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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. I'm trying to have the stock launch clamps pump LH2 into the tanks using the stock Generator module. It seems to work for USI-LS Supplies, but LqdHydrogen does not seem to flow. I checked the resource definition for LH2 but there is no pump restriction that I can find. Has anyone gotten this to work for LH2? @PART[launchClamp1] { -MODULE[ModuleTestSubject] {} @MODULE[ModuleGenerator] { OUTPUT_RESOURCE // no NEEDS[SSTU] as I don't play without it ;) { name = LqdHydrogen rate = 20 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE:NEEDS[USILifeSupport] { name = Supplies rate = 1 } } }
  2. Why is everyone quoting that whole message mulitple times in a row? You can just reply without that wall of text every time.
  3. And at the rate they are fixing creating bugs in 1.4.x, I'd hold off for a bit before putting any work into an update for it? Thanks for the 1.3.1 update!
  4. It checks that RSS is installed, but you can easily remove that check from the first line. Also you can easily adjust thrust/isp to better suit the scale you are running.
  5. More info or you will not get suport I think. KSP version, log files.... Also, if you are running RO then I think Mage will point you to ask RO about that as SSTU does not support RO.
  6. You need someone that playsthose mods to make a PR on github to patch those resources.
  7. The fact that there is still not even a simple dV indicator without using mods shows how detached Squad is from their game and doesn't give a rat's behind. Without mods this game is unbearable to play, it even took them years to acknowledge that the weak joints were an issue and not a feature as they kept selling it. I'm using 1.3.1 as if it's the last release of KSP that will ever come out, as 1.4 should never have been shipped and it seems QA was removed all together, issueing in the EoL phase of this game.
  8. Make a modulemanager patch in gamedata or your own folder. @PART[partname]:NEEDS[mod]:AFTER[mod] { @requiredTech = newnode }
  9. Jeff Wayne refference finally kicked in.
  10. Ah, the parent slot option would do the job just fine. Looking really awesome!!!!
  11. Holy GUIs, batman! Will there be a possibility for a vertical offset for the panels?
  12. Any chance of Electro or Noname adding their stock patches into the TU release (future releases anyway).
  13. Seems the patches are working fine in 1.4.1 up to this point, but will check when SSTU releases their update as most of my patches revolve around SSTU parts.
  14. I had the same issue with the heatshield where it did not seperate the stage below it but jetisson the shield instead. Thank god for alt-f12
  15. KSP costs $20 and I've played it for thousands of hours. No micro-transactions, no season passes, no upgrade charges. After 5 years they come out with a paid expansion and everyone is moaning about $15; you don't need to install it, KSP can run fine without it (if it runs at all with 1.4.1.).
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