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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. @Cruesoe has made a .cfg for RP-1 that now includes Modular Launch Pads, you can extract what you need from that. I'm not making a .cfg as I don't use it. I have a custom stock category with subcats, that's what I use. The parts are titled in a way to group them together.
  2. Yes, based on images of the actual rocket and certain distinctive details on that BDB variant, the Centaur was rotated like that to make everything match. I should add that it's only the tank that's rotated, the engine mount can be left in the default placement position.
  3. Yep, the prime speculation was that a private equity firm and not a game publisher had bought the PD properties. Turned out to be correct, and now we have a name. Don't get too excited, all this team-up of Haveli and the ex-Annapurna staff may do is just distribute the former PD games, but if that keeps KSP alive then that's a plus at least.
  4. With v2.8 done, that's the last of the v2 updates, so it's time to start thinking about v3. This will be a very long term project. There won't be a separate branch on the GitHub for v3. I'm completely changing the folder structure, and putting all .mu files and texture images into one Assets folder, and having the part .cfgs in different folders. This is to eliminate a lot of repeated texture images and to allow the v3 parts to coexist with the older parts. The v3 folders will be added to the existing folders on the master branch, and as the new parts are completed, the old versions will be fully hidden. That way craft files will still able to be loaded so the old parts can be changed out. Once v3 is done, the release will not have any of the old parts, but the folders will be able to be copied into an existing v2.8 install if desired. Or just start fresh. The internal part names are going to be chnaged, both to establish a unified naming scheme (like how BDB does it) and to allow the old parts to coexist and be hidden without afffecting the new parts. This will be a full remake and revamp. Lots of stuff will be changed, some more so than others. There will be an SLS line of parts, dedicated Atlas V/Vulcan launch bases, and a remade series of general launch bases, focused on just one exhaust hole size (or maybe 2 in some cases). Nothing will use the stretchy launch clamp module legs as strucural members, but cosmetic legs/columns/pillars of fixed or adjustable height. And plenty more, including stuff I haven't thought of yet.
  5. Version 2.8! It's on the GitHub right now, Spacedock will come later as it is currently having trouble doing an update. I think CKAN will pick up the GitHub release. Changelog: * NEW Vandenberg SLC-6 Shuttle Mount and Tower parts. * NEW Atlas-Agena Service Tower. * NEW Atlas SLV3-Centaur Service Tower and modified umbilical arms. * NEW Atlas I/II Service Tower and custom Umbilical Arm. * NEW Modular version of the Delta IV Service Tower with core and top section parts. * Remade the Round and Rectangular General Launch Stands and gave them adjustable-height legs. * Modified the Shuttle Launcher Base with integrated adjustable SRB hold-downs and custom decks for different shuttle stacks, as well as an SLS variant. * Modified many of the launch stands and launch plates by minimizing the stretchy launch clamp module meshes and adding a switcher to turn them off. * Added blank decouple animations to all launch clamp bases, stands and plates to prevent throwing an orange-color NRE in the log. * Removed the few RO craft files of mine as they are at risk of becoming outdated.
  6. "Experimental parts" means science or career mode, and most of the MLP parts will need to be unlocked first from their custom nodes on the very left side of the tech tree (assuming some tech tree mod didn't remove them), there's only a small number of them at the start.
  7. Ok, the final modeling thing for v2.8, I did add legs as an alternate option to the General Small and Medium Bases. Kind of a a quickie interim thing, as the launch bases will be remade again in v3.
  8. Oops! I made a late change to the Atlas Stand, removing the colliders from the clamp arms, but didn't do it to the revised stand, but the old one Correct one is on the GitHub now.
  9. After some final tweaks, it is fully complete now, ready to put on the GitHub. Have this little build and launch demo: It's now on the master branch of the GitHub. I have some housekeeping things to do with all the launch bases, and I think I'll add some fixed legs as an option to the general bases that currently only have wheels. Then v2.8 will be ready for official release.
  10. And now it's all done! Had to modify one of the general droop umbilicals into an Atlas I/II version, as the general ones, while they could work, didn't really match the actual one. This one is asymmetrical, with separate deploy limit sliders for the inner and outer segments.
  11. And now the modeling is done! Last details put in place (including an adjustable side plate for banner decals). Time to put it all into Unity and then into KSP. Screenshots from Wings3D show the "everything on" version, and don't have the arm umbilicals, as most got moved into their Unity positions.
  12. More progress, the topmost tower section is done. While I was at it, I realized the upper stairs really were on the outside, not inside, and so decided to make them better . Call it Stairs, second draft. They're not perfect, but they'll do for now, it's practice for later. Some of the details will be toggleable, as this tower has appeared in various forms over the years. I'm not going to make every variant, but a few representative ones.
  13. Progress! The blasted piping to the arms is finally done. The tower pipes have two variants: the default one for the exact placement of the arms as shown here, and an alternate one that allows te arms to be moved up and down and still be connected to something. The connector pipes on the arms themselves can also be turned off. Now for the rest of the tower details....
  14. Still a lot of detailing to be done with the tower, but got the wind damper arm 3 in game, fixed up the connecting pipes beween the two upper arms and the tower, added an Atlas I/II tower node to the Atlas Launch Stand, and adjusted the arm attach nodes on the tower and the Atlas I/II node on the stand to precisely put the tower and arms in the right spots. All that the player needs to do is lower the whole Atlas stack so that the tower sits on the floor of the VAB; it doesn't need to be exact as the tower's collider doesn't start until 0.1m above the bottom. The tower was actually on the side of the launch stand opposite the side with the pipes leading up to the Atlas, but I will add another node for the tower so you don't have to be so exact. Yeah, Atlas II launched from LC-36, but I moved the tower in enough so it could be used with the TLC LC-14 pad.
  15. After several days of endless modifying, tweaking and reloading, the revised Atlas I/II Tower Arm 2 is done, along with a revised animation and pipe connections to the tower pipes (still a WIP). This default tower pipe arrangement obviously requires a lot of precise arrangement and positioning of the launch stand, rocket, tower and arms, so there will also be an alternate version which won't require such precise vertical positioning, and which will be useful for more general uses. Basically the pipes xoming from the arm will clip into vertical ones on the tower, which actually is how a lot of the other pipes are like anyway.
  16. In a case of going a little too obsessive over fine details, I'm modifying the Arm 2 umbilicals. After seeing what I did with Arm1, and looking again at images and the actual parts on the BDB Atlas II, I found the arm lacking. One thing I noticed that Zorg included on the Centaur 2 tank's texture two small black holes that looked like umbilical connection points (like the ones he added to the Delta IV), and they did match one of the images I've studied. So after a tedious series of modify-write-copy-reload cycles, I got two of the umbilicals repositioned. It did involved rotating the Centaur tank and interstage by a few standard small increments (shift key with the rotate gizmo and with angle snap on) to match how they appear in IRL images. Close-up of the partially modified arm (ignore the missing or misplaced meshes); those small raised rectangles on the tank are where the connection points are: And a wider view with both arms in place:
  17. Modular Launch Pads has some custom tech tree nodes, they are arranged in a vertical column branching from the stock Start node. What does this tree do with them? Or are the parts moved elsewhere? I prefer my parts be in separate nodes from rocket and plane parts, so I may have to add a patch to Modular Launch Pads to move my nodes to where this tree's Start node is.
  18. Got the WIP tower and Arm 1 into the game. Had to make some tweaks to the arm so the umbilical connectors were better positioned on the fairing. Didn't touch the umbilicals themselves (that would have meant altering the animations), I just moved the attachment points in the arm. Probably should have learned what that part actually was before placing meshes.
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