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    Engineering Student
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    Setting course for Rocheworld
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    Gloria in astra caput
    Lets head to the stars

    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. I have a friggin amazing idea for a fleet of Orion spacecraft to Poxima b.

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    2. Spaceception


      hope that's not the case. 

      Anyway, now that I have time,  here's the (Very basic) mission outline.

      Now keep in mind, this is hypothetical, and I'm imagining a global catastrophe happening. 

      The launch complex is in northwestern Canada, at least 300 km away from civilization, where super Orions hundreds of meters fall, and dozens of meters wide are built,  with thousands of nuked around a kiloton.

      26 are built, each with an initial crew of 200, and max crew of 10k, making  5200 total crew members.

      Once each one is built, each Orion would be launched once a week to give time to get the Orions ready for departure, after a year, they're all in orbit and ready to fly, they use about half of the nukes to get to .05c, and take a ~86 year journey to Proxina b.

      Each Orion is within 10k kilometers from each other, for both safety and cast communication,  no Orion is more than 1 light second away from another.

      Each Orion has a massive gravity ring that gets put out when the nukes aren't firing that provides a half-g, with life support and farms in micro-g in the center, as well as several radiation proof rooms for when they're going off, the control decks take up one of those areas

      Each Orion is fitted with 30 shuttle's and 2 tugs, 10 shuttle's are used for cargo, the rest, for crew.  The tugs have NTR engines, and are used for collecting volatile for robotic space mining operations,  while some crew stay in space to break the Orions down for space stations and raw materials 

      When the Orions get into orbit around Proxina b, they form a circle and are connected via orbital struts from the pusher plates that are no longer being used. 

      After scanning the surface for a viable landing location, most of the 780 shuttle's go down to the surface over a few months with the rest staying in space until the remaining crew members are ready to go down over the course of several years

      Also, I'm on mobile so sorry for any errors. 

    3. electricpants


      That's a pretty good outline, Spaceception.

      Also, don't worry @ProtoJeb21, I'm with you on LHS 1140b being habitable. :)

    4. Spaceception


      @ProtoJeb21 I just got a tweet from Prof. Mendez, he said it'll be up soon, they were waiting for changes :)

      Also, rhe front of it is a large curved cone, where life spport, rad-proof rooms, and ship controls are at. 

      Then, it's the gravity ring, a huge inflatable ring 100 meters wide, just for crew. 

      After that, it's the cargo bay/shuttle dock.

      Then the reactor,  finally, the nukes and pulse plate.

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