mp4?dl=0
  2. It's not a setting in the game itself. You have to tell Steam/GOG/the KSP store which language you want. In Steam, you rightclick the game and select 'Properties...', where you will find a language section.
  3. Much appreciated. The plane too - I could (and have, more than once) spend long long moments staring at that gorgeous bird. Wow, throw back to good ole times. Thank you! I never quite got her to perform the same after 1.1 hit, alas. It's gonna take some tinkering, probably a rebuild from scratch (many parts have changed properties, and different wheels/aero). Some day. But I still have the original craft file up for grabs on KerbalX. Btw, if you enjoyed the stills, you might like some action shots. This is from when I used her to participate in a 'buzz the tower and land back on the runway as fast as possible' forum challenge. https://www.dropbox.com/s/llpjnt4xwcyqmis/KreblonBirdofPrey-towerbuzz-bloopers.mp4?dl=0 Looks really controlled, right? This is a compilation of the many attempts before I finally managed a competitive time. And shows off a bit what she was capable of in 1.0.5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sinxfovl160so1m/KreblonBirdofPrey-towerbuzz-entry.mp4?dl=0
  4. <affecting my best Jeremy Clarkson impression> Some say the space shuttle was a mistake. Some say it's little more than a flying brick and shouldn't have been flown in the first place. All we know is, it stalls on stick.
  5. Despite pandemics and quarantines and lockdowns, Life has a way of making some days really hectic. Today was one of those days here. I did have some KSP plans, and even started loading it up when I thought I had some time, but I got interrupted yet again and alt-tabbed away to handle things and promptly forgot I had KSP running. I deal with things, and sigh and lean back and close my eyes a moment to enjoy whatever short bout of quiet I can get. And find myself unexpectedly... comfy, and at peace. Eyes still closed and unwilling to break the spell, I frown cause this sensation is so out of place that my mind immediately wants to figure out what's different. Then, I realize. It's not actually quiet. At least, not entirely. It should be, I still have my noise-cancelling headphones on, with nothing playing. But it isn't. It sounds like I'm... outside. Out of the city somewhere. It's coming from my headphones. Then I remember I had started KSP. I alt-tab. It's still open where I left it, on the KSC scene, at night. Today, No screaming jets, no roaring rockets, no booming explosions. Sometimes, we just need to sit outside on a quiet clear starry night and listen to Nature's brand of relaxing not-entirely-silence. (this forum won't play the sound or animation, so just click the link to view on imgur, enable sound, make it full screen, and sip your favourite beverage. It's set to loop indefinitely.) https://i.imgur.com/zYbH1kF
  6. Fair enough. That one fulfilled its purpose already in a different challenge. Btw, aren't you adding the other entries you approved to the leaderboards?
  7. <points a few posts back at the screenshots that took so much trouble to post>.
  8. While they're preparing the festivities, they could reopen the merchandise store and selling plushies of stock craft too!
  9. Huh. You don't say. <blinks, staring blankly at the icons for Homeworld:Cataclysm, Machines, C64 Forever, and Antiriad prominently at the center top of my desktop>
  10. Try the mod Kronal Vessel Viewer:
  11. Pilot at work. As opposed to those of us playing at being one. "Playing chicken with heat". Just a reminder at this point: the odds of chicken vs heat are not in the chicken's favour.
  12. There's already a KAL1000 in the game. We can't risk a Dave too.
  13. At that point, the Kerbal Astronomical Society will decide that Eeloo is clearly no longer a planet, but just one of the Kuyper Belt objects. And Eeloo will get angry and do a 2020 on Kerbin.
  14. Just to clarify: you're trying to attach the claw to the docking ports? Or do they fall off regardless of where on the module you attach the claw?
  15. It's an interesting idea. Sort of breaks down right at that point though. That's a whole lot of programming effort to stop/prevent many of the game's basic mechanisms... just to then still allow ways around it. Not sure anyone would want to go through all the trouble making a mod that would in essence be self-defeating. But who knows... there's some pretty crazy mods out there. Welcome to the forum!
  16. That's the problem though, it doesn't really. 'Like an elevon' just mentions an example of a part that satisfied the actual condition specified: 'can generate lift'. It's an inclusive statement, not exclusive. If we were to read it like that, wing parts would not be allowed, they're not elevons. Obviously that is not what was meant. A heatshield on the other hand is just 'like an elevon' in the one property actually specified. It is game-technically a lifting surface... requirement satisfied. No matter. Peridoot can specify/clarify as needed, and scratch my entry if so desired. I'm just saying... I wouldn't call either of those a plane in any other context than this particular challenge. Yours, ME, Vanamonde... reckless machines of death as they may be, they all at least tried to look the part.
  17. You're using the wrong URL; that won't work in this forum. Hover the mouse over 'down arrow' in the top right corner of the image, and you should get a small menu. Select 'Get share links', and copy the BBCode one. Paste into your forum message. It will paste as text, with tags around it. Just delete the tags and press enter at the end of the URL. The image will pop up. Don't ask me why it has to be so complicated. You'll get used to it once you've done it a few times.
  18. I assume you mean the Mk2 Command Pod? That one is meant to be placed on top of an adapter, the FL-A215, which can be found in the fuel tank category. The bottom of that fits the regular 2.5m diameter, so the appropriate lander can would be the stock Mk2 Lander Can.
  19. Might still be workable if you send it along with a refueling orbiter that you can rendezvous with every hop. Do you get orbital speed? That's actually quite an accomplishment.
  20. Your kerbal won't survive the pressure - it get down to around 900m most of the way.
  21. I made a Nanoo. And I finished a Strato. And I have no idea what I ate to come up with those names.
  22. Well... more a guided missile than a plane, really, but it does meet all your stated criteria. Although, have you landed it yet? If this is what you had in mind for the challenge, you're still missing a few tricks btw (hints: the smallest part offering lift is not in the aerodynamics category, and you don't need a separate reaction wheel). Introducing the Nanoo: 6 parts, 537kg, 1753 funds, 0.8x0.7x0.7m in size. Powered, aerodynamic flight from the KSC for 2:20+, safely landing at the Island Airfield. I think this puts it at the top of all leaderboards at the moment. Not entirely sure how you intend to judge mass/cost though. Yours is lighter, mine is cheaper. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/Nanoo Honestly though, I think this challenge would be much more interesting if it required something a teensy bit more resembling an actual plane. At the very least, require horizontal take off and landing. And perhaps a category for kerballed planes. Just a suggestion.
  23. Note that @ColdJ mentioned working in KSP 1.9.1. If you're in a newer version, your Kerbals may be lighter, if they are not wearing their jetpacks and chutes (this wasn't possible before).
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