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Everything posted by swjr-swis

  1. Now now, can't we all just quit along?
  2. @KasperVld, I've been getting quite a number of these lately while either clicking links to forum threads, or trying to reply to a thread: Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2S136/V Contact Us Is this a temporary after-effect of the forum downtime, or is there a more serious issue going on?
  3. Blah, there goes my idea of visiting a cold far-away moon and refueling directly off the lakes of methane.
  4. Wouldn't a geosync orbit be the best bet (same speed as the surface/atmosphere, so 0m/s relative speed when teleported from geosync into the atmosphere)? Never mind, I need to read what I type before posting, especially at 2am. Can HE set the desired velocity vector before teleporting into the atmosphere, as an intermediate step? Could be an issue if the craft is near something else (eg. orbiting near a station), but perhaps it could be done by doing an intermediate teleport to some safe spot - for example a billon km above the solar north pole, well outside the system ecliptic and far enough away that for that split second solar gravity has negligible effect. Then teleport from there into the atmosphere before starting the landing sequence. Alternatively, is it possible to do something similar to the shielding effect of a closed fairing/cargo bay, only for the time between spawning into the atmosphere and reaching the proper velocity, and then remove that shielding effect? Can a craft be in a 'stowed' state without actually being inside a fairing/bay?
  5. Just MM and AirPark on a clean 1.1.2, patch works, buttons show on pods and they work. I have noticed no extra wobble or drag after resuming a flight, but I'm not using FAR.
  6. Something like this: // Module Manager patch to disable by default the RCS pitch/roll/yaw functions @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleRCS]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { %enableYaw=False %enablePitch=False %enableRoll=False } } Should do the trick. Careful though, this is indiscriminantly looking at all parts that have a ModuleRCS, could affect mod parts too. If you want it more controlled, edit the @PART line to be more specific for just the parts you want to edit.
  7. Una vez puestas las naves en la pista, y antes de hacer nada, controla con click derecha en todas las ruedas del tren de aterrizaje si dicen 'gear blocked: yes'. Si hay siquiera una sola en ese estado, perpárate para un Holiday on Ice en vez de despegar. En 1.1.x, cambiaron la manera como trabajan las ruedas, y son increiblemente sensibles a estar 'demasiado' pegadas a otras piezas, además de no resistir ni acercarse al mismo peso que antes. Asegúrate que las ruedas estén bién alejadas de cualquier otra pieza, y por lo general necesitarás ruedas más grandes para llevar el mismo peso.
  8. Dunclaw appears to have recompiled it for 1.1.2, dll at this link: https://github.com/dunclaw/AirPark/blob/893c1263c942c8e24b11e2d47e13173448877533/GameData/AirPark/Plugins/AirPark.dll
  9. I noticed Dunclaw put in a pull request for a 1.1.2 recompile, recompiled dll at this link: https://github.com/dunclaw/AirPark/blob/893c1263c942c8e24b11e2d47e13173448877533/GameData/AirPark/Plugins/AirPark.dll
  10. Did this happen to be a part that you had a test contract for?
  11. I noticed that the one-click functionality interferes with the recent stock ability to also reroot floating subassemblies (transparent sets of parts disconnected from the main craft and set aside while editing). It simply refuses to do anything with floating sections. Would it be very difficult to add that ability to SelectRoot? If not, at least make it not interfere or revert to stock behaviour when I try reroot a floating subassembly. I would prefer the awkward stock two clicks than it not working at all, I encounter this issue surprisingly often.
  12. Hola caraveliko. Antes de todo: bienvenido al foro. He mirado el archivo del v4.0, y estoy de acuerdo que no parece contener ninguna instrucción para instalarlo. Creo que algo se perdió en actualizar el archivo. La bueno noticia es que hay poca cosa que se necesita saber. Una vez tienes el Module Manager instalado (y por lo dicho ya lo tienes), simplemente copia la carpeta 'ESP' con todo el contenido al GameData (o sea, para tener GameData/ESP). Ya está, eso es todo, por lo menos para esta versión. Lo he comprobado en una copia fresca de 1.1.2, y trabaja. Lo que quizás pasa es que esperabas ver los primeros títulos y el menú de entrada traducidos. Lamentablemente, con esta versión eso no sucede: solamente verás traducciones de texto dentro del juego, por ejemplo las descripciones de las piezas, los nodos de ciencia, etc. Hasta que se haya finalizado el plugin, los otros textos no se traducen todavía.
  13. No estoy seguro que haga lo que tienes en mente, pero el Kronal Vessel Viewer puede generar un plano de diseño de la nave. Fuera de KSP, si subes una nave al KerbalX.com, una de las cosas que deja ver es una lista de las piezas usadas. Lo único que he encontrado para tracear un vuelo, es este: Para la función tiene que detallar posición y tiempo, pero al no usarlo no sabría decir en qué formato lo hace.
  14. There's no voting option for those of us who play multiple versions along-side each other, with and without mods. This is not because of something specific to the current release. I finally voted the first option, 1.0.5 unmodded, but that is only part of the picture. My current 'main' craft design and career game is still on 1.0.5 unmodded, but I also have a modded 1.1.1 install, both modded and unmodded 1.1.2, and modded 1.0.4 and 1.0.2. The 1.0.x ones because of ongoing careers/missions that I want to bring to a satisfactory end of sorts, 1.1.1 is really just a playground for a dwindling number of mods that have yet to update to 1.1.2, and 1.1.2 is now my main mod testing install.
  15. Siguiendo con interés el progreso de esta carrera. Una pregunta: ¿Qué te hizo decidir por TACLF? En especial, me interesaría saber si consideraste también el MKS-Lite como alternativa.
  16. Book of Armaments, chapter 2, verses 9-21: "One... two... five!" "Three, Sir!" "Three!"
  17. See, this is why I simply keep to 'moar' in my vernacular, none of this couple/few nonsense. The exact number is never in question, it's just moar. And the next time it comes up, it's still moar. It is always moar. Case closed. ... ... (adds one moar)
  18. The name (and description) is a bit misleading: it's nothing to do with clipping parts into others, it just allows to use the same stack attachment nodes multiple times. Eg.: Place an Mk1 Pod, then a tank below that on the node, then add a second tank at exactly the same node, so both are attached to the Mk1 bottom node. In the editor, you can notice this because a 'used' node will continue to show as available, and will accept anything attached to it. And the reasons why this is risky: fuel routing can sometimes get very screwy, and some parts do end up very clipped into each other and cannot handle that without exploding.
  19. All it takes is a few boosters attached to the surface and firing retrograde...
  20. No, it closes immediately, after a lot of fast text scrolling. Not sure you'll want to replicate, it's a mod test install, 161 mods at this point according to CKAN: Probably not of much use to you anyway, since it's all CKAN-installed mods.
  21. Speaking of the Part Mapper: how can one force it to log the terminal output to a text file? I tried running the Part Mapper on my 1.1.2 mod test directory, but there is a lot of fast-scrolling output to the command window, and it closes immediately. I suspect it is not uploading any information due to some error(s), but I can't read it. I already tried the usual stdout/stderr redirection methods, but no file is created (partmapper.exe > partmapper.log, or partmapper 1>partmapper.log 2>&1).
  22. Not only that, it also interferes with placing struts from payload to the inside of a fairing, which one is forced to work around by elaborately 'tricking' the editor (with creative camera angles and extensive truss frames outside the fairings) into leaving the fairing in place when placing such struts. Would be a very welcome toggle indeed. (And yes, even with auto-struts in 1.1+ fairings, I find additional struts are sometimes required to secure a payload. Don't judge me. )
  23. Users that have contributed to the knowledge base. In other words: those who have used the Part Mapper to upload mod part details, which allows KerbalX to determine what mods are used in a craft.
  24. Default mass of a Kerbal appears to be 94kg (0.094) in 1.1.2, as inferred from the difference between MJ/KER readouts before/after boarding the EAS while still on the launchpad.
  25. MJ and KER already do the dV and TWR calculations, and they've been trying to solve the problems with things like creative staging sequences and fuel routing for a long time now, so it is probably a good idea to take a look at what they are doing on this.
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