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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. Yeah, if they had NASA's budget, they could probably put a large manned base on the Moon in 8 years
  2. It's up to you but I'd say yes, I've seen lets plays of it, and it looks really fun
  3. I didn't know that, India's really making large strides in its space program, holy cow. And looking at their past prices, I'm pretty sure this will be dirt cheap, space exploration wise anyway.
  4. Update! I'm now finished with the 2nd chapter, and I'm typing it out now, expect it to be up before the 15th
  5. The Falcon 5, which was going to be a rocket in between the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_5
  6. Rendezvous with Rama is a novel by Arthur C. Clark written in the 70s about a large alien ship that entered the solar system. And humanity is a multi planetary species that rendezvous with Rama to figure it out
  7. Well if you have rockets launching almost every week for prices of like $200 kg, even though they may be losing money for the first few years, after awhile, there would be a feedback loop as more and more people sign up for SpaceX's rockets, which will generate even more money than before, pushing SpaceX to the spotlight as the absolute best launch provider, and pushing other rocket businesses almost out of business, with the almost all of the launches for them being from their government. Generating potentially billions, or even tens of billions per month for SpaceX, also, having mostly of fully reusable rockets would save money for SpaceX since they won't have to spend $60 million every launch to provide a rocket, instead they'll be spending more like $20 million or less, giving them more money for the development of the MCT, and overall, adding to the budget (Whatever it may be) of their Mars colony.
  8. Rendezvous with Rama? That book is excellent, I finished it in less than 6 hours
  9. I'm sure all of you guys know all of this, but please share on your social media
  10. Proxima Centauri by 2099? http://www.aerospaceamerica.org/Documents/Aerospace_America_PDFs_2016/April2016/Feature1_Proxima_AA_April2016.pdf
  11. The day I made my username, I was thinking of Inception, then I replaced "In" with "Space" and my username was born
  12. Are you locking this, or leaving it open? I saw that the other one was locked.
  13. Edit the very first post here (Yours) And next to "Content" is "Polls". Click on that, and you can make a poll Here's a pic to show you where it is, (Look above the title of the post) and scroll down until you see a picture that looks like it came from these forums (There's only 1); http://spaceception20.imgur.com/all#2
  14. Wait seriously!? Do you work with Hubble? Kepler? Will you be working with JWST? Or Tess? With regards to the topic, I personally like the Zoo Hypothesis best, and that we're a protected species until we become a type 1 civilization or something like that
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