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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. What kind of orbit are you going for? 100 x 100 km, which is the minimum altitude of space, or something higher?
  2. Oh. Okay, what's the concentration of alcohol? Is it good enough for a rocket fuel? Here's a possible helpful link http://www.astronautix.com/l/loxalcohol.html
  3. Okay, and I made an error, afaik the smallest orbital rocket is 9 tonnes. Assuming your testing is good, that might be within the range of possibility, but you're going to need a lot of money, I think someone said 20 million. And I'm pretty sure moonshine isn't a good enough revenue source, but you could lower the cost by having hardware stores sponsor you.
  4. Okay, do you have any machinery that can assist you guys? Are you planning on adding anyone else? Orbital rockets will weigh a EDIT minimum of 9 tonnes. Start slow, build smaller rockets and work your way up, learn to walk before you run. See above. Okay, I assume that's on the engineering side, what about licenses and regulations? What's your progress on that? How much research have you done? Have you spoken to anyone who's built rockets for a living? The KSP forums don't count. Talk to actual rocket scientists.
  5. That's a good start. Also, some comments I made a couple days ago: I recommend you take a look at some of these rockets, and base your design on them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-lift_launch_vehicle Particularly this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_4S As it's probably close to the size that you will be building. By the way, how many people are working with you? What's your gameplan/milestone calendar, how much money have you put towards it so far, and what's your progress?
  6. When you can, get a high-speed camera perhaps with thermal imagery as well, that way you can see everything that's going on that the human eye can't see, you can observe thrust curves, and make it more stable, and you can study the temperature of the rocket, so you know if there's not enough, enough, or more than enough material. A lot of rocket explosions happen due to structural failures, and overheating components, having a H-S T camera can allow you to build a more efficient rocket. And since this is homemade, you want it to be as efficient as possible.
  7. If you can't see the rocket, how're you supposed to know what to fix if there's an explosion? Do you have high-speed camera's?
  8. Upgrade to a blast proof window. That way you can see what's going on, and be protected at the same time, also figure out the minimum safe distances of explosions before you test, this depends on how big your rocket is, so double and triple check your numbers before testing.
  9. I'm just going to leave this here
  10. What if we end up finding a smaller Mars-sized planet instead Like in the 1930s we thought something huge was messing with Neptune, and we found Pluto, turns out nothing was wrong with Neptune, and today, we think something's messing with the dwarf planets, and what if it turns out to be nothing, but we find a smaller planet instead. I just think that would be a funny outcome, there's a Planet 9, but not one we expected.
  11. I finally found this song! I've been looking for it for ages ever sense I heard it on Pandora, I didn't realize there was such a deep message.


    1. Spaceception


      Also this one:


  12. Okay, that one made me laugh out loud Problem with eyes that feel like they're on fire? Well I don't know how to help you with that, have fun!
  13. I got hit by a parked car.

    You know, people say texting and driving is dangerous, but nobody talks about texting and walking!

    1. NSEP


      Well, here in the Netherlands, texting while bicycling is a thing too. Lol.

    2. Spaceception


      You just gave me the mental image of someone who tried doing stunts with a bike, but ending up faceplanting instead :D

    3. NSEP


      But suprise! That does not happend here in The Netherlands, the Dutch are still pro-skill bicyclists.

  14. Wormholes are possible through. And it's a cool expansion on the expanse
  15. I can't wait to see the forth book on screen, that will be flippin' amazing! I just finished book 5 yesterday Anyway, I feel it's pretty realistic, if you ignore the Epstein.
  16. If they're all in the same universe, maybe you should set them up like a series, building up to some epic ending, although,,, I am interested in Mission to Rodinia.
  17. @alpha tech I recommend you take a look at some of these rockets, and base your design on them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-lift_launch_vehicle Particularly this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_4S As it's probably close to the size that you will be building. And like many have said before, start small, and work your way up slowly, don't go big yet, or you'll literally crash and burn. I mean, you want to go into orbit! Some of the best engineers on the planet have been doing this for decades, and they still make mistakes, please learn from them, ask for help from actual rocket scientists who have years of rocketry experience (Not amateur rockery, think NASA level, you're talking about building an orbital rocket, ask for help from people who build those for a living), the KSP forums don't count (Unless there's some on here) do your research, and take as many safety precautions known to the human race as possible, don't become arrogant, or you'll get yourself hurt, or worse. This is dangerous stuff and is one of those things you don't want to screw with. With that being said, I think this is a pretty cool idea, I wanted to do something similar a few years ago, but we didn't so much as make a palm sized rocket, but that wasn't because of safety issues, I just couldn't figure out how I was going to get money for any of it, and I was naive to a lot of things. By the way, how many people are working with you? What's your gameplan/milestone calendar, how much money have you put towards it so far, and what's your progress?
  18. People keep telling me to stop changing profile pics.
  19. No, at least to my knowledge they didn't have one for Apollo 11, in the event something bad happened, and they were stranded, the President would give a speech, and NASA would keep contact with them until they ran out of air, or somehow committed suicide. However, if the command module was fine, that would return with 1 Astronaut instead of 3. I haven't read up on it in awhile, and someone else can probably give you a better answer.
  20. 10/10 You look for flippin' planets I think that makes you pretty famous around here.
  21. Well this is the music I listen to while I write.
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