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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. And make sure your friends have Google accounts, otherwise the form won't work...
  2. No te sabría decir, porque no he visto eso nunca. Intenta quitar mods.
  3. Se te descontrola porque el combustible se gasta de arriba a abajo, y tienes gran parte del peso fijo muy atrás/abajo (los motores), por lo que según vas subiendo y los tanques se vacían, el centro de masa (CoM) queda demasiado cerca del centro de sustentación (CoL = center of lift), o hasta detrás. En ese punto la nave quiere darse la vuelta y pierdes el control. En el VAB, controla con los indicadores CoM/CoL que el efecto de los dos tengan la máxima separación posible, con el CoL debajo, aún cuando los tanques están vacios. Si bajas los cuatro propulsores y pones la cápsula lo más alto posible, ya ayudará.
  4. A plane can be pushed to Mach 2 even with engines that are nominally not meant for supersonic flight (Juno, Wheesly), and high thrust engines meant for supersonic flight can struggle to get another plane even close to Mach 1. It all depends on the design. A quick tip though, since the game gives no indication whatsoever that this may be a problem: check that no wing parts, fins or elevons are in the exhaust path of your engines. Having parts in a jet's exhaust path, even when they're not being heated, is sometimes interpreted by the game as 'blocking' the thrust. Despite everything looking like it is/should be working, nothing heating up and engines reporting full power, you can still get a dramatic loss of effective thrust because of this. Drag, and especially body drag, is a huge factor. For the main body and engines, generally, try to use the smallest stack size possible (I find that generally, 0.675m > 1.25m > Mk2 > 2.5m > 3.5m > Mk3). Use as few 'stacks' of parts as you can get away with, and add the minimal amount of wings/fins/elevons needed to lift and control. The more your main body can stay pointed exactly at prograde in flight, the less total drag and the easier it'll be to go supersonic. Adding a few degrees of angle of attack to the wings so you can point directly into prograde can mean the difference between being stuck subsonic or breaking the sound barrier right after lift off. One tick of the rotate gizmo in snap mode while holding shift is 5 degrees, which tends to be a bit more than optimal, but is easier to experiment with, and you'll notice a lot of improvement.
  5. Which part is the root and has control when it spawns? Those pictures show at least two parts that could be the 'control', that are facing backwards: the docking port and the passenger cabin. Even if you have a probe core facing the correct way, if there is even one kerbal in the cabin when the craft spawns, the game will automatically assign control to it... and since it's facing backwards, your controls will act reversed - you are after all trying to fly retrograde. Turn the passenger cabin around and it'll be fixed. Or rightclick the probe core, if you have one and assuming it's pointing in the correct direction, and 'control from here'.
  6. I'm not sure we should be complaining about one potentially superfluous/redundant part menu action button. The potentially very useful ones that for arbitrary reasons have been left out outnumber it by the dozens...
  7. Put the kerbal into orbit on a rocket with a ladder, and climb up and down. From the ground, it'll look like (s)he is running at 2300m/s plus or minus .1 ...
  8. Sometimes you just simply want to give it a firm shove... other times you actually want to drill it. Hence the double action.
  9. Si es solo a veces, mira a ver si en esas ocasiones tienes algún programa activo que la compu considere una interfaz de red virtual (VPN, Bluetooth, Hamachi, etc). Si es así, desactiva ese programa, e intenta de nuevo. Probablemente verás mejora. La versión de Unity que usa KSP tiene un problema raro si tienes más que una sola tarjeta de red, que le causa tardar una barbaridad en cargar los archivos del juego. Lo único que ayuda es asegurarte que tengas una sola red activa cuando quieras jugar KSP.
  10. "This video is not available." I did find some images online, so, while not the mod you asked for, and not exactly to scale, a stock parts recreation of that Spin Again: craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/SpinAgain2 (I wasn't very happy with it, so I reworked it, it handles much better now. Craft file was reuploaded with the update). Kerbals can be loaded in the Mk2 passenger cabin, the hatch is just visible behind the top - EVA and walk them to their spots where they can Board the external command seats. Throttle at 3 notches from full will hover, more will climb - pitch down for forward speed, back to brake, roll to add/cancel lateral velocity. Staging the chutes will only cause trouble, staging the fairings will result in spectacular explosions; avoid doing either. This needs to be landed VTOL style, so cancel all horizontal speed (shutdown hor. engines, set airbrakes), and keep rate of descent under 10m/s. Safety is still not guaranteed, but it's a lot more forgiving in this iteration. Enjoy.
  11. Te has respondido la pregunta entonces. Si depende tanto de piezas mod que no van más allá que 1.0.4, tendrás que seguir con 1.0.4...
  12. No, and yes. Luckily, we have been given a glimmer of hope: So hopefully this means 1.2 will finally see the end of wheel blocking.
  13. ¿Por qué 1.0.4, y no 1.0.5? 1.0.5 es la versión más estable de los 1.0.x, y la que más mods compatibles tiene de todas las versiones, si es eso lo que buscas. O por lo menos tenía, la última vez que miré (desde que los modeadores y CKAN se liaron a bofetadas, desinstalé todo el asunto y he estado usando 1.1.2 y 1.1.3 completamente sin ningún mod... y no he tenido ganas de volver). Pero no me puedo figurar que desde entonces hayan añadido mods al 1.0.4. 1.1.3 stock rinde mucho mejor que las versiones 1.0.x, y es bastante más estable. Hay que tener en cuenta los problemas con las patas/ruedas/trenes de aterrizaje, pero por el resto no hay razón para quedarse atrás.
  14. I ran into the toggle 'half-persistence' first, and decided against using toggle completely, as it would not react predictably. Which is why I did all patterns with an explicit 'turn on' or 'turn off' per light for all lights in each pattern, one full pattern per action group. Since I explicitly tell every single light in the grid to either turn on or turn off... that should work, yes? Except it doesn't: there's always some lights that after having set their action, it won't stick once launched, and when I get back in the editor, the uncooperative lights show no action set. Somehow it's not actually being saved. I redo them, add the missing on/off actions, launch... and now thos work, but some other couple of lights decide they won't play along. Back in the editor... now those lights have no actions set. It's acting like there some type of limit and as soon as I set more actions than that limit, it wipes some others. Not sure if it's by some type of order, or randomly... it seemed random.
  15. Which is it: stock (red, bold, and underlined), or does it actually require a mod? I don't think we agree on the definition of stock...
  16. Is there a hard-coded limit on the maximum nr of parts that can be included in an action group? I was fooling around a bit with lights, using quite a bit more of them on a single 'craft' than I'm used to. I then wanted to make them switch on and off in different patterns, one pattern per action group, by assigning the 'turn light off' / 'turn light on' action of every light into the action groups. So in the editor, I am adding either 'on' or 'off' for 36 separate lights (no symmetry) in each action group. So far, so good, the group actions column becomes a bit long but it seems to work. However: as soon as I launch and I try out the different patterns, some patterns will work ok, but in others there's always a number of lights that decide not to participate. I revert, check back... and inevitably find that those lights are showing as if I had not set any actions for them at all. Ok... maybe I made a mistake. So I redo those lights, add their on/off actions again, save, and launch. Now some OTHER lights that were working before decide to go on strike on certain patterns, and it's not necessarily the same patterns affected. Rinse repeat a couple of times, but I've not yet managed to make all lights perform/remember their set actions. So, something keeps 'dropping' actions that were saved and properly showing in the editor before launching, and it's not always the same ones. Hence my question: is there a maximum number of separate actions that will get triggered by an action group? Or a maximum to the overall total for all action groups together? Have I inadvertently stumbled onto a coded limit that I need to know about?
  17. Ok, obviously it's time to update that board again. Two entries. One manned & recoverable (craft file: MiniOrb1e), 3708kg without a Kerbal, 3801kg with Valentina in it. Then a lighter stripped down version of the above to start off the still empty unmanned & recoverable board - craft file: MiniOrb1e-UnR, down to 16 parts and 3055kg (but we should be able to do much better than this). The album includes screens for both variants: Pure stock, no mods.
  18. An entry for the Manned and Manned & Recoverable categories (4840kg, 1 Kerbal, makes orbit and returns safely): craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/MiniOrb1d Pure stock, no mods.
  19. As my second entry, a bus-sized brick. Barnstorming happened, because why not (spoilered because big file). video file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7hre8cnzuf2a33/KSP113-FlyingBrickToo.mp4?dl=0 craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/FlyingBrickToo
  20. @katateochi, when you can, please check this craft page: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/FlyingBrickToo It keeps claiming I have added no picture, and no thumbnail is generated for the main page. Is it because the first uploaded pic was an animated GIF?
  21. A stripped down version of my TinyUFO to make it more 'brick-like': video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fgmnb5gozyedw2/KSP113-FlyingBrick1.mp4?dl=0 craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tztdty3zec2w4el/FlyingBrick1.craft?dl=0 Pure stock parts 1.1.3, no mods.
  22. Proof that #KerbinIsFlat! See, no curvature! <runs.... and falls off the edge>
  23. Confirmed that the claw pivot is no longer working in 1.1.3 (x64 on Win). I know it was working at least up to 1.1.0, I did tests for two bug reports (#8576, #8778) for the pre-release and the final that depended on the pivot being free. Both reports are stil open though.
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