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Everything posted by Gman_builder

  1. Only electric? I sexually identify as a stock gas turbine turboprop and i find this offensive.
  2. Yeah that tends to happen. I am not exactly sure how it works in 1.2 but previously the game would bug at really high RPM and give a miss-reading. I was testing a engine and a turbine blade flew off at exactly 100.0 rad/s, but i dont know how accurate that reading was because it was so precise.
  3. Today i was doing some research and came across what might be the perfect real life analog to the Chakora The #86 Yak-11 "Czech Mate" from the 2014 Gold Heat Race
  4. I cant really see what is going on because of the smoke but yeah i get the idea.
  5. When you guys explain to me how to build such a contraption i am all ears.
  6. I'm not really sure what you mean by "windmill in the middle.." but i use a transmission because it saves on part count. I i wanted a 2 wheel drive car with a direct drive line where the wheel hooked straight up to the axle i would need two whole engines. One for each wheel. The part count on these is already high enough so.
  7. With a lot of craft they just kind of say 0.1m/s regardless of whether your moving or not. You can be landed in the ocean and your pod will still be reading 0.1 m/s. So i don't really think that qualifies. I think the minimum speed will be 1 m/s. I dont know what kind of bug your talking about. The reason we remove the trails is to reduce lag. Your FPS can double if you have a really high blower count craft and you remove the trails.
  8. 114 parts is actually really good for engine that runs stably. I have one thats still in development that is about the same diameter as yours, but it has almost 250 parts. Albeit it is heavily tuned and has incredible performance. I suggest adding much more blowers and removing their smoke trails. RPM is everything. I think the problem is that your engine has very low RPM.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiHflhpyCq4&feature=youtu.be Heres that link. I didnt post the actual vid because this isnt the place for bug reports. If anyone could direct to that thread i would appreciate it.
  10. "stable" and "fairing" cannot be used in the same sentence. Whenever you change any video settings in 1.2 it deletes your fairings. I'm talking about when your actually flying too, not in the VAB. I got a great video of it that is uploading right now. I'll post a link in a minute.
  11. Where do i go to post bugs. I found a pretty serious one that needs fixing.
  12. Yeah go ahead. I'd like to check it out. You can try out the 1.2 prerelease now if you want to get a head start, though i found it doesn't increase performance very much if at all in this current build. I get the same FPS with large ships as i did before but now there are just more bugs.
  13. Yeah. I hope this gets more interest in days to come. It's been quiet for a while.
  14. TURBOSHAFT LAND SPEED RECORD This is a new challenge i thought i'd share with the community in the hopes of getting more people interested in turboshaft technology without all the hassle and tweaking of making planes that fly. Essentially. This challenge will center around how fast we can make a turboshaft powered LAND vehicle to go. There will be 3 categories 1. 2 Wheel drive cars 2. 4 Wheels drive cars 3. Boats RULES 1. Your 2 wheel drive car must be driven by wheels. I.E. no propellers on a square frame. 2. Your 4 wheel drive car must also be powered by wheels. 3. Boats can be powered by propellers or paddles. Which ever you prefer. 4. No mods on the actual craft. Mods like VOID and EER can be used to assist in building and monitoring the craft. 5. Your vehicle must be powered by stock turboshaft engine. (obviously) See this thread for info on how to build your own engine. 6. Your craft must be built in 1.2. This challenge is to test the stability of the game and see what we can do in 1.2. Here are my examples. Here is my 2 wheel drive car. She got up to around 22 m/s max. (Pay no mind to the music) https://kerbalx.com/Gman_builder/Stock-turboshaft-car Here is my 4 wheel drive car. This one got up to around 4 m/s. (Watch with annotations ON) https://kerbalx.com/Gman_builder/Gremlin-MK1 HAPPY TURBOSHAFTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you have any suggestions on ways to improve this challenge please tell me) WINNERS 2 Wheel drive cars: 1. 2. 3. 4 Wheel drive cars: 1. 2. 3. Boats: 1. 2. 3.
  15. I've always wanted to do this and im losing interest in KSP so might as well start now. This will be a could way to spark some inspiration again.
  16. @Majorjim! Thanks. It is flying in the screenshots lol without hack gravity. It DOES work.
  17. What? It fits fine. I'm pretty sure the SPH is 80 x 80 and this plane is about 65 x 65. Download it and load it up.
  18. @Jebadiah Kerban Weird, it works fine for me, and it works fine for a lot of people. Yeah obviously there are clipped parts. You can't make a decent looking replica without part clipping. @Majorjim! Try playing it with KJR installed. I already told you why i didnt put on landing gear in the main thread. There are none big enough. I tried using tweakscale for some gear which worked OK but the engines sagged without KJR installed. Then the wings bowed significantly upward in flight. Every time i load up the plane the flaps and control surfaces move differently but i never noticed any exposed struts. I said in the main topic that a lot of stuff on the plane is for purely aesthetics. I built the plane for looks not functionality. Anything over 500 parts is impractical in this game anyway. I also never noticed very many edges sticking out except for the VERY nose. Making a nosecone with the shape that was required is just not possible with a single part. A cone that is flattened at the top. I don't really see how the engine exhaust degrades from the quality of the plane. It comes out of the engines. I can't do anything about it. There are so many struts because the plane is HUGE and the KSP spaghetti joints just dont cut it. It literally falls apart even with all the struts it has. Bro, i worked on this plane for a month and worked out every kink i could. If you want to send me a craft where these are all fixed i'd love to see it.
  19. I finished it and its on KerbalX if you havnt seen it yet. I was going through old posts and thought i should just let you know
  20. i am plying on a notebook laptop with no GPU. I know your pain.
  21. I think this topic got obsolete pretty fast. It's like a stale meme.
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