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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. It never causes permanent damage other than adding heat, except of course when it makes something explode, but then you would already know. Accumulated heat will normally start to dissipate even without radiators, although if the total sources of heat are higher than what can dissipate, (Kerbol, running ISRU, RTG, running LV-N) you just shortened the time it may take for that part to explode - which was going to happen anyway in the longer run. If the engine you blasted over the part is very high thrust, I have at times seen it slightly dislodge the part in the exhaust from it's position, leaving it somewhat misaligned. Usually parts return to their exact original position after, but not always. Check closely, because depending the position and mass, it may be a source of imbalance now. This is very rare though, and much more likely would've exploded the part first.
  2. And consumers have a right to decide not to shop at a supermarket, or to buy a product, or both, when it becomes too much bother. I'm wondering if any of the parties to this battle realize how many silent 'consumers' have been watching in horror from a distance as market and producers riot against each other, and then shake our heads in sad disbelief as we walk away from both of them. What use are 'open' licenses if the issuers reserve themselves the rights to change their mind at any point and 'close' them at their convenience? What good is a mod manager that has to be emasculated to not actually manage mods for me? What possible reason do I have as a 'consumer' to want to even deal with all this kindergarten-level tantrum from either side? I can only play with the toys when people feel like letting me and don't stub their toes on a bad morning? I'm sick and done with this whole mess. Thanks to the actions and words of a vocal few, I just can no longer trust my game and my peace of mind to the hands of people who not only are utterly incapable of intelligent conflict resolution and compromise, but also feel justified to resort to peer pressure, blackmail and sabotage to get their way. I have been reading the various exchanges and discussions strewn all over the past few days with growing disbelief and disappointment. Until just a few days ago, I honestly thought this was an actual community. Not just that, I sincerely used the KSP community as a shining example of how goodwill can make things simply work for everyone's benefit and enjoyment, in this age of ego and strife. And I have to say, right now I am ashamed I have ever been so naive. My time is more important than yours. My opinion is more important than yours. My way or the high way. It's the legal thing to do. It's the moral thing to do. Outright ignoring of requests or offers for compromise. Overt threats of intentional sabotage. Holding the community or the mods hostage to get your way. Incitement of rioting to force your opinion or preference. 'Tactical nuking' as a way to demand action. And my absolute favourite here: in the same breath reiterating multiple times that this whole tantrum revolves around your time, opinion, wishes and preferences being disregarded/disrespected, while at the same time blatantly and proudly pronouncing your complete disregard of everyone else's time, opinion, wishes and preferences. Bravo. Whatever moral high ground there was left for anyone to claim has been efficiently, 'tactically', and very thoroughly nuked. Mutual Assured Destruction. Bravo, I say. I have never been so proud of a community of aspiring and actual students, professionals, educators, mathematicians, programmers, rocket scientists, statisticians, engineers, designers, managers, consultants, and a just generally presumed-to-be collection of intelligent human beings. Goodness gracious. I've seen kindergarten classes resolve issues with less drama. News flash: I don't need mods. I don't need CKAN. Have fun continuing to claim back and forth to each other how much more I supposedly need one over the other, and how much more I should be respecting one over the other, while indirectly or blatantly proclaiming your disdain and disrespect of my time in the process. When you're all done with your grandstanding and wonder where everyone has gone to, you'll find me and others over there playing our unmodded games without either of your oh so indispensable works and more importantly, without the drama. swjr-swis out.
  3. How does 'tactically nuking' fare when held up to that?
  4. Have you tried the in-game setting that makes this happen?
  5. Sometimes I have fired up older career installs alongside, allowing me to check on details of a craft/station/base from an older career I'm trying to recreate or improve on with the benefit of seeing live how it behaves, or sometimes just to compare things side by side. Another reason: when I want to make a small edit to the 'master' of one of my stock craft to send up in a modded career but without contaminating it with mod modules - I can be up and editing in the stock version in under 30s, and finish editing, saving and copying over the craft file in less than half the time it would take to restart the modded install. Half the time it will just stay open alongside - it's never 'just' one quick edit, is it . For up to 1.0.5, there's a potential use to run an extra instance - a permanent map view open on a second screen that is synced with your main game. It's not been updated for 1.1.x yet, hopefully at some point it will:
  6. Thank you Malah. Sometimes it's the smallest mods that make the biggest difference.
  7. Yo diría: inténtalo. KSP ahora viene con 64 bits 'de fábrica', y hasta se recomienda usar esa versión especialmente si quieres usar mods.
  8. Why, oh why, are people still playing this game directly out of the Steam directory? This 'problem' comes up every single patch of the game! And every single time, people are pointed out that they can easily prevent this from happening by making a copy to another directory which from that moment on will be safe from surprise updates. Please folks, we're really not telling you to copy the gamedir elsewhere to be all 1337 or anything. Save yourself the headaches! Do not play from the Steam directory... or suffer the mod-breaking consequences every single patch all over again.
  9. Trial and error is such an underrated play style these days...
  10. * Fixed regression that was causing global gravity to be non-zero, which should help with phantom drifting, especially with wheels. Interesting. It was Niburu, wasn't it? I knew it!
  11. It's always my first thought when I look at your forum avatar... "Man, that is one suspiciously optimistic looking tardigrade." Face it, you just have that look.
  12. There is: use the trim controls. Mod/Alt-W, which would normally translate to trimming the control surfaces to hold a pitch down. In the case of a rover, it'll be as if W is being kept pressed, leaving you to concentrate on steering and finding your path.
  13. Yep, those wheels are pointing the wrong way (towards the back of the rover, instead of down towards the ground), even if it is the game's default orientation when building in the SPH and attaching them to a girder like you did. They need to be rotated 90 degrees (or an absolute minimum of 46 degrees) to get 'grip' on the ground - for the wheels directly facing your screenshot, that would be counterclockwise, and the other side clockwise.
  14. How about using the stock RCS module to aid in leveling, but with 'compressed water' instead of monoprop? The linear RCS ports could serve as an easy stand-in for the 'waterjet' outlets. They can work alongside the ballast tanks to help and speed up the leveling. Another thing that may help: Diazo's Horizontal Landing Aid and Vertical Velocity Controller might have sections of code that can be put to use on this. He might even have some insights on how to do what you need.
  15. That'll do us for now. Don't worry about it, you'll get to it when you get to it. The only reason I even pinged you was because I worried we might end up overloading the alternative node with our DNS/hostfile workarounds. Thanks for the intervention and the continued service, it is appreciated.
  16. Why are you putting bad CKAN metadata in your next patch...?
  17. Ok, copied the game over to the HDD (5400rpm, 8GB cache, cheap and slow but good enough for pure data), which btw took 4 mins for 8.06GB. Load time of the game with valid MM cache (since I just ran it on the SSD, no changes) took 14 mins, compared to the SSD 12 mins. Disk read activity averaged around 50%, though it was in peaks mostly. So does it make a difference? Sure. But the difference is disappointingly small, considering the vast difference in read speeds of the HDD compared to the SSD RAID, and the fact that a full copy of the game shows this machine can read it all (and simultaneously write it) in under 4 mins. KSP is spending the vast majority of its 'loading' time... not really loading. Or at least, not reading from disk, which means an SSD does not make the difference it could.
  18. Would not surprise me at all if extending the gear is all you need to make that phantom torque go away. The thing is, Squad already has previous experience with this and how to solve it: the Claw had this exact same problem, where even when disarmed, it would still have complex collision issues when even slightly clipped, and cause entire craft to tremble and disassemble/explode. AFAIK they solved it exactly by making it NOT collide anymore when retracted. Rinse and repeat for the landing gear, please.
  19. Agreed, I've got to that point several times too. My older still live installs of 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 are in effect frozen - no updates at all happen there, those careers saves will either end or get archived exactly as they are now. My 1.1.2 modded install is not running a career, as I'm in wait mode for a few of the promised KSP fixes, but in the meantime it's a mod test bed, to develop a few mod-lists to use with the next stable release. The constant updating is rather inevitable for this. 'Freezing' an install however forms another point of controversy between users and authors: an oft-heard question back when first reporting any issue is "are you running the latest (dev*) version?". Users are expected to keep their mods up to date. (* another one of those trends lately, of releasing fixes in interim/dev/forked versions not published in the OP) Believe it or not, I'm not trying to heckle mod authors here. A lot of the arguments I see mentioned are perfectly reasonable, and would be workable when only dealing with one or a small number of mods/authors. But it rather unravels for the user when the number increases. And wasn't one of the hypes everyone was vocal about with 1.1.x 64-bit support the ability to use 'moar mods'...?
  20. I do have a big fast SSD in RAID. My unmodded 1.1.2 install loads in under 30 seconds, the modded one takes 12 mins if the MM cache wasn't invalidated by some mod update, or 17 mins if it was and needs to be redone. I agree with you that I find those times disappointing and it does appear like KSP is very slow in loading despite the potential SSD speed. That the MM cache makes such a difference also points to processing being a huge factor that rather undoes the benefits of the SSD. I just did a reload while watching performance details: during the load time, 1 of 8 CPU cores is practically pegged to 100% by the KSP process, while the disk read activity on the SSD is on average under 20%, in separated peaks. So yes, most of the load process appears CPU bound, not disk bound. And before you ask: network activity during this all was, with the exception of a few tiny dispersed dimples, 0%. Edit: turns out it's even 'worse'... there was a background backup going on at the time that appears to account for a significant part of the read activity, as it was doing the SSD at the time. As I am reloading the game right now, disk activity averages easily below 10% and even the peaks don't get to more than 40-50%. 1 CPU core still pegged to 100% by the loading KSP process.
  21. The install moment is only one time when this may play a role and the simplest case; the update moments are what more frequently mess things up. When I mod an install, it's easily hundreds at a time (209 on my current mod install for 1.1.2). Consider having to do this for an average of 5-6 mod updates every single day, even without a KSP update being the cause. Keeping your install up to date becomes very tedious, I can tell you, even with the convenience of most of the mods being 'done' by CKAN, let alone having to scour the 'last page or two' of relkease threads on the off chance, which lately turns out not to be so off, that the update requires a little different or extra to be done. Just for giggles, check a moment how many mods are currently in 'maintenance mode' only by people that are not the original dev, and where updates are only being notified somewhere in the thread and not in the OP. It's almost starting to become a norm of sorts, unfortunately (yet very grateful that volunteers pop up willing to maintain and recompile mods). Not offended, you're stating your case and so am I. Even if it's not really my case per sé, as I'm perfectly capable of even recompiling mods for myself when/if I need to... there is still a case in my view for making the process less time-consuming for those of us that like very modded installs.
  22. Alternatively, a linear RCS port works too. Tiny drag and weight, tiny part, and very high impact tolerance.
  23. That I agree on, regardless of any other arguments. I wouldn't say quite that much, there's definitely a number of mods out there with config files or other output that you need/want to keep in the mod directory, which if doing a very simplistic 'delete and replace' will be lost. Truth is that it's not so simply cut, mods do come with various installation instructions/requirements, sometimes chancing for specific updates, and mod authors have good reason to want that freedom. But at the same time, the fact that this diversity does exist and happen, is also why some form of automated install would very much up the user-friendliness, even for those of us with PhDs and intimate knowledge of processor registers and six programming languages.
  24. Like I said: not so simple after all. Now you have to search and check every mod release thread for specific instructions regarding each update, that may (or may not!) be stated in the OP. For one mod, 5 mods, 10 mods.. perhaps doable. For 50 mods? 100? 200? Updating each at their own random moments and may or may not have exceptions in the 'very simple' install procedure to take into account.
  25. Except of course when merging is exactly the wrong thing to do. Maybe not that simple after all?
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