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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I'm trying something new for my novels, by putting the first 300 words of the next chapter up for Infinitum and TCBW, both are up now :)

    1. Spaceception


      Also, over 100 replies for TCBW thread!

    2. NSEP


      Don't have much to say, but i will check it out. And i ran out of likes so... [insert like here]

  2. It's the first 300 words, so I think it just gives you a reason to wait for the full chapter.
  3. Here's the first 300 words of chapter 4 The (...) is there to show there's more dialog.
  4. Okay guys, lets try something new (I'll be doing this for Infinitum as well) I'm going to start posting the first 300 words of each new chapter here, just so you can see my progress, I think this'll work well because it's the first few hundred words of the next chapter, not a couple hundred random words further along. Anyway, here Aside from the bold text, that's 300 words The (...") was just there to show there's more text.
  5. One step ahead of you kermit, chapters 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 will have Vurvian POV
  6. M'donkey I'm sorry, I just saw the word and immediately thought of that.
  7. Recognize the picture? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spaceception


      I haven't changed it for maybe a week....

      And before that, it was up there for awhile.

      Also, nice location :)

    3. The Raging Sandwich

      The Raging Sandwich

      Is that the Falcon 9 this morning? Only because I haven't watched it.

    4. Spaceception
  8. Over 10k words completed so far, and around 500 words for chapter 4 What did you guys think of chapter 3?
  9. Mars, Saturn, and Mercury? What's my favorite type of cookie?
  10. I've finished chapter 3 of Infinitum, what do you guys think?
  11. Here's chapter 3! Before you say anything, yes, I know the font is different, it's intentional, but when I tried changing it, it screwed everything up, so we'll just have to live with it Entrance. I hoped you liked it, leave your thoughts below guys! And how do you like the storyline so far?
  12. @ProtoJeb21 Looks like you're being called to anything that involves new planets On topic, this is really cool, hope they find it this year!
  13. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clark
  14. Cool! But, what about JWST? I mean, that's going to be so much better than Hubble, why not just give more funding to that? On the other hand, It'll be cool to have Hubble continuing its mission. Although, after reading the article, I do think that a backup would be good, considering if something breaks on JWST, we likely won't be able to repair it. And hey! Dream Chaser has a potential mission!
  15. So what are your guys' opinions on these chapters? Any thoughts on how I can improve them in the second draft?
  16. Who else is watchng The expanse?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. daniel l.

      daniel l.

      I'm still wondering. I'm more likely to be able to get the books. But would the TV series be better? I have... ways. Of finding shows.

    3. Spaceception


      It's your choice, but if you have amazon prime, you can watch season 1 for free.

    4. WinkAllKerb''


      ths for sharing post it-ted ^^ checked the pitch , might have a look ^^

  17. This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. NO! This is my thread, Forum software, MINE. Anyway, I'll put up more ideas at some point
  18. Chapter 4! I revised some of it, but it's a first draft, and I want to focus on finishing the rest of the book first, but leave comments, and tell me what you guys think Enjoy!
  19. Laptops, Consoles. Okay, last question for me, at least for now. Do I have a pet?
  20. Oh, anyway, lets get back on track, what do I prefer? Laptops, or tablets?
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