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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. install this and it should fix it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10zdtxBecBq6KDjLS19GIM4_HnNkzK_mp/view?usp=sharing lmk Let me know if it doesn't @DaveyJ576the GATV fairing nosecone is fixed on dev now too
  2. If you make a new cfg file with this in it, somewhere in your game data, it should fix it: @PART[bb_Prop|bb_PropSingle]:AFTER[KRnD] { !MODULE[KRnDModule] {} } Without knowing exactly how krnd works, I’m guessing this should stop the prop parts from being affected by it at all.
  3. The ksp log can show what patches are being applied to a part, so if you search for the part names and look through the patch applications it can give some clues. And if you want to upload the log I can check it too.
  4. @RB101If you can post your ksp.log to a file sharing site and link it, it would be helpful. I'd be curious about AirPark as I haven't tested it with that, and maybe it's just being held in place (possibly negating the 'static airflow', so reducing power), if you remove that mod does it work again?
  5. They don't produce a lot, they aren't meant to be heavy-lift. If they aren't doing anything at all though, double check you have all the dependencies installed correctly, particularly Kerbal Actuators: https://github.com/Angel-125/KerbalActuators/releases and CRP: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/CommunityResourcePack/releases
  6. Is the city lights working for anyone else? I have the latest EVE, so they aren't flickering, but they still show up when they shouldn't: I did the trick of pressing 'apply' in the EVE city lights manager options, and that does fix it, but only temporally. If I do I scene change, the fix is reverted. So far the only fix I can think of is disabling the city lights.
  7. If you're not in sandbox mode, they will be distributed through the tech tree and might need unlocking, but otherwise it might be an incorrect installation/bad download. How did you download the mod?
  8. Those are fine to ignore, it's just parts not loading if you don't have universal storage installed.
  9. A niche part interaction with an even more niche patch, so no lol. I'll take a look, don't need a new issue. And fixed in the dev branch now.
  10. Oh that works great, thanks! Stops the offset, and gets rid of the title bar too in windowed mode. It did mean I couldn't move the window manually, but clicking onto the game window from another app makes it move to 0,0 anyway. Now it's basically borderless windowed, but with a gap at the bottom, exactly what I want!
  11. I thought it was just an issue on my PC with multiple monitors, but after switching to my laptop I've noticed that after selecting a new preset, there'll always be a gap on the left side of the screen still. It's the same thing I reported earlier, but even when using the new save window position feature it still happens. Eg: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/966275238851653732/1060469768576053248/KSP_x64_EhAbMPZ3T6.mp4
  12. Just adding some resources to a subtype? It's probably due to B9PS not being the same as normal part resource definitions. Try this for the enhanced subtype : B9PS has very good documentation here: https://github.com/blowfishpro/B9PartSwitch/wiki/ModuleB9PartSwitch And it seems like a sensible thing to add, I can add it to the dev branch if you're happy with it? I believe it's a custom WIP texture/cfg by @ballisticfox0, and it's unreleased.
  13. With AstronomersVisualPack as well as BDB and other part mods, 16GB may just not be enough. Maybe try a lower res texture pack for AVP? The error in your log is basically always caused by running out of memory.
  14. I don't really see anything pointing to BDB, how much RAM do you have? It might just be running out of memory.
  15. Well then, something might be messing with the stock upgrade system? I'll need the ksp.log to look further into it and add a workaround.
  16. Might be an installation/download error? Does this file exist in your gamedata? Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts/upgrades.cfg And: Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts/Shared?
  17. Ah I see you worked out a solution just as I replied to the previous post lol. The subcategory cfg from the 000_filter extensions folder doesn’t matter as BDB ships it’s own, in the compatibility folder. But yeah the fixed cfg file I linked from the dev branch has options for both the real and kerbalised names, automatically switching depending on if you have the realnames patch or not. So it will be fixed in the next release.
  18. Ah yes if you’re using CKAN you won’t have those extra folders. And it sounds like you mean the FilterExtensions version, and it’s currently partly working since you have probes/SRBs categories? That was a bug with not having the real names patch installed, which is fixed in the dev version for next release. Installing the RealNames patch will fix it, or you can use the Community Category Kit optional patch on CKAN instead, which adds the filters to the main blue part categories, or you can download the fixed cfg from github and replace the one in your GameData/Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/FilterExtensions/
  19. The best way to use the extras patches is just create a new folder in your GameData called precisely "Bluedog_DB_Extras", and then in the BDB download > BD_Extras (No Warranty) > GameData > Bluedog_DB_Extras folder, copy over the patches you want to use into the folder you made in your main GameData, like BDB_CCK: I've just submitted CKAN data for some of the optional patches too, so if you use CKAN it'll be easy to install the RealNames/CCK/Methalox patches
  20. The CCK ones live in the GameData /Bluedog_DB_Extras/ folder, so if you’ve reinstalled or something, you might need to re-add the BDB_CCK folder
  21. To start with, you can make you log file a lot smaller and probably speed up load times with an update of ACK - download the zip from the green "Code" button here https://github.com/benjee10/Benjee10_Orion. Should fix the "Bones do not match bindpose." spam. When did you last do a clean install of BDB? It might be worth deleting the mod and installing it fresh. If you do that (and update ACK) and it still persists, feel free to post a new log
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