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Everything posted by Gojira1000

  1. Brilliant - that will help the modders make a parts pack of appropriate masses
  2. Yep - this would be the way to go. Will require someone with more than my own nonexistent modding skills - I was pondering payload elements - they don't need to do anything in game terms, but they do need to mass properly (and looking right would be a bonus)
  3. Ooo interesting - I won't have time to get near this until next weekend but I'd love to see some of our top people try this out
  4. I play the game the way that's fun to me. If that decreases your enjoyment of the game, you may need to evaluate why you play games at all.
  5. For daily use: Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and Kerbal Engineer Redux For prettiness: EVE and Scatterer For Science: DMorbital Magic, Scansat For parts: Lots of options, maybe play with Ven's Stock Revamp first to get you feet wet? Oh, and possibly: TAC Life Support and MKS-lite
  6. At least 4 times I remember with crews. Probably an equal number of probes. I go there every career, any more.
  7. You made it under the wire - I expect we'll see 1.1 pretty darn soon - loved the ship - asparagus is just more Kerbal-y, somehow. (and I think you're right, you can get back from sea level to a stable 130Km orbit with less than 9000dV - so something about ascent changed, somewhere)
  8. 64 bit (well, in U5 at least) does make the difference - Roverdude explained it to me, once. I just nodded lots and remembered 70 years/120-million-years or whatever it was.
  9. I like the panic. I always assume Jeb is in the pilot's seat singing a ditty about "lovely kerolox fireballs" over the headsets
  10. Or just send Sarge with a spanner and orders to "pretend you're on shore leave". I have faith in Sarge.
  11. Well, mine has to take a back seat to Rune (1, for style and 2, for Tylo) but I've been everywhere else with it, now, and I'm quite fond of the Express. Though I do wish it was a tad more stable in flight. The craft file is in the YT description, if you want to improve on it
  12. The weirdly satisfying thumps (and occasional explosions) that occur when triggering decouplers. (But mostly the editor being brilliant)
  13. There are far more Canadians on here than you'd expect. Trudeau's probably around, somewhere. @KasperVld?
  14. Matt's busy playing Minecraft. @SpaceplaneAddict, possibly
  15. Yep - thus my (possibly mental) quest for a submarine SSTO
  16. I've been trying to build a submarine SSTO for quite a while, so this was a good chance to use some of my failure-lessons. I blame Matt and Hazard-ish for the whole "submarine SSTO" project. Which I will eventually manage in a way that makes me happy.
  17. That is (basically) a hard mode completion. If you give me the last bit of drama.
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