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  • About me
    Engineering Student
  • Location
    Setting course for Rocheworld
  • Interests
    Gloria in astra caput
    Lets head to the stars

    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. So what do you guys think of my new sig colors?

    It's various blue and purple shades

    The Universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go to Space - Each Discovered, Studied, and Remembered  By the ones who made the irrational decision. -Randall Munroe   |   Once you're in low Earth orbit, you're halfway to anywhere -Robert Heinlein Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.-Arthur C. Clark

    My mod discussions | My slightly modded KSP Adventures! | SciFi novel ideas

    The children between worlds WIP novel | Sci fi | The Void WIP novel |Sci fi

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceception


      Argh, I'm out of likes ):

    3. Spaceception


      NOOO! Matuchkin! I ran out of likes again!

      Also, I think it fits my cover photo better :)

    4. Matuchkin
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