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Everything posted by Gojira1000

  1. If you're entering VERY hot, sometimes an axial spin to evenly distribute heat will give you an edge, as well. And what Snark said on airbrakes - those are for slowing down once under 1300 m/s and not much else.
  2. I did my first 150-plus hours without any mods and still landed and returned from Duna and the Moons of Jool. So, no, I don't imagine I'd quit. But I'd miss KER.
  3. Bravo @Iam aspaceman and just sneaking in under the wire. I have to admit landing an empty ship with ISRU never entered my mind and is a brilliant idea I will now wholeheartedly swipe.
  4. It's making for very pretty recreations - I love that NSS-6
  5. I'm sloppy - anything I land on Tylo I need to have good TWR and at least 5K dV in the tank.
  6. I love it - there's a certain satisfaction in managing to follow an actual mission's goals and limitations.
  7. I think the name says it all. Pick your favorite historic(al) mission and re-create it as closely as you can in as-stock-as-possible KSP (you can use mods, in other words, just no hyperedit or f12 cheatiness) - from any era (Wright Brothers, anyone?) As an example, here's my X-15 re-creation, weight is spot on, which made me happy. It wanted to go higher than the "normal" historic 80km so I had to fight that a bit, but I was pleased with the results. Oh, and Gen. White's record? That's almost twice the speed of an SR-71. In 1962. It's also not the fastest - my bad - that was William Knight in 1967 at 7,273 kph. Knight "holds the world's speed record for flight in a winged, powered aircraft." Imgur albums or vids are very welcome. This was in KSP 1.1 beta 64-bit. Your Mileage May Vary.
  8. I feel bad for always posting this one, but it does help:
  9. Ions don't model thrust blockage? Oh I need to abuse that.
  10. Strunk and White should be your bedside reader. 100% in agreement.
  11. How to write well, the real rules: Avoid exposition. Show, don't tell. Omit needless words. Avoid adverbs. Write what you know. Remember that characters drive stories, not the reverse. When it's done, edit. Edit again. Every time you do, make it shorter. Edit more.
  12. *pat pats* It's OK, someday the beta will be over and this will all be a distant, horrible memory clouded by an alcohol haze.
  13. Sunny, warm and forecast 19 here today - which is VERY unseasonable. I plan on sitting in a lawn chair with beer and watching the snow melt off the hills.
  14. I like me some progression mechanics - they work for me and are enjoyable, so I'm pretty much career-only, outside having a sandbox game save for testing/doing YouTube things
  15. Much as I love making people do math - KER needs to be stock. It's that important. It's the only mod I'd really back as an addition to stock, in fact. Everything else is useful but optional.
  16. My first docking attempt probably took an hour and a ridiculous amount of monoprop. I'd watched MechJeb do it and tried to copy its technique. Then I got smart and simply copied its steps, rather than its fairly pedestrian technique, and lo and behold, docking was easy. And extremely satisfying.
  17. I messed about in the beta build, found three bugs, then found all three were already reported, so I had a Scotch. It was a good day.
  18. I sense the next Beta being a closed one. *sigh*
  19. Seriously? Fallout 4 new beta Survival mode and KSP 1.1 Beta the same bloody day? NO SLEEP! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
  20. I wander back and forth.
  21. Yep it'll have negligible gravity so I don't foresee too many issues with scaling. But I will defer to all you smart people (I just fly things)
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