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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Beware the latest 1.4.1 release, it crashes when I revert to VAB and locks my entire PC until I force KSP to shutdown. Guess I'm not paying until 1.4.2 at least. [yep, this has no relation to SSTU, just moaning ]
  2. FML KSP crashes and locks my entire PC when I revert a flight to VAB. Yeah: I'm going to wait for 1.4.2
  3. Downloaded and it says installed on steam, but nothing new is showing up in the game. Because they already had: I read it in at least two places already and I'm not even elligable.
  4. Sstu has been well beyond this for a while now, even having custom recoloring (rgb, specular, metallic). The tools for this are available to other modders as well in the form of TexturedUnlimited.
  5. I'm playing 1.4 stock a bit, but I keep looking for the length and diameter setting for the tanks to no avail. And the engines don't cluster either. I mean, come on, this is just torture. (This is me poking fun at ksp, not wanting an update as I am content with 1.3.1, but hopefully Mage knows me a little by now)
  6. Not until after 1.4.1 is released most likely, as it's already been announced. I think most modders will not put any real effort into this version yet because of the upcoming patch. I've not seen a single 1.4 release on spacedock yet either.
  7. Maybe even open a Patreon account or add a paypal donation button (you already have one I see)?
  8. OMG!? You mean the mods have NOT been updated for 1.4 yet!!!! @ShadowMage Before you stop, you have to at least make an official release for SSTU and take it out of WIP after all these years. Release and then never look back at KSP
  9. Must. Not. Ask. If. Update. Available. Must. Resist.
  10. Maybe @Shadowmage, @sarbian, @Nertea, @raidernick, @RoverDude and some others should put their minds in one basket and come up with an alternative to KSP. RSS, RO, SSTU, NearFuture, LifeSupport, Scatterer, EVE, Mechjeb, proper heat mechanics; all integrated into the game. My shorts are not safe just from the idea of what could come of this. Hey, at least let me dream.
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSTU = KSP.... I'm never playing KSP without it. I can understand your frustration though. Even as a non-modder I have put question marks at the way squad is running things. When I saw that half-assed attempt at texture switching I was already like But there is next to zero improvement to gameplay with this new release, at least I don't see it in the test I have running or in the release notes. Just more of the garbage localization so we can see that polish translation update 10 times a day on SpaceDock. There have been zero efforts by squad to improve their game, and reading about the new eula in regards to mods, I doubt this game will have a long lifespan after 1.4 Heck 1.4.1 is already announced with that DLC. My bet is they are going for the cashgrab now with EOL coming in the near future. Best game on the planet when SSTU is installed, I am making so many backups of 1.3.1 and all the mods. I wish I could change your mind, Mage, but if you need to find reasons to motivate you to keep going, I doubt it will last long. I absolutely love what you have done for this game. So whichever way you go, I would like to give a big THANK YOU for making my life that much more enjoyable! Hail Mage!
  12. Amen to that! (the waiting part, not the hooking Nertea up to an IV with redbull. Although....
  13. So where are al the mod updates for 1.4??? <ducks for cover, avoids thrown objects, swirves under banhammer>
  14. I can't get out of the menus, only way was to restart the game. GUI is anything but intuitive.
  15. Or just change the value in the actual cfg file as it will be temporary anyway? Or just add a few extra radiators near the fuel drum. I've never had an issue with this to be honest unless you just came out of warp and don't have enough radiators or didn't wait long enough for the heat to dissipate. Yeah, heat has always been a pita, as are most systems during time warp like boil-off and lifesupport.
  16. Will TU and Recoloring ever be an option for this mod as per SSTU? I think you mentioned you didn't have the original textures etc, but could something be done like @Manwith Noname is doing for stock parts?
  17. Meh, it seems to add a dirty cheap lens effect, only blurring the image and overexposing the highlights. I've not seen anything I would want to be honest, and I also noticed they have several issues like every other graphics "improvement" mod out there at the moment. Getting scatterer flashbacks already; improve one thing, break 15 others while dropping frame rate 50% in the process. Re tanks: I think there will be people wanting option 1, but personally I would go for #2. Maybe MFT-A and MFT-B?
  18. All the screenshots I've seen just look like they add a dirty lens effect, blurring everything and blowing out the whites with some added flares. Is this the result you were going for?
  19. KSP can't handle current heat mechanics, let alone what you are suggesting The bug is KSP related, not on the side of the modders.
  20. They are solar panels, not radiators. How do the ISS panels not melt? Are you one of those guys that thinks the Roadster should melt in space because reasons?
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